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ok folks

drifty here

i have an r33 series2


apart from decent exhaust front mount an a bleed valve

it was going fine

and then the water pump blew

after that i think it started once

an then went to start it

and it just kicked over

but wouldnt start

now im triying to fix it

and i went to start it

and all it does it go click now

wat the bloody hell is going on

can sum1 please help me

pm me

messge me


i really needa get this car goin now

but yea all i get i a lil single click in the engine bay

an thats it

i get reds but no kick

thanks follks

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dude - I am only saying this cause nobody more knoledgable has come along yet !

ok - basics - 3 things needed to get a motor started - fuel - spark - something to turn it over

so yeah.. just make sure its not something as simple as a fuel pump failure

you can test this by VERY CAREFULY taking the fuel rail feeder line off and just see if it spits any fuel out when the fuel pump prrimes .. TAKE CARE doing this!!!

and - take the plugs out and see what condition they are in - I had a pulsar that wouldnt start and it turned out that all the plugs were saturated by fuel - replaced em and all ok

its a bit harder to check for spark on a car that has coil packs - so maybe someone who is smarter than me can come in and suggest a few things..

but yeah.. just make sure all the basics are good and see where you go from there.

also your starter motor might be seized - apparently banging it with a rubber mallet etc might help

I am in no way a expert mechanic- but you didnt seem to be getting many replies so thought I would put some basics in here


if its ticking, kicking (tick,tick,tick) and it doesnt start i would take a nice piece of timber and punch fuel tank near fuel pump(back or front, dont know where is it in skyline), it can be fuel pump fault. or starter but u mention kicking not ticking(if ticking hit starter it like fuel pump.BOTH THING MUST BE DONE WHILE OTHER PERSON IS STARTING THE CAR. dry engine. thats what im doing when car doesn t want to start. usually its nothing seriousS

good luck


A click or "clink" noise when turning the key 99% of the time means the starter motor is not getting enough power.

Get a multimeter (if you dont know what one is, then call RAC now coz your no help to yourself) and put the leads from the multimeter on your battery, it must read 13v to kick the motor over... if you have less than 13V , take your cars negative and postiive "leads" off the batt, and test again, once again , it should have around 13V?

if it does, then the motor should at least turn over and if you wanna talk sounds , it should go "RARARARARARARARARA" but not fire.

Once you got it to that stage, if its not firing then its a fuel / spark related problem. or possibly a fuse, check your fuse kick panel near drivers side footwell.

If you are too n00b to do any of the above, then call RAC and pay some money until you upgrade your brain matter coz one day it may matter.

good luck

Edited by coFF33

The single click you are hearing is the starter relay. What you need to do first off is determine why it won't turn over.

When the water pump "blew" did it spray water everywhere? Even a small amount will cause problems with your relays.

I have absolutely no "hands on" experience with skylines in this regard (ex stagea owner :teehee: ) but I would grab a test light or multimeter, a mate to turn the key on and off, and start chasing the wires from the starter motor backwards to the battery, or try another starter if you can.

Also, try getting your mate to bump the key a few times while you smack the casing with a hammer handle - if it is just poling causing the issue this wil l at least alow it to spin freely for a bit, and then you will know that its time to get your starter rebushed or replaced.

ok thanks 4 ur feedback guys

no water did not spray wen it went

but wen it went

the car ran rough an died

it did start again

so i could get it around the corner to home

i went to start it the next day an it kicked

but would not start

so it was winding over but that was it

but alll i get now is a single click wen i turn the key to the start position

the click sounds like its coming from the engine bay sumwhere

battery is brand new

have tried 3 different batterys so far

so i have eliminated that

jus tcant work out y it was starting

then only kicking over

and now nothing


any more ideas guys

as i am starting to wonder if its a relay stopping power getting through

ill keep u all up2 date

and once again


  • 2 weeks later...
You may have filled a cylinder or 2 with water, which basically locks the engine. Try turning the engine over by hand. If it won't turn, remove the spark plugs and try it.

shit i hope that hasnt happened

any 1 in western sydney as im in campbelltown

that would be willing to give me a hand with it

and maybe come and have a look

as i needa get it back up and running asap

im gettin new water pump real soon

so if any 1 could help me out doing that would be much appreciated

cheers guys

undo the sparkies, and crank the motor over by hand a couple of revolutions, then do it by key, as above, water will not compress. all it will do in that situation is bend a conrod.

step two check the oil make sure it isnt mayonaise looking , if it is you have your self a blown head gasket/buckled or cracked head.

step three pull all the relays outta the box and dry them check all the fuses etc

check the starter motor wires, ensure all plugs are connected....

leave your battery on charge overnight, while thats happening gap your spark plugs down to .8. it will make them

easier to ignite with a weak spark. give em a clean aswell......

when the battery is charged chuck it back in leave the key in the ON position

Undo the CAS and give it a turn, you should hear the injectors start clicking and within a few turns if your listening

you'll hear the fuel pump, start.

if it wont fire pull the first spark plug out along with the coil and rest it on the plenum crank it over and watch for the spark

numbers 2345 and 6 are not important, number one coil has the sensor wire on it that tells the ecu to start its ignition sequence, as long as number one is firing the rest will fire.

if you have spark but still wont run pull the fuel pump relay and crank it over,

undo the return fuel hose from the fuel rail. The hose with fuel filter inline and stick it in a bottle. plug the relay back in

(after swapping it with another relay) and turn the key on.....

if you get fuel in the bottle you may have an airlocked fuel rail.

place hose back on and undo the fuel pressure reg (front end) and repeat proccess untill fuel flows with out air bubbles.

undo the sparkies, and crank the motor over by hand a couple of revolutions, then do it by key, as above, water will not compress. all it will do in that situation is bend a conrod.

step two check the oil make sure it isnt mayonaise looking , if it is you have your self a blown head gasket/buckled or cracked head.

step three pull all the relays outta the box and dry them check all the fuses etc

check the starter motor wires, ensure all plugs are connected....

leave your battery on charge overnight, while thats happening gap your spark plugs down to .8. it will make them

easier to ignite with a weak spark. give em a clean aswell......

when the battery is charged chuck it back in leave the key in the ON position

Undo the CAS and give it a turn, you should hear the injectors start clicking and within a few turns if your listening

you'll hear the fuel pump, start.

if it wont fire pull the first spark plug out along with the coil and rest it on the plenum crank it over and watch for the spark

numbers 2345 and 6 are not important, number one coil has the sensor wire on it that tells the ecu to start its ignition sequence, as long as number one is firing the rest will fire.

if you have spark but still wont run pull the fuel pump relay and crank it over,

undo the return fuel hose from the fuel rail. The hose with fuel filter inline and stick it in a bottle. plug the relay back in

(after swapping it with another relay) and turn the key on.....

if you get fuel in the bottle you may have an airlocked fuel rail.

place hose back on and undo the fuel pressure reg (front end) and repeat proccess untill fuel flows with out air bubbles.

thanks for your help mate

much appreciated

atm im in the middle of putting in a new water pump

so after i sort that out i ill get down to business and see how i go with ur ideas

cheers mate


also by the way does any1 here hae a lower timing cover as mines f**ked


I have a similar problem with my L24E 30. Turns over fine, but no fire, not even a kick. WHen I turn the ignition on, I can hear the pump run, but nothing. Have checked all fuses, and done a quick re-arrange of relays (as much as I can, I don't have any spare green ones for the pump, ignition and ECU). It started and ran fine on Friday, but after sitting all weekend, I went to start it to go to work this morning, and all it did was turn over. Sounded normal, but just won't kick.

Mine seems to be the (blown) head gasket finally giving up and filling my chambers with oil/water. Was blowing a LOT of smoke on Friday when I last drove it, so it makes sense, and the plugs were (and probably now are again) completely wet with oil. Looks like it's off to get a new gasket set.

I think your battery's flat... new, powerful etc - ok fair enough... but you've cranked it heaps of times... usually if you crank it like 20 times over, say, a period of 20 mins or so, the battery will die so try connecting a jumper lead to it with another car and jump start it.

Also check all your hoses - a hose leak, say, to your BOV will prevent the car from starting up... check your exhaust piping and finally check your spark plugs... try this first then come back and I'm sure someone from here will be able to give you more suggestions.

Good luck!

thanks for your feedback guys

but as i have said the car is not kicking over

but when i turn the key to ignition i get ignition and then continue turning it to start it just goes click once and "THATS IT"


any more feedback would be good


hit your f*kin starter motor with a hammer that will turn the engine, and if it doesnt fire then

it will be your starter.. try jump starting it aswell..


ill give that a go when i finish doing the new waterpump

any thing u guys reckon i gotta be careful of or any good tips to use or watchout for changing the water pump

eg any thing i needa no bout the timing belt an wat not

cheers guys


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