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Just wondering how much $ im lookin at about roughly for a full white respray, the cars already white just has sum fairly faded parts and ppl have keyed it and chipped bits off the paint off :banana: , i kno u pay extra if u want the inside of an an engine bay resprayed etc bt im jus lookin at the outside , as the inside doesnt need any at all.



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Price realy depends on work that is needed but as people have said that it will fall between 3/5k for a desent job .

the parts that effect prices are dents off cause windows been taken out if they have rubbers that are hard up againt the paint (some will say that this doesn't need to happen but this is why you see paint flaking in these area on skylines) how much work is needed to the front bumber before paint ,body kit will also cost more as well if a big one.

If its a basic white with a few scatches stone chips and a few shoppping dents that need to be done I would say around 3k from there the above will start to cost more .

Ps I am in Perth nth the river and do this for a living so if you need a quote advise or info feel free to pm me or come see me at my shop Pm for this as well if wanted .

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I think itd be good if we could get a rough price table or chart happening? Like how much you'd expect to pay for certain things. Example if you only needed your new front bar sprayed and what you could expect to pay depending on what prep work you had done.

This is hard as this all depends on the panel or bumber etc .

Fibre glass costs alot more than plastic second costs alot more than new.

Most places would charge about 400.00 for a plastic bar about 600 for the same in fibre glass .

This would apply for the bonnets as well about 400.00 steel in and out and between 400 to 1k for a fibre glass depending on work involved to prep .

As you can see I could go on for some time but what I am trying to say ther eis no real approx price as per say .

Colours also lay a factor as well in cost some colours can be done in 2 to 3 coats some take up to 5 which is nearly twice the colour some colours require 3 stages to reach the end colour .

PS people doing their own prep work can work out costing you more in the end as not many people prep well or use the right products this is best left to the person you want to do the job or with their advise so you are both going in the same direction

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It depends on wha paints you get - Acrylic, Enamel, 2 pac in a solid, metallics or custom colour...

Its usually cheper to get the shop to buy them for you anyway, or are you just after an approx cost?

You gotta think of it like this:




you'll use approx 3-5L of each when spraying the car (depending on the thinners mix)

I purchased the paints for my 31 home respray at *almost* trade price from the local Auto1

total was about $700 for metallic 2pacs.

2pac undercoat ~ 5L + Hardener

quick dry 2pac enamel ~6L (3 colours)

2pac Clear ~ 5L + Hardener

2pac Thinners ~ 10L

All DeBeers paints.

Edited by B. J.
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