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Happy Birthday Marc


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getting old aren't we ;)

(pay back is a bitch on the old jokes you gave me.. :P )

that makes you 26 I believe.

Last time I checked, you're still exactly the same amount older than me as you were last time I gave you shit about being old :)
+2 = 28

Closing in on 30, oh no

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happy birthday to yooouuuuuuu, happy birthday toooo yoooouuuuuuu

happy birthday dear "that marc xxxxxxx guy",

happy birthday toooooo yooouuuuu

(surname ommitted to protect you from all your enemies)

So much love in the room ;)



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Well, I'm NOT goin to wish you happy birthday..

Now that ur in ur late 20's, its time u stopped acting like a kid and grow up!

No more forum chating..

gone are the days of with messing with cars u cant really afford..

stop buying stuff u don't need to impress guys u dont know..

Finished are the late nights and skinned knuckles..

and most of all, stop skidding ur car!

U havn't learnt much yet have ya?

Naaaaaaaarrrgghhh who am I kidding? I got a few on u, and i still act like i'm 21 and bullet proof, 3intheback is another older generation again.. and still hasn't worked on him yet!

So mate, good luck doing EVERYTHING you love to do!

Love your work.. see u in May!

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