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Checking under the car for a leak, found this pipe just sitting there before the cat... its got vacuum as well, anyone know what it is? I thought the only air going into the engine goes through the intake... but then again, i'm no mechanic :D

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R32's have a largish diam rubber pipe exiting the lower passenger side firewall. But it tucks tight to the firewall and is only ~200mm long.

Doesn't look factory, what ever it is. Id suggest it might be from the charcoal cannister f.tank feed; are you missing the cannister?

Jack the car up and trace it forward :)

Edited by GeeTR

definately not factory.

could be a oil breather like basti suggested, but if so its a bit of a dangerous place to be venting oil to....

trace that back up and see what it connects to. or alternatively have a look at the breathers on the motor. the 2 breathers on the cam covers should connect to the intake manifold on the drivers side, and the intake pipe after the afms on the passenger side

Hey guys,

I've tried to trace the pipe through, still haven't found where it connects to the engine (must do somewhere, as it's sucking in air...). I've attached some more photos of the pipe going through the engine bay:

1. Pipe exiting engine bay

2. Comes from a split pipe at front passenger side (other side of split is blocked off)

3. Out front next to radiator

4. Under radiator

Then it goes in under the front guard on drivers side... I'll need to jack the car up and remove the shielding under the guard to find where it goes, and i am waiting on a jack so can't do this yet :thumbsup:

Duncan, what do these breathers look like (i pretty new to looking more closely at car engines).

Also, i started this thread in relation to my other thread about my car stalling the other night and blowing black smoke, [http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...view=getnewpost] out of curiosity, i blocked this pipe up, and my unstable idle seems to have stopped, and black smoke has gone. Doesn't tell me what the hell the pipe is for :) but it may have been the source of my problems... further investigation to continue.

Your charcol canister is missing, the vacuum lines should be blocked off that used to run to it, yes your idle would improve with it blocked off. If any of the lines (there are 3 on the canister) suck air when running block them off, one of the lines vent gas from the fuel tank so check where it is venting to ie not near turbo lol

hey good photo investigation skills, it was almost like a story.

anyway, not sure re the carbon cannister but they are easy to source - they used to have to be added during compliance so there will be available somewhere.

just get a mechanic to sort it out, should be cheap.

and you are dead right about it fixing drivability problems - the air that pipe sucks in doesn't go through the air flow meter so the computer doesn't know about it (not to mention there is no filter on it so you can in gunk). on the bright side any time you are on boost it is blowing air out those hoses instead (which is why it was running rich)

Well you guys were right! It was coming to the charcoal cannister, which i finally found under the front right guard. That pipe running alongside the exhaust i assume was supposed to go to the fuel tank to bring in the fumes. And it must have been what popped when my car started playing up.

Funny thing is, that split pipe i thought was blocked wasn't actually. Had a plug in it, but it let air though... so air must have been going in all the time... hmmm...

Gonna drop it into the mechanic in the next day or two to get them to plug it all back the way its meant to be. I'd do it myself but i don't get any time during the week to do these things.

Thanks for everyones help :D

Well i dropped it off at the local Ultratune this morning :D Though i worry about taking to someone not that experienced with skylnes; i thought, it's a charcoal cannister, they must know how to put it back together... turns out i was wrong...

They put it back together exactly how i found it (i did some tinkering myself to block off the pipes). Leaving a pipe with vacuum sucking air into the system. lol.

Even said their senior mechanic drove it around the block, and said it's running fine. :cool: I'm not convinced, and I'm too paranoid to drive it over 3k rpm until i figure out what the hell happened.

Think i need to take it to someone who knows their way around a skyline.

Bah, don't give up so easy!!

Ok, lemme rummage around...

. . .

...Ok, this is taken from the R33 Service Manual @ PaulR33's site.


As I mentioned, you'll have a line from the tank (where the fumes are coming from) A line from the plenum somewhere (where the fumes get INGESTED into the engine) and the trigger line thats located right at the edge of the throttle blade.

Ill take a guess, and say its the purge line that you've found to be leaking. Assuming its dedicated to the job (ie, not "Y'd" off a FPR feed or somthing wack) ... have you tried just blocking it up?... :P

If I had a R33, I'd take photo's - GL

Edited by GeeTR


I've found the pipe that goes into the engine (plunum?), the other pipe goes to the fuel tank. The one thats drawing air, according to that diagram should be attached to the air intake somewhere (from what i can see). Only problem is, it doesn't :bunny:

I'm assuming that, when the previous owner ripped out the airbox to put the pod in, the charcoal cannister was moved, and the line that attaches to the intake / recirculation valve, was just plumbed badly... which doesn't make any sense, why would someone do that? :(

Anyway, if i block that pipe off totally, the car won't start. If i leave it open, im getting unmeasured air into the system.

That's why i said bugger it, let somone who knows skylines have a look at it. I'm totally new to working on cars, and am keen to learn, but at the same time, i've had the car for 3 weeks, and haven't driven it for 2. I'm hanging to go for a drive so i want it fixed :)

Based on a recommendation from these forums, i'm taking it to maytech over at moorebank tomorrow, and hopefully all will be good.

Took the car over to maytech today, they sorted it all out. Some genius had put the cannister piping together all wrong... that pipe was supposed to be the purge line for the cannister

Anyway, with that fixed, plus a dyno tune, i can go back to enjoying my new baby :D

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