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Humidity, Humility And Ham Burgers


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well i am origionally from canada and have to say that most people cant drive here. most people indicate with the middle finger. and its even more noticeable when you add rain... just thank your lucky stars that here in australia we dont have snow on the ground for 4 months of the year,.... oh what a mess it would be.... however public transport would make 50 times as much as everyones cars would be at the panel beaters. We just need to adopt some of the car manufacturers standards on cars like "Driving Lights". You turn your car on and your driving lights are on automatically. its amazing how many people neglect to turn their headlights on when it starts to rain or its near dawn or dusk. sure you can see the car in front of you with his lights on, and dont need your headlights to illuminate it, but its your taillights that are the important thing. all the water sprayed up makes it harder to see anything infront of you. so what better to make yourself known to others then a few red lights on the back of your car... mind you the amount of people who actually neglect to check to see if these lights and brake lights are working in the first place.... well thats my rant... i do love this place but some people :)

You Canucks have got it all over the yanks for snow driving. I was heading up through Washington state a year back and the first snow storm of the season hit. I thought I was keeping it together fairly well for an inexperienced Aussie, but there were people spinning off everywhere! Later I'm in BC and I swear Canadians don't slow down at all for snow lol. But I agree, snow in Oz with our drivers would equal fail, on epic proportions.

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So, we have now gathered that the driving part is true.. which sadly i already knew!

and nobody thinks that ham in ham-burgers is cool..

we are more than happy with our hot chicks/babes

what are the current thoughts on our drinkable air?

drinkable air.. well it would help our increased laziness if the air was beer.. then we wouldnt have to got get another beer at all.. breathing would increase though.. showing that we arent lazy enuf to breath :laughing-smiley-014:

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lol just moved to brissy from melb, and I gotta agree with the driving... wtf... I know you guys are laid back, but hardly anyone speeds... or rather... hardly anyone goes at the speed limit... and they stay in the right lane... someone needs to put a whole bunch of "keep left unless overtaking" signs up on the freeways... sometimes when they sit next to each other on parallel lanes it looks like a rolling roadblock.

The signs wont help because im sure most of the people that do that are too stupid to know how to read. its worse though when they sit in the right hand land doing 10 below the limit with their left indicator on totally oblivious.

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call me passive agressive, but if they dont move after a short while, i give them a very quick flash of hi beams..

this usually jolts them into wanting to get out of the way..

If that fails.. then its a love nudge! lol

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