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Attn: Vigilante & Keyboard Heroes


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Just to make a few things clear with all the keyboard heroes out there, because of all the vigilante crap on "Broken Into" type of threads, this is how the law stands if you touch a crook:

If you walk past a situation where life is being threatened, you can intervene by using either equal or less force to diffuse the situation, once the danger is diffused and you decide to run after him and take him out, you'll be up for assault at the very minimum and he'll probably get off with a slap on the wrist due to some smart lawyer technicality.

If you try to defend property with any bodily force, you will be charged unless you or someone else was physically threatened in that situation.

There is only one situation where you can use equal or greater force to diffuse a situation (legislated approx 5 years ago) and thats if you wake up in the middle of the night to find a total stranger standing in the doorway of your bedroom. In this kind of situation you can safely assume that he is desperate and prepared to commit grevious bodily harm at the minimum. Having said that, if you decide to shoot him, the law states that all firearms must be registered and locked away in either a steel cabinet or strongroom, separate from the ammo.

So, if you catch someone trying to break into your ride, by all means challenge the guy but if he trys to get away and you go after him, be careful how far you take it and hope you have a lenient magistrate.

On the issue of cops, they would have to be the most frustrated people on the planet because of all the lawyers in parliament. Don't elect ex lawyers into parliament!!! The cops catch the crooks, have to carefully word hours of reports that can't be discreditted by a magistrate (when they could be patrolling the streets instead), just to have the case thrown out of court because of a hero vigilante or some other pathetic technicality.

It always amuses me how the guys that flame the cops the most are always the first to call one for help the minute their ride goes missing.

Your enemy is not the cops, its the lawyer knobs in parliament that create the legislation that the cops hate to enforce. Cops are too overun with red tape and court appearances to have a decent street presence.

So next time you get pulled over by a cop for something stupid that you did, think of what he has probably endured or witnessed in the last 24 hours.

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Thanks for shedding light on this. But you still have to admit it is quite annoying when a cop defects you because of something that isnt defectable regardless of his mood and what he has in the last few hours.

Yeah been there done that. There are a few bad ones for sure!

I've got family/friends who are cops, and they like and dislike the job.

Good info anyway. :thumbsup:

As far as the property protection issue goes, been there done that too. As Sled says, be sure there is a "challenge" there if you're going to get physical. Whilst hitting a crook from behind is fun, the law provides more protection for them than us.

Edited by RubyRS4
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bring back the mob squad i say even im a little to young to remember them but i know a lot less people stuffed up back then

when 4 6"10 burly coppers who don't ask for excuses come running at you sort of would make you think twice before acting the goat

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Just a question, you catch someone breaking into your car, they run, you chase and smash the living s**t out of them, what are they going to tell police? You cant really get introuble unless the police actually see you beating the s**t out of the guy yeh?

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bring back the mob squad i say even im a little to young to remember them but i know a lot less people stuffed up back then

when 4 6"10 burly coppers who don't ask for excuses come running at you sort of would make you think twice before acting the goat

i agree.

back then, if you stuffed up, you got dealt with hard enough so that you dont want to stuff up again.

now, its racism this, discrimination that.

its bullshit.

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all im saying is, if some prick is trying to steal my car i want to be able to beat the living shit out of him without me getting in trouble and him getting away with it.

is that really that much to ask?

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slightly off topic but anyway:

Last week my downhill mountain bike(inbsured for 8K so its not cheap) got pinched from the garage, was home at the time, had a race that coming weekend so was worried, drove around block found a guy alot older and biggr than me pushing it up a hill. Excahnged some words about calluing the cops and it was my bike ect ect... he proceded to put it on the ground and raise his fist's.. looking at him he was in his early 30's (im 18 go to the gym 4 times a week so got a bit of strenght behind me)..... lent back and dodged his first swing and conteracted my dodge with a wind up and got him square in the face..... was pretty much over then as his nose was well bleeding and i picked up my bike and as i did i wore one punch to my guts... he turned to start to run away... i let it go their... got my bike back :thumbsup:

end rant

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vote 1 Pete (SLED) for mod. :P

just out of curiosity, if it was youngsters and we are able to restrain them withought causing harm until police arrive is this still a viable option? or is it hands off and just :D ?

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slightly off topic but anyway:

Last week my downhill mountain bike(inbsured for 8K so its not cheap) got pinched from the garage, was home at the time, had a race that coming weekend so was worried, drove around block found a guy alot older and biggr than me pushing it up a hill. Excahnged some words about calluing the cops and it was my bike ect ect... he proceded to put it on the ground and raise his fist's.. looking at him he was in his early 30's (im 18 go to the gym 4 times a week so got a bit of strenght behind me)..... lent back and dodged his first swing and conteracted my dodge with a wind up and got him square in the face..... was pretty much over then as his nose was well bleeding and i picked up my bike and as i did i wore one punch to my guts... he turned to start to run away... i let it go their... got my bike back :D

end rant

About 2 years ago i cought a young turd tagging my neighbours fence i didnt harm him in anyway because of his age but i did spray his face with the spray can and sent him on his way.

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My neighbour and I caught 4 young punks trying to steal my Kawasaki some years ago. I had it chained to a post "for sale" around the corner from my house. Caught them by surprise and our intent was to scare them off ... you know run and yell at them. Well all 4 put their fists up and none wanted to run. ... too bad.

If you catch anyone trying to steal or break into your car, and they don't back down, then its game on!

I don't care what people think. Maybe y'all think I'm just a tough talker, keyboard warrior, whatever. I'm me, and I hate disrespectful people. I've grown up very much most of my life under discipline and respect, and if someone disses you or your property, you can do something about it ... but think about it before you act.

Peace :D

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If you catch anyone trying to steal or break into your car, and they don't back down, then its game on!

I don't care what people think. Maybe y'all think I'm just a tough talker, keyboard warrior, whatever. I'm me, and I hate disrespectful people. I've grown up very much most of my life under discipline and respect, and if someone disses you or your property, you can do something about it ... but think about it before you act.

Peace :D

+1 im the same

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