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  m3gtr said:
f**k am I glad I dont live in Adelaide anymore.. too much vigilante macho bullshit. Oh and a complete disrespect for personal property.

Much safer in Tokyo...where there are virtually NO guns or violence and i can leave my car running and unlocked outside my apartment with the front door wide open and go for an hour walk and nothing will have been touched.

Oh and some of the best martial arts trainers in the world are here. I havent had to use it once.

yeah I agree.....I worked nights in pubs & clubs throughout the late 80's & early 90's and never worried about the braggers & loud ones but we would never turn our backs on the quiet ones 1/2 of them were packing a blade or something.

  Tangles said:
what about ppl with disabilities????

Ive always earnt my own crust, never taken 1$ from the Govt, BUT, with my situation atm I wont be able to continue being "macho" and soldiering on. sooner or later Im going to have to stop and ask for help.

  Howie said:
I don't think he's referring to people who cannot physically work... it's those who voluntarily decide they don't want to work and would rather bludge/steal off others.

CORRECT, don't sweat it too much Tangles, from what I recall from previous threads you are in the minority with a family to support and lucky to still be able to walk.

Unfortunately I have to deal with crooks on a daily basis that are plain lazy bottom feeders that have become leeches and don't know how to support themselves, so they take from others either illegally or legally through govt hand outs.

I don't mind paying taxes to support peeps like yourself that need help, we're just after the other ones.

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yeah sorry I read it the wrong way

wasnt having a go or anything (dont read too much into 3x? question marks lol) just sussing out what others thought of those who are being supported on the DSP scheme. ie those who arnt working but being supported by the Govt thru no fault of their own. sorry.

dont want to, but I think its about now I have to start looking & asking for help. having a hard time of it at the moment, cant say Im a smiling chappy thesedays. in fact if I laugh its a telltale sign that Im smashed on 'Dones.

my only will to live is to look after my younglings, but even now Im starting to rue the fact that I even have kids as it means I cant take the easy option out. sad but true. seeing a pysch to try to get my head back on the right track; treating depression under surgeon+gp instruction, buts thats only a bi-effect from the real situation in my opinion. ie you can pop 5 turbos and keep replacing them, but the smart thing would be to find out why the turbo's keep blowing, and fix the real cause. but no that sounds too smart.

I dont see how depression will "go away" when the pain wont, and quite possibly never will. I mean, when I was told that the only option in the next 10yrs ahead of me (after 10 previous surgeries) is to take out the kneecaps prior to doing the TKR's in a decades time was that possibly the tendons might stretch and dislocate like before. was told the chances were minimal though, as in it wont be a problem wink wink nudge nudge, just sign here and we'll book you in. I did all research I could possibly do, and met with quite a few patellectomy patients.

well, 18months on from right knee out and 6 on from left, all I can say is what a crock of shite. Ive learnt not to trust anyone in the health profession, unfortunately. 'cause they are all full of shite. liars, cheats, just after your medical health insurance money, and dont give a stuff how you turn out, and dont give a fuc* about trying to make you more comfortable.

.............. and here I am writing (again) to Dear Diary. jeez I fail.

Sorry to hear about your predicament Tangles :ermm: Yes i've been promised everything by the health profession, and so far nothing has delivered.... so I understand your pain mate. Not being able to get up to goto work, having to deal with specialists, operations, the mental toll it takes, looking after your family at the same time (the only reason I keep doing what I'm doing), going overseas to find treatment, financial burdens.. yeah life can throw some mean shit at you sometimes, and you wanna throw it all in, but then you think about all the people who depend on you. Hope you recover well mate.

Sounds like you're head strong Tangles. Keep at it mate. Kick up a stink if you have to ... but get what you deserve.

Thats basically what its all about: "Get what you deserve"

Try to steal from me, you'll get kneecapped.

On DSP and can't get back on track, then you should get all the assistance and benefits to support you. S = "support" after all.

I know in this great world of ours it doesn't work that way anyway. I'll shut up now ... my mother is Regional Manager for Centrelink :ermm:

hey mate my cousin in the states has a 33 track only car. had somebody do the same thing bout 2am in the morning. and he loves being american cos u get guns along with ur green card apparently lol. anyways bout 5 -6 peeps in the back yard scopin it out so whats he do grabs his 30-30 and aims straight for the middle of them. unfortunately he missed them. sad thing the 33 now has a bullet in its left ribcage.

  chubs said:
hey mate my cousin in the states has a 33 track only car. had somebody do the same thing bout 2am in the morning. and he loves being american cos u get guns along with ur green card apparently lol. anyways bout 5 -6 peeps in the back yard scopin it out so whats he do grabs his 30-30 and aims straight for the middle of them. unfortunately he missed them. sad thing the 33 now has a bullet in its left ribcage.

Jezzus, I've fired a 30-30 a few times and they're big and loud as hell ... nice flames from them tho.

Personally, a much smaller 22 in the legs will always do the trick ... they can't run then. :laughing-smiley-014:

I'll be contacting you guys first if my GTR with GPS tracking ever gets nicked. Will be fun to rock up to the thieves house to get it back... :cheers:

  RubyRS4 said:
Jezzus, I've fired a 30-30 a few times and they're big and loud as hell ... nice flames from them tho.

Personally, a much smaller 22 in the legs will always do the trick ... they can't run then. :laughing-smiley-014:

is it anything like this

  RubyRS4 said:
Jezzus, I've fired a 30-30 a few times and they're big and loud as hell ... nice flames from them tho.

Personally, a much smaller 22 in the legs will always do the trick ... they can't run then. :laughing-smiley-014:

  Madaz said:
is it anything like this

Yep. Got one hell of a kick. Fortunately, I watched my mate fire it a few times and he forewarned me on how to hold the gun and all. The kick still took me by surprise. You know its coming and you know it'll be big and loud ... but when you pull the trigger ... WOW :)

I didn't look as ungraceful as that knob! ;)

Food stamps have'nt helped america and in fact takes away a mans dignity to manage his own finances, crime is high in the states so little or no social security isn't the answer either

  andz said:
why get a job if u can get paid doing nothing

food stamps ftw

bg centrelink

Society has gone soft and we 'rely' on the system.

Hell, Centrelink (aka Social Security) was only designed as a temporary assistance program decades ago. But it stuck and stayed, and now we have people bumming off it.

Yes, the USA is a good example of the system not helping. Take it away. Make people rely upon themselves and not hand outs. Do something with your life, rather than waiting for the Govt to do something for you.

With the exception of people like Tangles of course :)

  RubyRS4 said:
With the exception of people like Tangles of course :ermm:

well, no not exactly (in terms of MYself, however I acknowledge that say over 50% of ppl with chronic conditions like my own would be on the system, for sure)

as said b4, Ive never taken 1 red cent off the Govt.

always paid my own way, and hope thats the case in the future

just at some stage I may require some "breathing space" to get ontop of health issues, and when/if that day comes then yeah I'll go onto the system for however long necessary.

had to see a pyschiatrist today :)

he's trying to assure me its not a sign of weakness, but I know he's lying :O

Brendan ill give you the tip right now he was'nt lying it takes a strong man to make a call for help like that the easy option as you so put it once before is the cowards way out

hang in there buddy it almost makes me cry for your plight when i read some of the things your going through, just remember you have a network of over 100 friends in SAU


Its not weakness at all dude. You're alot stronger than the piss-asses rorting everything for what its worth.

But sometimes just go with the flow, don't let pride get in the way.

All this help and support is there for people like you.

On a similar note, I just got back from my QEH Ortho appointment today for my broken shoulder. The doctors love people like me :ermm: I heal fast. I was meant to start my physio programme, but did a whole series of tests for movement and strength and passed it with flying colours. So I don't need physio.

I've got the doctors permission to ride again ... and they also reckon I could go back to racing in 4 weeks! :)

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