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Pre-exam Stress Reliever Dinner And Cruise


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Well time is pretty easy.

If its dinner time... Meeting at 6.00 for 6.30 leave would be the best time. As there always delays. By the time all is done i would think we would reach the resturaunt around 7.30ish.

Just where to eat!!

Northbridge got alot of places to eat... although parking isnt the best. Unless you dont mind to pay CBP.

Any ideas on the restruant? Then we are pretty much soughted :P

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okay, i feel sorry for steven... hey dude, get the night off work or something?

maybe even make it the sunday?

same times, just the sunday, maybe more people will be free that night?

City West is good meet point, cruising from there to Northbridge won't be too much of a cruise though HA!

and CPP on Roe Street top level FTW then we can have massive photo shoot, as long as nobody is parked up there... thing is, at night the top level with no roof parking would be super awesome photo opportunity i reckon...

now a place to eat hey... hhrrmm... well i was thinking possibly Japanese, Wagamama in Subiaco but i don't know if we would all be able to find parking, come on people, throw your suggestions up here and we'll keep it going forward!!!

cheers, Andrew :P

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heres an idea - i no us curtin guys have a week off (study week) from June 2-6, dont no about Murdoch or UWA peeps, but why not have say a Tav lunch/pub crawl on wednesday the 4th???

say start at Curtin, have a few drinks, some eats, then head to UWA for some more eats and drinks, then head past cott or something

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not a bad idea...

keep them coming, it's so hard to make a decision

also keep in mind everybody, it's not JUST for uni students, all forum users/partners of SAUWA are welcome

the more the merrier

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Sunday 1st of June would also be good. Hows poeple for 1st of June sunday 6pm meet at city west?

Less traffic in the city as well...

Few places to eat... besdies NB

fremantle fish and chips is always good.

Little ceaser (worlds best pizza) in mundaring.

Cora (korean) myaree. Its all you can eat so its always good :P

Victoria park.. Concas I love the chilli mussels there!!!... makan makan... or something of the like. Although vic park is nvr good for parking. Concas has there own parking area,,, but depending how many of us, we may have trouble all parking. I hate to park my car far away in a dark dodgy place... probably the same with most of u guys ;)

NANDOS!!! WE got one in vic park... and kawara, thats a shortish cruise from city Both which will have heaps of parking avaliable.

Got a few chinese restuarunts oppisite nandos... in vic park Happy meal etc.

Theres my suggestions! =)

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mmmm... alcohol plus cruise don't really go hand in hand :P

Yeah agreed... 1 or 2 beers would b alright tho...

In any case i dont really wanna get drunk b4 exams.. thats for after!! ;)

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Can someone drive so I can get drunk??? :P

erm... Taka is good Japanese I've been told...

Otherwise, why don't we discover where this '1 kilo' steak is and make a bit of a cruise..

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Can someone drive so I can get drunk??? :P

erm... Taka is good Japanese I've been told...

Otherwise, why don't we discover where this '1 kilo' steak is and make a bit of a cruise..

jacks outback grill where fast eddy's used to be in freo

its a kilo rump steak about the length of an arm and as thick as a book

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starting at curtin, cruising to kawarra Nandos....we're all regulars there anyway lol jks:D

taka isn't bad, but the reason most ppl like it is coz it's cheap

Brendan has some pretty good ideas

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Not sure about UWA but Murdochs study week is the 26-30 of may.............which makes that sunday, the 1st, the day prior to exams ;)

Edited by pottsy
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hey guys...UWA's study break starts 9th June to 15th June..I should be up for 31st May if there is one..really need to destress..lots of assignements and catching up to do!! ;)

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