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Hey Peoples,

I picked up my car from Rai Curry's workshop 'Fabraications' on the weekend.

I had a 1/2 roll cage installed into my car (R34 GTT)

When I picked my car up I was so happy with their work I thought I would put this post up so if other people are thinking about getting cages fitted they can go to someone who does a great job.

The work was done in the time frame they gave me, the work was second to none & the customer service was great.

Here is Rai's website: www.rollcages.com.au

And some pictures of the great work.....




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From the pics it looks nice :rofl:

But (and i will freely say i am NO expert) isn't the horizontal/harness bar (the one the harness is resting on) a little too low, thus creating too much angle to the seat? It is my understanding that the harness should come off the seat as straight as possible, but not quite 90degs, to prevent the driver's spine from being crushed in an accident.

From the pics it looks nice :blink:

But (and i will freely say i am NO expert) isn't the horizontal/harness bar (the one the harness is resting on) a little too low, thus creating too much angle to the seat? It is my understanding that the harness should come off the seat as straight as possible, but not quite 90degs, to prevent the driver's spine from being crushed in an accident.

You're absolutely correct.


The recommended angle is between 0-10 degrees from horizontal, but upto 40 degrees is "acceptable". Most people would weld in a horizontal bar between the rear legs to use as the harness mounting point.

Personally i would have scrapped the horizontal bar in the main hoop and gone for a harness bar. I would have thought that since you run a race seat and harnesses they would have given you a means to more safely mount your harness.

Also, for a club car, i find the horizontal bar in the main hoop and diagonal in the main hoop restricts access to the back seat. Even if you dont have a back seat, its always handy to be able to put rims, tool boxes, backpaks etc back there for the trip to the track/away. CAMS accept the diagonal in the main hoop or between the rear legs, both comply

So not saying one is better then the other, just a few things i considered when i got my cage that others may want to consider. Your cage with teh exception of the lack of harness bar is a little more serious then mine...but i wanted to maintain a level of practicaloty from mine. And keeping access to the back seat was a big part of keeping it practical

This is like what i am talking about




A half cage like the above - is it legal for street use or does it have to be engineered?

I have read on the VIC roads website a little about legalities of a half cage but I don't think the information was 100% clear, was a while back now too so I forget the specifics

Can someone clarify?

teh cage in my pic could easily be legal. The design of the cage is legal, however it is not legal in my car. To make it legal i need to fully removed the rear seat, rear seat belts and take the car to Vic Roads and have it registered as a two seater. No engineering required provided you get the correct paperwork when it is made. Brow Davis in Bayswater are in a good position to help you get your carge legal as not only does David sit on the CAMS Safety Review Committee, but is also a consultant to Vic Roads.

But the rules are the same for everyone and any experienced cage builder will be able to guide you when selecting your cage and ensuring its is still legal on the street

Thanks Roy

Refreshed my memory, now I remember you must remove standard belts and seats and have VIC roads inspect

Just with that, so it would be via appointment at VIC roads and basically they just change the registration to a 2 seater and issue a new rego sticker?

They won't start going through the car and start picking on other things will they? lol

Also whats a cage like that worth?

Good work :P

I didn't realize you were going to such an extent with your car for track use. Good to see and can't wait to see you back out there :rofl:

Hey Ant,

Good to hear from you. I've been planning the cage for....well TOO long! So to have it in finally is great.

I'm amazed at how much the handling has improved, who needs a GTR?! :P J/K!

I can't wait to get back on the track, it's been a while!

A half cage like the above - is it legal for street use or does it have to be engineered?

I have read on the VIC roads website a little about legalities of a half cage but I don't think the information was 100% clear, was a while back now too so I forget the specifics

Can someone clarify?

Hey Abu,

This is what I did:

To have it road legal you need to remove your rear seats & seatbelts, take it to Vic roads and register the car as an official 2 seater.

Then if you decide to put in a 1/2 cage it will be legal.

As is my understanding. Troy put down the same info but worded better! :P

Hey Abu,

This is what I did:

To have it road legal you need to remove your rear seats & seatbelts, take it to Vic roads and register the car as an official 2 seater.

Then if you decide to put in a 1/2 cage it will be legal.

As is my understanding. Troy put down the same info but worded better! :P

haha thanks for that man

I'm keen to know a little more about the VIC roads inspection process if you don't mind

Whats involved? Do you call up and make an appointment, explain to them you want to get the registration changed from a 4 seater to a 2 seater then just turn up on the day?

I assume they physically check the car to make sure the belts have been removed as well as the seats but do they check anything else?

What if your car is loud or low, pod and cooler for instance will they pick on those other things or just inspect the car and let you be?

Any fee's involved?

Thanks again :rofl:

Thanks Roy

Refreshed my memory, now I remember you must remove standard belts and seats and have VIC roads inspect

Just with that, so it would be via appointment at VIC roads and basically they just change the registration to a 2 seater and issue a new rego sticker?

They won't start going through the car and start picking on other things will they? lol

Also whats a cage like that worth?

Hey Abu,

maybe I can help you with your questions....

When I went to vic roads I just rocked up (no appointment needed) filled out a 'change of vehicle description' form (as I remember) simply put on the form 'rear seats and rear seat belts removed'

the Vic roads officer told me to move the car into the inspection bay....She stuck her head in the back of the car to inspect that the rear seat and seatbelt had been removed. Went inside & tapped a few things into the system & issued me with a new rego sticker.

It was easy and painless.

Then if you ever get pulled over by the police and they ask why the rear seats are out, just tell them to check the system as you have registered it as a 2 seater.

My cage cost me approx $1,000.00 not a bad price considering the work thats involved.

I hope this helps you!


haha thanks for that man

I'm keen to know a little more about the VIC roads inspection process if you don't mind

Whats involved? Do you call up and make an appointment, explain to them you want to get the registration changed from a 4 seater to a 2 seater then just turn up on the day?

I assume they physically check the car to make sure the belts have been removed as well as the seats but do they check anything else?

What if your car is loud or low, pod and cooler for instance will they pick on those other things or just inspect the car and let you be?

Any fee's involved?

Thanks again :P

No fees involved (surprising for VIC roads!)

And nothing else was inspected on my vehicle other than what I was there for.

ah thanks for that Flea, thats a big help

Doesn't sound hard at all hey, I might get that done

I hate driving around with people in the back as my car is low and the wheels start to scurb plus I want to set the car up for track/use it more for track so would be best to rip the seats out and slap a cage in

Thanks again :D

Be warned though, you may not have too many problems getting the car registered as a 2 seater and all legal with the cage. But should you evcer want to remove the cage and get it registered as a 4 seater again then you need an engineering certificate. This means new seat belts etc etc... AND an inspection of the car. So those mods then come under the eye of the engineer and given the way they feel about mods that mess with emissions you could well be proper farked :)

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