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we have a german shepard that goes off when he hears anybody out the front and when i say goes off its not like a warning bark he goes into attack mode . so if he goes nuts i usually grab him by the coller and go out the front if i spotted anyone in the driveway at the cars i would let him go and let the clowns take there chances with him first :-)

group buy on samurai swords! i might be able to hook us up

I've already got a set of display swords, but then I have the real deal. But by the time I get them from their secure spot and brandish them, the thieves will be long gone. Can't have them out around the house with a 9yo boy in the house, so they stay out of reach.

how bizzare too we have 2 Reuben's on the boards

I've never met anyone with the same name. Its weird hearing my name even tho I'm not the one being spoken to/about. :ninja:

Edited by RubyRS4
Yeah, had the mother of the stupid kid wanting the cops to charge me for using such "violence on the street". Until the cops said "Lady, it was your son with the weapon. He took his chances in front of a karate school and lost" Dumbass! :laughing-smiley-014:

Its not just protecting my property. Where most people will cower away and 'mind their own business', I won't stand for this shit or destruction of property, abuse or stealing if I'm around. I guess I have more confidence doing what I do. Anyone getting assaulted for no reason, I'll step in and set it straight. Some punk breaking into a car not mine, I'll sort him out too. :ninja:

i have the same issues/morals as you mate....keep the good work up

LOL.. i know you're probably taking the piss but..

unfortunately unless you're a police officer or a security guard you'll have to keep your heat at home... mine's in a locked box with bullets away from the kids. But if anyone threatened my home/family.. they'll have two big fking holes in the head.

i have the same issues/morals as you mate....keep the good work up

I've worked long and hard for years, saving my money and financing my projects/toys, and even went thru a divorce and fought hard to keep my toys! Be damned if I'm gunna let some young punk touch my toys, who can't be arsed to put down the Xbox to get a job but will gladly try to steal from me. If I didn't let my (ex) wife near my toys, what makes you think you'll live within 10 feet of it? :thumbsup:

I see people all the time trying to get something for nothing in life. You want it, work for it. My brother is the same. He pisses me off that he don't do nothing for himself, and he calls me the "yuppie" or "rich brother". I've told him if I catch him stealing I'll treat him the same as I would everyone else. Don't piss of the hard workers!


LOL.. i know you're probably taking the piss but..

unfortunately unless you're a police officer or a security guard you'll have to keep your heat at home... mine's in a locked box with bullets away from the kids. But if anyone threatened my home/family.. they'll have two big fking holes in the head.

f**k am I glad I dont live in Adelaide anymore.. too much vigilante macho bullshit. Oh and a complete disrespect for personal property.

Much safer in Tokyo...where there are virtually NO guns or violence and i can leave my car running and unlocked outside my apartment with the front door wide open and go for an hour walk and nothing will have been touched.

Oh and some of the best martial arts trainers in the world are here. I havent had to use it once.

Edited by m3gtr
Much safer in Tokyo...where there are virtually NO guns and i can leave my car running and unlocked outside my apartment with the front door wide open and go for an hour walk and nothing will have been touched.


I remember when I lived in Takanabe in 1997 and there were alcohol vending machines on the sidewalk. Alot of honesty in Japan then. Would love to visit Japan again, haven't done so in over 6 years.

Hospitality there (especially on Kyushu) is overwhelming. Everyone is so honest and friendly.

Westerners suck! :thumbsup:

It's not for defence, it's just to go hunting.. and seeing as we don't do much of it these days, i was thinking of getting rid of it. But.... as you say, bogans, druggies, people who disrespect your shit, etc really f**k this nice place up.

Totally agree... most cities in asia have a relatively low crime rate. Even some of the dodgy poor areas you'd feel safer walking through than say 'lizbeth (no offence to our 'lizbeth residents).

I see people all the time trying to get something for nothing in life. You want it, work for it.........

what about ppl with disabilities????

Ive always earnt my own crust, never taken 1$ from the Govt, BUT, with my situation atm I wont be able to continue being "macho" and soldiering on. sooner or later Im going to have to stop and ask for help.

Elizabeth is the butt hole of Adelaide.

I grew up there in my teens and it hasn't changed. Glad I got out of those suburbs and did something with my life. I drive thru there to visit family and friends in Munno Para, and you can see the ferals eyeing off your car/bike and working out how they could steal it. :thumbsup:

Then again, Hackam isn't any better! :(

what about ppl with disabilities????

Ive always earnt my own crust, never taken 1$ from the Govt, BUT, with my situation atm I wont be able to continue being "macho" and soldiering on. sooner or later Im going to have to stop and ask for help.

I don't think he's referring to people who cannot physically work... it's those who voluntarily decide they don't want to work and would rather bludge/steal off others.

I don't think he's referring to people who cannot physically work... it's those who voluntarily decide they don't want to work and would rather bludge/steal off others.



bad day. struggling


and hackham aint that bad :thumbsup: thats where Im from !!!!

grew up there, live in M/Vale now.

as far as Im concerned its still an affordable suburb for the young families, always will have the ones who bring down the stigma/image of the suburb, but many many many nice familes around us. live opposite the walking trail (old train line), fantastic place to live.

will hate to sell up and move, but we'll have to very soon as I simply cant go on with this daily-grind BS Im putting up with. pretty devo about that.

also, never had 1 person try to break into my house or vehicles in the 30yrs Ive lived down south. hooray!

Well, youll be glad to know there are still plenty of vending machines that you can grab booze from even as late as 12pm. I grab the odd tallboy from one only 1 minute from my apartment.

I have never understood what compels people to steal from others. I mean, if you were starving then its a no brainer but to do it out of spite for someone else? Thats deplorable. Even worse..to do it for kicks? Where do these parasites get off?

If anyone tried to break into my M3, id be livid, but thats what security systems and insurance are for... and chances are i could have prevented it from happening...

So sorry to hear about this Reuben, f**king sucks this day and age you cant leave anything alone, even if it's bolted down.

why not save the hassle and lets carry guns everyone....

Why? So when they break into your house THEY can have a gun trained on you or one of your loved ones? If we're allowed to carry guns, that means they are too. Im sure that was sarcasm, but in reality that'd be just stupid.

what about ppl with disabilities????

Ive always earnt my own crust, never taken 1$ from the Govt, BUT, with my situation atm I wont be able to continue being "macho" and soldiering on. sooner or later Im going to have to stop and ask for help.

Completley different kettle of fish Tangles. There are those who are dealt cards and do what they can with them, and make the best out of it.

Then there are those who do sweet f**k all by choice, and want to bludge off others, live off "the Kevin Rudd scholarship program" (centrelink) which our taxes fund, and when that doesnt work, they rip people off instead.

I pity the poor bastard who tries to get into my house or shed.... kinda hard to walk with an iron bar shoved up your ass and a baseball bat down the centre of your head.

I don't think he's referring to people who cannot physically work... it's those who voluntarily decide they don't want to work and would rather bludge/steal off others.

Thats right. I'm referring to the lazy ass bastards by choice.

My (ex) wife is/was legally deaf, yet she still got a Bachelor of Arts at Uni with a major in International (German) Studies and learned two more languages while she was at it. Then went on to gain her Masters in Business (me also). If you put your mind to it and work for it, anything is achievable.

Unfortunately, the great Govt of ours felt her deafness did not entitle her to her DSP when she turned 21. She musta been due for her hearing to return at 21 LOL. So she was forced into the workforce and is now a Project Officer for Ratheon. Basically, she helps build weapons of mass destruction :thumbsup:

Both my ex and I live comfortably on modest salaries, simply because we learnt to work our butts off. I have a house, cars, bikes and lots of big boys toys, and I own them all and have no debts. I worked soooooo hard for what I have now. So if people wanna steal from me, there'll be hell to pay.

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