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Hey All,

We are pleased to annouce that the 2008 SAU Vic Committee is:

President - Ash Cosgriff (R31Nismoid) - president@sauvic.com.au

Vice President - Bec Pretty (Bec) - vicepres@sauvic.com.au

Treasurer - Ross Brown (PurpleR32) - treasurer@sauvic.com.au

Secretary - Karyn De Lacey (Kaz180) - secretary@sauvic.com.au

Newsletter - Peter Blythe (Bass Junky) - newsletter@sauvic.com.au

Webmaster - Andrew Dean (Ferni) - webmaster@sauvic.com.au

Merchandise - Bec Pretty (Bec) - merchandise@sauvic.com.au

Motorsport Director - Chris Thomson (Scotsman) - motorsport@sauvic.com.au

Motorsport Sub-Committee:

* Andrew Richmond (Snowman)

* Andrew Dean (Ferni)

* Ryan Bell (Belsil80)

* Bec Pretty (Bec)

Events Co-ordinator - Wayne Beaumont (RCHOO) - events@sauvic.com.au

Events Sub-Committee:

*Allen Paul Ravell (LEANBAC)

We are also still in discussions re getting some more people onto the Events Sub-Committee, but it may still be a few weeks until people are back from overseas, etc before any more decisions are made.

Id like to say a huge thanks to the outgoing 2007 Committee members for their hard work and a welcome to our new team for this year.

Here's to a successful, entertaining, eventful and fun 2008!!!



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Congratulations to all those who have taken on the responsibility or their new Roles on the SAU Vic committee.

I wish you all the best of luck in your next 12 months of running one of the Best car clubs in Victoria.

There are some awesome ideas floating around from members about various things, which will be great to see their input through the committee to keep sau vic strong.

Best of Luck guys you have an awesome Team to Kick off the year.

Its great to be on this years committee. :D

I have big shoes too fill after Mav....... :(

thanks people, for taking me on board, an i am looking forward to working with the committee :D

RCHOO = BOSS if anything goes wrong ill just blame you :( congrats on the new position wayne

haha bec.. the pleasure pit..all female dealers are in lingerie..and two podiums on each side with ladies dancing away in more lingerie.

nothing dodgy about it at all..

cept the $25 a hand tables..

haha sounds exactly the same as the pussy cat dolls section...

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