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Its a complete loss of licence.. for at least 3 months..

In NSW anyways..

Wouldn't the price of NA skylines go up?

While you do lose youe licence, Driving contrary to your licence conditions is not a three month suspension. It carries 7 demerit points so you actually have your licence suspended for losing all your points.

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not at all..

its a law for a reason... to stop people killing themselves...

you mate knew the law and he broke it...

my only problem is that it doesn't go far enough... there needs to be some form of ban on driving conformodores on p's


Are you serious?.. Im not sticking up for commo's.. dont get me wrong..

But many P platers get a car that is passed down to them within the family.. Because commos are so pletiful.. chanses are.. its going to be one.

By banning commos.. you put alot of P platers in a bad situation by restricting them of the only car they are able to drive/have access to.. I live on campus at Bathurst university and there half the car in the carparks are commos..

The government has placed enough restrictions upon us for them to ban anything any further.. Half of the turbo/8's/supercharged restrictions are absolute bullsh*t anyways.. Its not enough that the government freely bends us over and aims for penetration?.. You want it deeper?!

I have driven a couple of turbo cars one or two with over 200 RWKW.. and the law is not "to stop people killing themselves..." It was a poor effort by the Howard Government to show how top shelf he is and is saving lives.. of course it went down at first before P platers found the marvel of a rotary, light weight Hondas/GTi's etc. or continued to do dumbsh*t in the ye ol faithfull rolla' and death rates went up even higher than before.. it was a band aid solution.

If you want to be calm and drive properly behinde the wheel of a 200kw car.. you can. And thats the end of story.

You cannot simply ban "commodores".. The ban will be a blanket ban.. something that will save time.. All V's and 6' Cyls..

And then whats left? Ye ol faithfull, rolla'.. of course.. death rates will not change.. If yo want to drive a powerfull car.. then do it.. just prove to the govenment you can drive safely.. its a couple of Stig wannabes who f***ed it up for all of us..

Appologies for the anger.. but it reall gets my blood boiling

you gotta try... a commodore is too powerful for someone with ZERO DRIVING EXPERIANCE!

p platers all seem to think they are good drivers.... but ask the families of the teenagers killed on the westgate in a commodore.

IMHO p platers should be restricted to excels etc

weird how all states differ... here in WA theres no restriction on P platers at all in regards to turbos and V8s... yet we are in the same country!

I drove a V8 for most of my Ps and i even did my L's in a V8 (not a commodore.. it was a 351 clevland)... and now i drive a turbo r33... No accidents and only 1 speeding fine in my 4 years of driving now... i personally think the size of the engine or whether its turbo charge or not doesnt make a difference... you can still go fast in a excel if you wanted to... anything over 100kmh and you crash most likely you going to die anyway.

It all comes down to the driver and the choices he or she makes. Education is the answer here... not more speeding cameras, not restrictions on the power output on cars...

However i always thought passenger restriction could help... more peer pressure if u got 4 of ur mates in ur car pushing you to go faster...if it was resticted to one passenger it wouild make a difference... this would also mean more cars on the road, but their are disadvantages to everything...

But when it comes to it... any restrictions they put on P platers wont affect me since ive been off my ps for around 2 years now ^^.... but i still hope they start to put more thinking into solutions and not just a quick bandaid fix... ESPECIALLY dam speed cameras! I mean if they want to have them, fine.. but dont hide them.. they should do soemthing like put a sign advertsing in the next 5kms there well be a speed camera and then for that next 6/7kms poeple well slow down and do the limit....

Hiding them doesnt do anything... just 3 months later u get the fine and are like "wtf? when was that? "

just my 2cents... or maybe by the size of my post better make it 4cents.

i personally think the size of the engine or whether its turbo charge or not doesnt make a difference... you can still go fast in a excel if you wanted to... anything over 100kmh and you crash most likely you going to die anyway.

yeah but its no fun...

seriously who's gonna race in an excell... there's just no point...

i'd say the accidents would start becoming small bingle's caused by the 'ol maccas tray drift manouvre :P

seriously who's gonna race in an excell... there's just no point...

If everyone else is in an Excel, then it boils down to driver skill to see who wins. There's your motivation for a race right there.

People will race anything and everything. The question is how fast they're going when they f**k up.

In summary:

Licensing and road governance is done at a state, rather than federal, level. In Australia, novice drivers have Learner and Provisional licenses, which have special restrictions. These drivers have to display special plates denoting their license.

Several states have enacted legislation restricting what cars a P plater may drive. This includes engines with 8 or more cylinders, forced induction, and engine performance modifications (with some exceptions).

The question that started the thread is how likely a P plater is to be caught driving a vehicle they're not legally allowed to drive and what will happen to them. Tangentally, people are debating how effective these restrictions are.

In summary:

Licensing and road governance is done at a state, rather than federal, level. In Australia, novice drivers have Learner and Provisional licenses, which have special restrictions. These drivers have to display special plates denoting their license.

Several states have enacted legislation restricting what cars a P plater may drive. This includes engines with 8 or more cylinders, forced induction, and engine performance modifications (with some exceptions).

The question that started the thread is how likely a P plater is to be caught driving a vehicle they're not legally allowed to drive and what will happen to them. Tangentally, people are debating how effective these restrictions are.

Oh ok ok, that would be a blesing here but since its a 3rd world country and you can buy any cop with 10 bucks it would worth shit.

not at all..

its a law for a reason... to stop people killing themselves...

you mate knew the law and he broke it...

my only problem is that it doesn't go far enough... there needs to be some form of ban on driving conformodores on p's

The things is accidents havnt gone down since the laws came in, if anyting they have gone up. Its just a hand ful of idiots who have ruind it for the rest of us

seriously who's gonna race in an excel... there's just no point...

I would of thought the same... but ive had a lot of excels up my ass and flying past me trying to get me to race. Annoying as hell! I also get those magnas with exhaust + rims doing the same thing.

My point is, if they get restricted to these cars, they will race them, no doubt about it, it may not be as fun but that wont stop them....

Another view point to look at it would be...

Which car would be better designed for high speed? A skyline going 150kmh or a excel going 150kmh?

But i guess its kind of irrevlant, since your not meant to go that speed anyway...

"I also get those magnas with exhaust + rims "

I used to have a Magna with an exhaust :down: They are actually decent cars and not as slow as you might think. Manual, 3L V6 and had a decent sound to it unlike the bog standard Toyota/Commo V6's

I mean sure it was no Skyline but it was an ok car.....until my mate wrote it off.

  • 4 months later...
Not that I'm agreeing or disagreeing with the law, but boost can be killer, from what I've been told anyway. At least with a dirty great thumping V8 you know what your car will do.

yeah i agree, boost can be a killer, (if you can't drive, got bald tyres, driving on a cambred road, over an oil spill, next to a 100m gorge and decide to gun it in the wet) what a stupid thing to say, i cant speak for every car, but my r33 gtst (got my license before the gay laws) comes on boost at the same time, every time, all the time, not only do i know when it will come, but i can hear it, i can feel it, and i can see it while looking at the dash........ im 22, green p's (should be off them but got done by a copper last year for being an idiot which i deserved) learnt my lesson, havent had any probs. havent had any accidents, driven many different vehicles, manual, autos, HPI's, turbo diesel vans, shit korean cars, 4.5 tonne trucks.....

only had the one speeding fine, one parking fine, one transit lane fine..... NO ACCIDENTS

i do over 700km/week now, on reds and first year of greens i drove everyday to the city in peak hour and home (70km round trip), gf lives other end of sydney ( 75km round trip) work part time as a courier driver for a pathology company (200km/week), so plenty of chance to have an accident....

still no accident...... the answer..... my dad insisted i did skid pans and learnt how to control an out of control car before i went for my learners.....

the end result is im hear today....

story time:

pennant hills road, 2nd month of driving on red p's...... a truck carrying steel rods jack knifes right infront of me, instantly i pull the hand brake and slide the (kia rio) sideways to get out of the way, yes i hit the gutter and i broke a hub cap, the "so called experienced 50ish year old driver just slamed his brakes and got partially decapitated by the trailer" this death could have been avoided if he had proper training.... i avoided it because of propper training.... if it wasnt for skid pans i would have been dead in 2005.

yes i consider myself still inexperienced but i know if something happens i have a fighting chance of making it home for dinner, i have lived it and seen what can happen to anyone, once those brakes lock up your f**ked, but no body is teaching young or any drivers how to stop properly, how to throw the balance of the car out to get out of trouble....... the govenment should do more than introduce high performance laws to young drivers...

I still blame the government for not training drivers properly, most people know somebody who has died in a car crash, sometimes it wasnt the drivers fault, but really the power a car has isnt going to make you have an accident,,,, hell my old kia could get up to 180 on the track before the speed limiter kicked in, any car can reach a dangerous speed so by the govenrments logic "NO BODY" should be driving a car at all....... ive always been told by a copper that the car is just an extension of the drivers body, if he drives well, the car drives well, if he cant controll himself, the car cant be under controll either...

another thing is our shit roads with potholes here there and everywhere.... but i'll leave that argument for another day

ive had enough venting for one day, back to uni studies lol

Another view point to look at it would be...

Which car would be better designed for high speed? A skyline going 150kmh or a excel going 150kmh?

But i guess its kind of irrevlant, since your not meant to go that speed anyway...

but there will always be people going these speeds on the road...... i feel allot safer driving at the speed limmit in my skyline than in my rio......

In actual fact the car is a high contributor to accidents although not the biggest though.

Just because a P-Plater is driving an excel or a charade doesnt make him accident proof.

I mean thats just stupid to make a claim like that seriously.

If you have a turbo car on your Ps and are responsible and dont push it on the road youare going to be fine.

If you are a hero you can hit a pole in whatever car you want.. Sure it might be slower but your still gonna do some damage.

I rekon the government should pull there finger out of there a*ses and allow for some drivers education.

At the end of the day you control how far you put your foot down. if u want to be a hero and end up dieing in the process well thats your problem and the responsible people shouldnt be hit with consequenses.

All these major accidents that have happend in the last year or so, accident with the commo on the westgate the two commos that smashed into and killed the elderly couple, what where they doing? drag racing!!

Last time i checked when i get into my car it doesnt initiate a drag or a burnout by itself! I control it!

seriously who's gonna race in an excell... there's just no point...

ALOT, I lost count of the # of excels & Civc hatches that tires to drag me at the lights...

& I also see ALOT of excels driving around with big ass wings & super low body kits around the place (even saw this one that has blue neon)... ricing up an excel is like decorating bull sh*t with horse sh*t... disgusting ;) .

& after I used the Getz (driving school's car) to pass my driving test, I swore on the grave of some dead guy that I'll never drive such a POS car again.

Skyline > Camry > Commodre > taking public transport >>> Getz/Excel

i feel allot safer driving at the speed limmit in my skyline than in my rio......

Very true.

Skyline > Camry > Commodre > taking public transport >>> Getz/Excel

LOL.. nice hierarchy :(

Unfortunately, d1ckhead driving and 'racing' fatalities aren't limited to P Platers. I'm with whoever said proper driving instruction beyond learning to drive the car to get your L/P's is what's required. Then I guess you get the hero's on their P's and even beyond who reckon they've done advanced driver training and can now handle driving like a maniac on the road.

I don't disagree with limiting power on your P's but it's not a real solution.

Keep racing to the track =/

Depends on your area.. The amount of rich kids I see driving around my area on RED P's in mum or dads M3/M5, land rovers, etc other v8's, and those audi turbos.. Makes me look tame.

Edited by ignuz

I'm pretty sure that a Charade is a really bad car to be in if you get into an accident...

The blanket ban on all V8s and forced induction here in NSW is ridiculous - you can drive say an EL XR6 with 164kw but a 253 HQ with all of about 80kw is totally illegal!

That said though, I don't know of anyone who's brave enough to flout the ban, given the kneejerk reaction brought about by low quality tabloid style newspapers and tv shows and the redneck conservatives who swallow that crap, you're asking for real trouble.

I'm waiting until there's another fatal accident involving young men and cars around here, its ironic, last time there was a fatal crash from street racing, everybody was out giving their cars a hiding due to all of the local cops being at the accident scene!

On the other hand, the majority of accidents recently have been all old people!

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