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I want to organise a day (Sunday?) where we can all get together in a large carpark and swap skills or beer if you have no skills applicable to the day.

I will post in the events section if we have enough interest and willing skilled participants. Refer to page 2828 of whoretown if you want to get a better idea of what I am talking about.

Basically I want to find a large space (carpark with nice park?)where we can all park spread out, be able to do some mechanical

work, have a BBQ and a beer or two.

Everyone bring tools and skills. For it to work we need the mechanically able people to be willing to do some free work and swap skills. IF we are all there hopefully we can all learn something by watching and PARTICIPATING in the work.

I want to have a rough agenda with some definate work happening. I think people are more likely to turn up if there is something of interest to them happening.

Please post your interest in participating, if you need something done or if you have skills to offer. Most of you help each other out all of the time, this is just a large scale setting where everyone gets to watch and learn.

My friend Alex can do anything electrical (stereos, guages...), so I will try to recruit him.

I need my breaks done, so if someone can show me how to do them that is a start. I also have to lower my car again (adjustable Supension).

Ideas on location would be appreciated. Near a Marlows or Repco (open Sundays?) would be good. Do you think a token payment to anyone doing the work would be a neccessary enticement? I wouldn't mind paying, I would definately be paying a mechanic otherwise.

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Sounds like a good idea to me.. I quite enjoy working on cars in general so I'm in. (all care - no responsibility tho!) I've got a basic set of tools and a trolley jack that should be able to do most things short of stripping down a whole car. :D

I would suggest however that people who need the work done definitely bring the beer and food and be realistic about what they want to do on their cars.

Brakes, oil/filter change, coolant change, fan belt change, plug re-gap or change and deck/speaker installation are all easy things that can be done in a short timeframe.

Cam belts, bolting on enhaust parts, installing full stereo systems and the like are not the sort of things we should be looking at doing on the day...

Might I also suggest that this event would be very very weather dependent. Tho depending on the numbers I may be able to organise an indoor event - but numbers would have to be very limited due to space restrictions.

My 2c...

Thanks for the ideas Cam. I was thinking of maybe in about 6 weeks time- so people can plan anything they need doing and hopefully get bits they need in time.

If the workers get beer for everything they do, I hope I'm not 8th in line!!

There are always some undercover carparks if need be. Galleria for example. What sort of numbers are you talking about, less than 10? I would hope that we get at least 20 people- it is after all a social gathering as well as the work thing.

I am hoping in about 6 weeks the rain will have cleared, but I also hope it is not too cold.

Keep ideas and opinions comming.

Haha, you'll need a tree aswell if I remember:p

I think if we teach a few people how to do a minor service on there car then it will be useful to many. Changing oil, filter, spark plugs etc is easy, and most people should be able to do it themselves:D

Yeah, brake pads are easy to do. Maybe just go through a gearbox oil and diff oil change to, without actually having to do it.

Angel, When you pick a date just make sure there are no major motorsport events on at the same time, otherwise there will not be many people to help with the demonstrations.

the two weekend at the end of aug is bad, as theres a roung at waneroo on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th and the following weekend theres a national round of 3J at oran park which *fingers crossed* ill be going over for.. and after that the weekend of the 20th and 21st of sept is classic rally, so theres a lot comming up..

nah no pole in my routine fellas its just all alcoholic booty shakin besides i saving my best moves for PAS :P .... anyway how come you guys manage to turn every thread around to remind about my stage dancing eh??? even a mechanical thread somehow gets turned around ........ does a topic mean nothing??? ::bahaha:

hehe .... ok .... i'll give u n Cam a dance rountine in exchange for the ZX's oil change and a wash hahaha and the back speakers fitted to the R33 ..... brakes i have to take into a specialist anyway. :P

actually seriously thats what i could do (not the dance routine :P ) but since i have no mechanical skills ( well the little i do have cant be trusted anyway) .... i could always grab a sponge n wash cars :P

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