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What Is Your Most Hated Car On Melbourne Roads?


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Oh oh oh! I almost forgot, I really REALLY hate Commodores with those STUPID FU(KING Chevrolet stickers on them instead of Holden badges, I mean FFS it's a HOLDEN!


I agrre with that one adz. But to add to that one have you ever noticed how the holden utes also are almost always driven by youngish white guys who seem to think those utes make them look super tough! I swear every guy driving those utes likes to look around and give tough looks.

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Any Hummer except for the H1... I shouldn't need to explain why

BMW X5's... they are the ugliest cars ever made... closely followed by the Cayenne... watching 5ft tall women trying to drive, park and climb into one is funny............... and scary

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ooooooh how I HATE Hyundai Excels. I currently have no licence till August so my mate who does the same course as me drives to uni and back, so I bum a lift off him. Wouldnt be so bad if he didnt drive an excel. The whole interior is just plastic, you can just hose the hole car down like you would wash to exterior. Its a cacky green colour and alllllllllll the COB is peeling off. It has no aircon, no power steering and the stereo recently died in the ass. The first thought that pops into my head when i get in his car is how long till i can get out of it! God, why did Australia bring in the excel when they should have clearly brought in a nicer car like a SKYLINE. FARK. Korea < Japan

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Slight deviation from the topic. I dont even live in Melbourne but visit twice a year and well Ford taxi drivers who drive in 90 zones doing 110 with only two fingers on the bottom of the steering wheel to control the car scares the crap out of me for some reason :P

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Only if you completely rice up the car and dont know how to turn off the rear fog light.

nah im not doing anything with it :P its just a white excel, with aircon, power steering, cd stacker which i will possibly change to get a

better cd player with the thingy to plug in my ipod and thats about it..

maybe some fluffy dice haha

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HA! What a question to ask on a Skyline Forum.

I would expect the answer to be HSV / FPV

I agrre with that one adz. But to add to that one have you ever noticed how the holden utes also are almost always driven by youngish white guys who seem to think those utes make them look super tough! I swear every guy driving those utes likes to look around and give tough looks.

Must be compensating for something... Mini Man Syndrome or something. The need to feel bigger...

AND they put tacky Chev badges, headlights / fog lamps blasting at 12 o'clock midday when the sun is nice and bright.

Commies with Japanese mufflers and fake HSV bodykits.

Ford turbo drivers who have to show off to every other car on the street how fast they go.

OMG Fully sick VL turbos, Calais bro. Half Ass Jap/USA garbage with Skyline bolt on mods.

Any N/A 4 banger with all the rice accessories, chrome wheels, tail lights, bla bla bla...

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hahaha i just saw a purple excel wif a female driving it and with a huge ass cannon on the back. it was bigger than the one on my 33. we i saw it i thought of this thread and had a good lil chuckle.lol

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hate those old cars that pollute the whole state

im sorry ill put my cat back in for u bitch :P

Only if you completely rice up the car and dont know how to turn off the rear fog light.

lol i hate those rear fog lights

they piss me offf sooooo bad wen they leave them on

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nah im not doing anything with it :P its just a white excel, with aircon, power steering, cd stacker which i will possibly change to get a

better cd player with the thingy to plug in my ipod and thats about it..

maybe some fluffy dice haha

HAHA!! You girl, you get away with anything but ya dad's GTR R32 makes up for it :P

I have a Lancer GLi with factory bodykit and factory option wheels. Looks tasteful and a muffler for looks, its not loud just for a nice hummm maybe a few kws LOL! Its my everyday car getting from A to B and not have to cry everytime I fill up petrol! :rofl:

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Have you seen VSPEC-34's car? im sure you would change your mind.

I did see the pics of his car, well built machine but sorry nup......each to their own

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