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Don't Ever Park At Star City Casino Carpark


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OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG so sorry to hear mona!!

yeap everything is insured, so its all being taken care of.. its just the hassle and the feel of being violated that angers me

thats true..

im speechless..

hope it all works out by insurance

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Sorry to hear it Mona :D

There's camera's aplenty on the casino floor. The a**holes running the joint might be considerate enough to use a few $$ from the billions and move a couple lousy cameras to the parking lot.

All the best getting the car sorted.

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sorry to hear that moaner. your story unlike most has a semi happy ending since you are a smart chickie with a full alarm and full comprehensive insurance. :D

you don't have to go far down the NSW section to find threads on cars stolen or damaged at star city or harbourside parking.

the problem I found with lock nuts is you really need to carry the lock nut tool in your glovebox, so the lock nuts are only going to save your wheels if they don't bother to gain access to your car and look inside it.

of course the carparks don't give a rats ass about peoples cars getting damaged or stolen in their carpark. they have their little disclaimer up to cover themeselves, and the only crims they are interested in is those dastardly devils who would try and leave without paying their exorbitant fees.

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Very sorry to hear that mona, at least yo still have the car though.

That car park is a disgrace, we had the z broken into twice (once smashed passenger window, other time slashed the roof open). Over $7k of damage in 3 months.

Clearly the owners (state govt) and cops dont give a f**k since this has been going on for a while.

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yeah i saw kels post about her window being broken, but i guess i had one of those mind sets where i just thought it wouldn't happen to me.. i'm an idiot.. i know.. but now it just means i don't trust any carparks and will probably go back to public transport or buy a second car.

and yeap.. police don't give a f**k.. the finger printer guy called me this morning and i could hear him playing with something on his desk and pretty much telling me that because the car had recently been washed there was no hopes of fingerprints, and because we'd moved it (f**k leaving it in that carpark over night) there was no point as the towie and others would have gotten their prints on it... well f you.. if they had bothered coming to star city yesterday when it was reported then maybe theyd have gotten something rather than sitting on their lazy ass

and i really wish i'd known about other breakins apart from Kels window being smashed.. i probably would have found other parking.. but then again maybe not.. hindsight is a wonderful thing but gets me nowhere

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I'm always suspicious of the security guards at places like star city.. it just seems all a bit convenient that they get away with barely any trace. The thieves are either very stupid to be stealing from a place that is theoretically covered with cameras, or they know that they cant get caught because they're mates with the security guards or whatever.

I'm not saying that in this case the security had anything to do with at all, its just a conspiracy theory!

Sorry to hear about your troubles.

Im also with you on this one re the seco's. These carparks are like shopping malls for thieves. As if the security guards arent cruising round and ringing there mates every time a nice car rocks up. Theres no way in the world they arent involved. Call their mates, keep a watch out, watch you in the casino to make sure your not heading back to the car, letting them out the front gate.

Why wouldnt they when its so obvious they can get away with it scott free, as in your case where obviously no one is suspecting them!

Conspiracy theory this! i reckon thered be a few that actually took the job at star city with patrolling for cars to steal specifically in mind.

Not saying all sec G's are bad, sure some are working to put food on their kids plates. But even those ones prob are willing to, or forced to turn a blind eye to what goes on.

Your cars prob safer on the street where theres the constant threat of a cop driving past then in a dark corner of a car park. (cop drives to enter star city carpark - thieves get a call from seco to move away from whatever car there working on).

Sorry bout the rant

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e_dog.. yeah it wouldn't surprise me.. but nothing i can do about that! And i was also thinking its probabl safer ont he streets.. either that or don't have s much of a routine with parking as i did.. park adhocly, park on the street or leave it at home!

and thanks miss pie... i;m more focussed on getting it sorted and praying that karma will bite those bastages in the ass

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e_dog.. yeah it wouldn't surprise me.. but nothing i can do about that! And i was also thinking its probabl safer ont he streets.. either that or don't have s much of a routine with parking as i did.. park adhocly, park on the street or leave it at home!

and thanks miss pie... i;m more focussed on getting it sorted and praying that karma will bite those bastages in the ass

Yeah sorry moanie, didnt mean to seem insensitive. I know theres no real point to what i said because cant really do anything about it. Cars at risk no matter where it is.

American mate had a custom harley he brought all way from the states. Moved into expensive apartment with secure parking. Bolted chain into the concrete carpark floor and locked it up tight and well out of road sight. They reckon when someone else moved into the apartment and removalists were walking through the car park, they saw it...bike was gone three days later.

Everyone's dodgy

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not at all e_dog.. the thought had already crossed my mind.. condsidering they have a guard patrolling the top floor to make sure noone parks there, it wouldn't surprise me if one of them marked my car coming in everyday.. i wish i could do something about it.. but i don't think there is anything i can do and its not encouraging when you know the police just don't care!

sux about your mates bike.. just goes to show, no matter what measures you go to, some f**ker will always find a way to get it

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Wow, that sucks Mona. Damn shame to hear about this, after all the time and effort you put into the car.

It's stories like this that make me wonder whether to bother adding a nice set of wheels to my car - the extra attention is clearly not always positive! :rofl:

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farking asshats....

That sux0rs Mona..... and I agree with everyone else re security guards having a "blind eye" or a spotters fee thing happening...

You mentioned you think they were in your car the day before??? As in broke in and disabled the siren?? I had a similar experience a week or so ago where someone had a go at my locks, and the siren wasn't working when I returned. Traced the wiring back and found it damaged, but shrugged it off to when the engine was being put back in. Also shrugged off the lock to happening prior and had never noticed it as I never use the keys to unlock the car!

Good luck with the repairs and hope it gets back on the rd shortly :P

edit: get the serial no up and a pic of the rims so we can keep an eye out for peeps trying to sell em :rofl:

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noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D

That sux big time! Thank god they didn't get the car, especially after all the work with the rebuild and everything! but dam that sux about the wheels, pfc and the damage to the skirts and front bar :O :O

I definitely agree that it is more often than not the security guards that are helping to steal these cars... At Macquarie Uni, about 5 cars get stolen a week and it is believed that the security guards suss out the cars and then let their mates know when to steal the cars and where.... I wish the police would do more about this type of thing... maybe set a trap for the security guards...

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yeah... when i got in the car on tuesday the fuse box panel near the steering column was on the floor - i wrote that off on the guys that washed my car on sunday.. thought must have just gotten lose then fallen off... when my alarm didn't beep when i armed it.. i checked the sound box in the engine bay.. i thought the box had just fallen down and the wires, due to being short, had just sprung out.. now i think they were cut... i'm kicking myself as if i'd actually thought someone would try to steal my car in there i'd have been more paranoid :s plus i couldn't believe that anyone would have pre meditated it like that!

oh! and i also believe they got into the car by using the passenger door unlock button on the drivers side panel... so i suggest you disable this asap if you haven't already

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