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It's easy to check whether it's the CAS or the ignitor module - Get a long thick screwdriver and put the blade on a fuel injector when the engine is running and the handle end against your ear - You'll hear the injector ticking away.

When the engine dies, get an assistant to crank the engine and do the same thing with the injector.

Ticking injector means your ignitor pack is dead

No ticking from the injectors means your ECU, CAS, wiring or immobiliser/alarm is dead.

Well, I was just rolling through the forums and came across this problem, so I just had to join and add something which may be enlightening.

I used to work for a performance workshop generally building cars for the Aust Sports Sedan Championships, but sometimes, we'd get street guys looking for street mods.

Anyway, This lady came in driving an HR31 Passage with an RB20 Turbo and auto tranny, she'd been having problems with the running and she'd had the car to four mechanics with varying remedies. Some told her she'd need a new ECU, some said it was the engine, one said it could be the tranny! She was just about to spent upward of $1.5K on a repair until she brought it to us.

Her problem? She would just be driving the car around and it would suddenly die. She'd pull over and leave it for a while and it would sometimes start again, sometimes not for a long period. She would start again and drive off and before she knew it, it would die again.

I popped the hood and started the car whilst my boss started fiddling around with the wiring starting from the coil packs. It took all of 3 mins for him to kill the engine in the same way she described. Ignition would die, spark was lost, pump would continue to run.

We performed the test again and again it failed. The boss went to the shelf and pulled out some contact cleaner and sprayed the contacts it the plug entering the trigger box. The plug was replaced and tested. We couldn't stop the engine again. She called back 2 weeks later to tell us it hadn't happened again and thanks as we did not charge her anything. Remember, 4 workshops could not find the problem and they tested everything in the electrical system............well....almost everything.

Your prob sounded so similar I had to share it. May save you alot of money.


Originally posted by R31Nismoid

2outta2... seeming like it.

So, the igniter module... that's the black square box at the top centre of the engine bay sitting on the rocker cover right???

Thats Right,

If you have changed over the CAS then its either the igniter module or the wireing to it, as Gumby suggested to clean every plug to it with contact cleaner. if you wanted clean the one that go's to the ecu and the few that go to the igniter & do the AFM plug for good measure.

Gumby... Pity i'm not a chick :lol:

Otherwise i'd could've sworn it was me.

Well TO ALL!!!

Thankx for your help. The car is now back on the road.

And the problem when i asked my mechanic... No idea mate. She just started up no worries this morning. Would you belive it.

But then, i was in there yesterday fiddling around with all the Connectors and plugs (just like Gumby has said) but i didn't turn the key to start it, stoopid me :)

I guess that must have done it so i'll take to them all with contact cleaner in the when i get her tonight.

Any brand that works the best???

Also they found something else wrong... it was always blowing heaps of fuel and that's been my main gripe since i brought it. About 320 Km to a tank without putting my foot down at all on a stock as a rock car.

Well i've told my mechanic about it everytime i'm in there and to many others along the way that it just run's too rich.

Would you belive, that 6 months later after he revved it a little in his garage and it filled with a fuel cloud instantly... he said that the fuel cloud is not good, and it's a Fuel regulator problem.

I told him that i'd told him about it before and he just said this.....

'It didn't sound too bad the way you spoke about it, so i didn't bother to look at it.'



I'm no mechanic and i know nothing at all about car's, good to see people know what they are on about.


If you get a visible fuel cloud of black smoke then it will be your afm or the afm connector and it will also idle rough and be sluggish when you try to free rev it.

<= Speaking from experience.

When I had the bleed fitted they pulled out the afm and when they put it back in it did the above.

Then they pulled it out put a R33 one in and it ran fine. They then pulled out the R33 one and slapped my one back in and it then ran fine so its either a dodgy clip or somthing..

Yeah the cloud is visible alright.

Put it this way, at night. If you floor it the car behingd you litterally dissapears for a econd till it braks through the cloud!

But i can believe it's the Fuel Regulator cause the Plugs have been fouled too (they were only 3 month old). And it was due to the fuel being dumped... but it'll also loko at the AFM as well, might even purchase a better one

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