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Hiya guys, im usually ONLY ever playing some sort of RPG on PS2 or King Of Fighters 2002 Arcade Rom running with Final Burn Alpha on XBOX if I have a certain mate over who I "train" with. (And yes of course we have a nice twin arcade joystick setup, how else can we "train" properly to beat the Japanese exchange students in China Town :thumbsup: )

Yeah im stuck(well I was) in the dark ages but nothing on the next gen consoles really interests me(obviously cos im a BIG RPG fan and KOF isnt on any new systems), but getting into online games has been sparking my interest of late.

Now im playing Mario Kart Wii!!! Woo Hoo, u have to forgive my excitement, I bought my 1st next gen console a couple of days ago(Wii obviously), and I gotta admit it was waaaay overdue!!(im the Video Game/Computer geek within my group of mates who all pretty much have a PS3, 360 or Wii, so ive been coppin it for awhile)

We wanted one for R&D purposes but I dunno why just never got around to getting one, that was untill Mario Kart got released, I had to bite the bullet and thought this is a great excuse to buy 1 now!

Pretty good game, expected to get let down somehow but pretty good after about 1.5 hours playing. I spose I prolly havent been playing it long enough to draw a hard conclusion.

Cant wait till the start of the month when my net speeds back up to play this sucker online!!

Which brings me to my point, any1 know where the serial is to give to people to be friends? Any1 wanna be mine? :whistling: Wouldnt mind a couple of SAU'ers that play Mario Kart Wii!!

Can any1 recommend any good online games? Never played online games b4 except Resistance: Fall Of Man on PS3, loved it!!!(but hard on the eyes on my antique CRT TV :blink: ) I know PS3 & 360 have some great online games, where im guessing the Wii's probably lacking atm, but Mario Kart may be a winner!?!

Ive also heard the Wii online is terrible and laggy!?! Can any1 confirm or deny this? Of course im running a decent speed connection(Optus cable atm).

I woulda bought a PS3 and/or 360 but didnt for obvious reasons(enter shameless plug).

Plus I cant afford a HDTV atm thats pretty much required when buying one of those 2 anyways.

360 next(maybe when cash allows...... maybe), then a PS3(for sure, but) when King Of Fighters 12 or Final Fantasy 13 comes out

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About time you hit next gen :(

A little helpful thingy i wrote up for finding your Wii Friend code:

Wii Friend Code:

- On the Wii Main Screen, Go into "Wii Message Board" (Bottom right hand corner)

- Click on "Create Message" (Bottom left hand corner, rightmost icon)

- Click on "Address Book"

- On the main page it will say "This Consoles Wii Number:"

And theres your Wii Friend Code, which will be 16 digits.

(example: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)

Other Online Wii games... Super Smash Bros Brawl will be awesome online once its released in AUS. its great just playing with mates over, but once online opens up i think itll go off. Ive also heard BWii is pretty good online, but i wouldnt know...

Wii's online network isnt as good as Live or even PSN... its a shame really considering they did pretty decent with the WiFi for the DS... its needing a major upgrade... the online shop is thought out pretty well though...

Also, for a nice cheap HDTV, JB has the Soniq 42" HD Plasma's (720p max) for i think $1100... ive got one, and a mate of mine has one, i think theyre awesome, despite other peoples opinions of budget TV's. Soniq have really done a good job and i havent had any problems with it.

P.S. My Wii Friend Code:


P.S.S. you better save up your pennies, Would hate for FFXIII to go unplayed... :P

Can any1 recommend any good online games? Never played online games b4 except Resistance: Fall Of Man on PS3, loved it!!!

Call of duty 4 online? Its on PC, 360 & PS3 I think (I have the PC version)

But yeah, mario kart is sweet.

Ive also heard the Wii online is terrible and laggy!?! Can any1 confirm or deny this? Of course im running a decent speed connection(Optus cable atm).

Well, my mario kart online is working pretty good atm, I was suprised how there is NO lag at all in a 12 player race & when I'm connected to world wide players. The News channel & internet browser on the wii seems to take longer to load compared to my PC, but I think that mainly due to the fact that the wii don't cache the pages due to its low internal memory. Then again who actually use those features?

Like you, I'm still on CRT TV (good old 68cm philips that my dad bought like 8 years ago :thumbsup: ), so internet pages is pretty much unreadable on it.

Ill be getting it this afternoon cant wait to play it tonight before I pick up GTA4 tomorrow. Id probably say my fav games online for the wii are Guitar Hero 3, Super Smash Brothers Brawl and im guessing after tonight Mario Kart.

I'd recommend watching GameTrailers video review, quite informative.


cheers for the linkage, the game looks mad. they've gone to alot more detail with the backgrounds.

*bugs girlfriend to buy it*

been playing this heaps lately... so much fun... 3308-4809-5177 - my MKWii friend code... not to be confused with Wii Code.

definately no lag... only thing i hate is the catchup items... like the blue shells... kinda takes half the skill out of it.

bought this last week... dont ahve my wii hooked up to the net but have had a chance to give it a bash( studying alot at the moment so dont have much time for the fun stuff :P ) but on the whole i recon its a good bit of fun! i love the drift and boost aspects aswell as the tricks over jumps.... also counter steering with the wii wheel is off tap!! lotsa tracks and also loving the new aspect of bikes! takes the cake over mario 64 :P

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