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Hey guys I'm about to change my fuel filter is there anything I need to know first or is it just pull out the old one and in with the new?

Should I be worried about the possibility of making a air pocket in the fuel line? or will it sort it "self out" so to speak?

Thanks guys

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too late to tell you to pull the fuel pump fuse first, then start the car and wait until it dies from lack of fuel. then change it over as the fuel lines will be empty.

and when you restart it let the pump prime for a few seconds longer than normal, so maybe leave it 15 sec from turning on ignition to starting it

If the hose is really hard to get off, lever a tiny bit up with a screwdriver and spray some wd40 in there and leave it for a couple of minutes. That should lubricate it enough to slide the hose off easier.

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