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guys, im pulling out all stops here and asking the greatest, most imaginative people on the face of the earth one question that i need to know... obviously with a little feed back and comedy on the way:p

I want to build a mechanical bull!

i do work for a charity organisation which take underprivlegded kids out on outings and events... basically show them a good time.

i have been talking to a couple of the kids and we want to build a mechanical bull. As they are not cheepto buy...like $30,000 from a company in QLD.

my origional design basically involves a 44gal drum, a heavy spring (i know a guy from a suspension shop who i can get throw outs for free, currently have a couple of compounds to play with off a F250), and to moove it all about... wait for it... a washing machine motor. you know... back and forth motion.

sounds cool hu! only problem in the way is i dont think that the washing machine motor would be able to shift 80+ kilos with any force...

HELP... i want to make this a reality for the guys.

Any help would be much apreciated.

Thanks guys, you all rock


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i know, i know... we have public liability insurance... i checked up on that first... dont worry about that!

i dont want to kill them, just make a slightly amusing ride... i need all the ideas, designs that i can get.

do value your comments though.

John from WA suspensions (where im getting my spriongs from, so please support) knows the guy from Good bad and ugly, and he said that he had to get rid of the thing for insurance reasons.

im just trying to do some good in the world, and who could tell me that i mechanical bull wouldnt rock?

Thanks guys

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it probably would be cheaper, but i want to do it cost free!

i went roaming around leeming with a friend last night and we found a washing machine on the road-side (bulk collection).

took it back to his house on a fridge trolley, and fired it up...

5 minutes later of pushing buttons and pulling leavers we discovered that there was no motor to be found ;)

oh well it all on for saturday though!!

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Could a mechanical cow help? then they could create smaller mechanical bull's n cows so then the little kiddies won't get hurt when jumping on them!

Sorry bless_you, I know i didn't add anything constructive, but I just HAD to say it!


Hey you're a champ for helpin these kids out mate! There should be more people in the world like you!

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