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Filthy Scum

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So, I get up this morning to find the Chaser on the street exactly how I left it last night, with the exception of the rear window, which was strewn all over the parcel shelf and rear seat. Some investigation revealed a couple of marbles under the car, so I'm thinking slingshot. Insurance were great: "go get it fixed yourself, but we're here to help!" bastards.

The MINIMUM wait for new glass was qutoed as at least 6 weeks, from the only company that was willing to commit to an estimated time. However, I am waiting for a couple of import wreckers/parts shops to get back to me, so hopefully it will be sooner.

My Legnum is still at customs, so there's a good 2-3 weeks to go before it's on the road, which means Peta will get the stagea, because she needs to get to work. All this means that I'm stuck at home without any transport AGAIN! Assuming the Legnum only takes 2 weeks, I've been without a car for over 7 weeks already this year, and I own 3!

It's not the cost of the replacement screen that really gets me (although I suspect it will be substantial), nor the extended waiting times, as this is part of having a more rare car. It's the fact that it was all intentional that drives me mad: I am SO pissed off right now, I can't even describe it. Filthy scumbag assholes: if I could ever find them... But that's just it, isn't it: you never do.

As always, the police were pleasantly useless, although I guess you can't expect them to park out the front of your house all night (...CAN you??)...

That's my rant for the day: I'm not chasing sympathy (save that for poor Muz - he really has it hard), I just feel better having a good rant.

Of course, if anyone has a spare JZX100 rear window lying around...

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That give me the shits. I left my old R33 at a mates place one night in Albury because I figured it would be safer than leaving in town, the next morning it had a huge key mark down the side, matching the rest of the cars in the street too. some punk walked the entire street keying cars that night. damn it pissed me off.

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Man, my neighbourhood is really going downhill: Last week, I watched to kids - late teens/early 20's get off a bus outside my place, and tag it as it drove off: casual as you like in broad daylight... Now this.

Vigilante action, anyone?

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feel for you man... you didnt seem too thrilled today!

Id say it was just a random thing that a couple of kids did as they were walking home, i doubt your car was targeted. Good thing about that is that they probably go past frequently enough that you will probably see em go past agian at some stage. So if you see a couple of kids go past, knock em out and go through their bags. If you find a slingshot, tie em to a tree and use it...

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the dude with the doggy avatar...

what the hell is a "lolcat"?

i saw another ridiculous avatar once with a pic of a cat. and it said "i are serious cat. this is serious thread."

are the two related in some way?

thats shit about the windscreen. last year, some fktard reversed into my 400r front bar, smashed the shit out of it, and then just drove off. i havent been able to repair it yet, since i lost my turbo and motor later that very same day...

sure makes me less apprehensive about scraping in/out of driveways though. lol.

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the dude with the doggy avatar...

what the hell is a "lolcat"?

i saw another ridiculous avatar once with a pic of a cat. and it said "i are serious cat. this is serious thread."

are the two related in some way?


and so are the vandals...

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horrible to hear mate :down: it happened to my old man's car not long ago, you see it all the time - especially the way i drive to work.. always sad to see that people can be that stupid and inconsiderate. f**kheads.

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Man, my neighbourhood is really going downhill: Last week, I watched to kids - late teens/early 20's get off a bus outside my place, and tag it as it drove off: casual as you like in broad daylight... Now this.

Vigilante action, anyone?


Don't let Sled hear about this vigilante action. :D

J/K Sled :D

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the dude with the doggy avatar...

what the hell is a "lolcat"?

i saw another ridiculous avatar once with a pic of a cat. and it said "i are serious cat. this is serious thread."

are the two related in some way?

A LOLcat is a captioned pic of a cat (usually badly spelt) and my avatar is a photo of my own dog taking teh piss of said LOLcats.

see http://icanhascheezburger.com/ for examples.

And now I have a legitimate one to keep on topic.

Micah - get one of those new attack kittehs from ebay


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lol, nice one Dale.

I had some prick smash the little qtr window in my Starlet GT once, bloody hard to find a new one.

So your without transport for 7 weeks. That is not cool. I can have an Aristo or and Autech to your door in 7 days :blink:

Try RMS parts for your window, they seem to carry a fair bit of auto glass.

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thats pretty f**ked about your car champ.

I remember when i just had my s14 resprayed (black with pearl toning) some asshole keyed the back quaterpanel.

I would love to catch one of these f**ks in action, and love to just chuck a ski mask on and throttle them until i cant move my arms.

glass would suck just as bad, and yeah insurance is always great for that kinda response aint they

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the dude with the doggy avatar...

what the hell is a "lolcat"?

i saw another ridiculous avatar once with a pic of a cat. and it said "i are serious cat. this is serious thread."

are the two related in some way?

thats shit about the windscreen. last year, some fktard reversed into my 400r front bar, smashed the shit out of it, and then just drove off. i havent been able to repair it yet, since i lost my turbo and motor later that very same day...

sure makes me less apprehensive about scraping in/out of driveways though. lol.

l2internet-culture nub


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