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The only time i've had police issues in my SKyline is when i've done something wrong. My car doesn't make too much noise and i totter around minding my own business. I haven't been 'hassled' in the 6 months i've owned the car.

Post some pics of the car and we'll tell you if it stands out like a mother. Is the exhaust loud? De-cat?

Also, just get used to it as a P'er. You're a target. Hard.

Edited by R338OY

tongiht, i to pick up my brother and his friend in his firneds mx6, anywya i drove along ang got breatholised, then 3 mintues later coming back same cop car pulls me over, and i get out again and bam they started going through hole routine, then i said, u only just did this to me, and showed them the mouth peice they let me keep, and that was that.. still couldnt believe the morons didnt remember it was on same stretch of road jsut oppose side

although once in my skyline, i went from strathpine to home, ( like 20 kms and got pulled over 3 time.. for random breath testing,....


im calling shaninigans, there is something more to this that your not telling us.

how much of an arse hole are you to them?

are you known to them for other things?

or maybe its just that the car is known, do you have personalised plates that the previous owner had?

or you could have someone reporting your car to police, the general public seems to think if it looks fast he must be speeding. i had a the same problem a year ago, the only way i solved it was selling the car and buying a different one. since then no drama's.

Edited by Greekos

Are you on ur P plates? Im on my greens and i get pulled over a air bit... best way to handle the situation is to be polite... if you need tips try watching Chris Rocks advice on How Not to Get Ur Arse Kicked By the Police.... Video is on youtube.

Also if your on ur ps get used to it... seriously we drive a "hoons" car that r more often then not turbos... seriously just get over it or sell..

  -FIGJAM- said:
Also if your on ur ps get used to it... seriously we drive a "hoons" car that r more often then not turbos... seriously just get over it or sell..

there was talk of making the elderly put S plates on their cars, but that would constitute discrimination apparently. and yet it is considered socially acceptable to force young drivers to identify themselves to all and sundry, not unlike jews in nazi germany. furthermore, is it socially acceptable for police to target and harass this demographic, when their only crime is being aged 17-20ish?

im pretty sure if police harassed women, people of middle eastern appearance, harley davidson riders, or scientologists, there would be uproar.

3 weeks left on p's. good riddance i say.

I agree with GT-ahhh,

but every time i get a bad cop, Red Heads luck eh.

I never knew it was illegal to drive with a cannon, thats why they have a sound limit and mines lower then that.

Im putting this down to being a Ginger Kid....any one have a shaver and black texta?

  • 2 weeks later...

Cops are dogz. The day I picked my R33 i got pulled over to see if it was modded and i knew this will happen quite freqently.

things they pull you over for:

-personalised plates

-intercooler (covering with grill attracts them more)

-pod filter noise

-lookin at em when they around

-taking off fast at a traffic light

  Jet_33 said:
Cops are dogz. The day I picked my R33 i got pulled over to see if it was modded and i knew this will happen quite freqently.

things they pull you over for:

-personalised plates

-intercooler (covering with grill attracts them more)

-pod filter noise

-lookin at em when they around

-taking off fast at a traffic light

WOW, apart from the pod filter all of these apply to me, have owned my car for 12 months seen many cops and have never been pulled over, my mate that owned it before me had it for 2 years with a pod on it and only got pulled over once.

it's all down to the driver and whether you have P plates. My R31 never got a second glance from cops even though it was loud, slightly lowered, rims, front mount etc. Sold it to a P plater and within a few days had undercover cops following him around. He was either doing something stupid or they noticed the P plates and took an interest.

dun let em search your car tellem "U cant doa thing without a warrant" and that cops are currupted since they might slip drugs in your car then pick it up and make it out that it belongs to you

  Jet_33 said:
dun let em search your car tellem "U cant doa thing without a warrant" and that cops are currupted since they might slip drugs in your car then pick it up and make it out that it belongs to you

they dont need a warrant they just need probable cause, which is as simple as saying you were reaching under the seat when we pulled you over or i think i smell some dope or alchahol.

dont listen to wanna be lawyers like this guy, they will only get you into more trouble.

Are cops allowed to pull you over and look at your engine? Since I got my car, I'm a bit concerned they'll do this and give me crap for having a pod filter. It'd be nice to be able to tell them to get stuffed, but not in those words of course :(

  jimnastic said:
Are cops allowed to pull you over and look at your engine? Since I got my car, I'm a bit concerned they'll do this and give me crap for having a pod filter. It'd be nice to be able to tell them to get stuffed, but not in those words of course :(

Yeah mate they can. get used to it ay' happens all the time.

P platers are targeted 100%. I've been told by friends that cops pull them over based on being P-platers. It's discriminating against all young people yes, but what the hell can anyone do about it. And to address gt-ahhh!'s comment, there's a big difference between p'plates on cars and Jews wearing the Star of David. If targeting young drivers reduces deaths then it's a far cry from the Holocaust :blush:

No one likes being taken advantage of for one's tastes. But police are authorised, and will take advantage of, their right to discriminate whether a driver needs a kick up the arse. We hear of all the unwarranted bullsh!t stories on the forum, and i'm sorry for some of the dudes here getting grey hair over cops that assume their guilt based on social stereotyping. But they're paid to treat law breakers like dogs and that's to make life better for the majority (Holden, Ford and Toyota drivers). That's the reality of a democracy. Love it or move to Russia.


  Jet_33 said:
Cops are dogz. The day I picked my R33 i got pulled over to see if it was modded and i knew this will happen quite freqently.

things they pull you over for:

-personalised plates (as the RTA issue them they aren't illegal. Dumb ones will attract bad attention)

-intercooler (covering with grill attracts them more) (i've also heard a FMIC needs a grill otherwise it's a defect, state laws may vary)

-pod filter noise (box it up and you're sweet)

-lookin at em when they around (how the hell is that a reason? Looking suspiciously at them, perhaps. But you can't get pulled over for looking at police. You're just paranoid.)

-taking off fast at a traffic light (yes racing off the lights will get you. Taking off briskly won't)


  W0rp3D said:
they dont need a warrant they just need probable cause, which is as simple as saying you were reaching under the seat when we pulled you over or i think i smell some dope or alchahol.

dont listen to wanna be lawyers like this guy, they will only get you into more trouble.

Best Advice ever here, dont listen to people that talk from their arses.

Police can 'look' under the engine bay for what they 'thought they heard' in the beliefe that the car has illegally fitted or non-ADR compliant modifications.

Police can also look in the car, boot, etc with what is called probably cause, where they 'believe' they saw/smelt/believe you might have hidden something which could be dangerous, or illegal. Telling the cop they cant search without a warrant will also be deemed probably cause, as they will think your hiding something. It will also get you the reply "you watch to many movies".

  jimnastic said:
Are cops allowed to pull you over and look at your engine? Since I got my car, I'm a bit concerned they'll do this and give me crap for having a pod filter. It'd be nice to be able to tell them to get stuffed, but not in those words of course :whistling:

Again, Police can and will look through the engine bay if they so wish, in looking for something like illegal mods. They might have heard someone's Atmospheric BOV, saw you come around the corner, and therefore they believe the noise to have come from your car, this is enough for them to stop you, have you shut down the car, and check under the hood. Also, at this point they can deem that the car 'looks modified' and check inside the car for mods as well, such as gear lever mods (to check the new lever either has a H-patter, or there is a sticker advertising the H-pattern within 10cm of the lever), check for modified'racing' pedals (and to see that there is rubber on the pedals), there is a massive list of stuff they can go through and check.

There isn't a lick you can do about it, just smile, be polite, and try to make the most of the situation.

I work closely with a lot of police,I am a very active SES member in my local area, and therefore my cars are known to Police in the area. Because of this, I get nothing more than a look from my local LAC members unless there is reason for anything more.

Something to understand is that Police will pull over a car for 2 reasons, either a genuine 'random', of the car is known to have, or looks suspiciously like it will, do something illegal.

Also, something to understand is that when your pulled over, the moment you stop your car, your being tested for their 'attitude test', if you pass this, there is a good chance you will get nothing more than a few words, if you fail, you will get anything and everything that is coming to you, it's that simple.


p plates have nothing to do with young drivers and disciminating against them - it's so everyone (police and public) know that those drivers are inexperienced.

i'm not saying they're bad drivers - but they do have less than four years exp, compared to ten or twenty or whatever.

if you were to wait til you were 40 to get your licence you would still have to wear p plates...

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