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Don't Ever Park At Star City Casino Carpark


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yup best advice ever is disabling the door switch.

lil Sam locked his keys in teh car and over the phone I told him to pull back the drivers window and use a coat hanger to flick that switch... quite scary that someone can do it in under 30 secs without ever having attempted it before...

And it leaves no witness marks... :D

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sorry to hear moanie

this is bs. i think we need to do our own sting op on these guys as cops are doing nothing. the most place's seem to be hornsby westfield(old northgate) car park, macquarie uni/ shopping centre and surrounding area, Miranda car park, now starcity.

wat we do is leave a car there and have a couple none convincing cars full of sau members etc wait for them to strike then kick there arse. then they may think about doing it again.

hope all goes well with insurance etc. will keep look out for your stuff on ebay and other car/part sale sites.

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i do medieval fighting and would love an opportunity to use my mace and pick axe on a car theives ass... PM me lol...

Maybe my weighted wooden training weapons would be better though, less blood on peoples clothes for identification

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ive been suggesting a sting operaton for ages, get the suckers at miranda too, it wouldnt be hard, nice car, few people... vigilante styles...

that sucks mona, its good you were all insured... i parked at the carpark under the Novotel once and came out in the morning to find my bonnet had been lifted, lucky the alarm is farken loud and thats what scared them away... security and what not didnt seem too interested...

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Vigilante stuff is never a good idea when dealing with these kind of people. A lot of the time they have got a lot less to lose than you do so you can find yourself in a very bad situation. At worst you kick the shit out of them so hard that they die and so you're up for murder charges, at best if they live you're up for assault occasioning grievous bodily harm or something!

It's surprising that this hasnt happened before though. Theres nothing more aggravating than being fobbed off by the cops because they wont put in a little bit of extra effort to stop this happening!

What happened to the idea of stings? I've seen plenty of american shows where they set the theives up, i wonder why the dont try that here? :D

Cost vs benefit? Or just plain laziness?

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aww mona! that is such shit news dude!!! :D:(

I'm surprised that star city casino car park doesn't have better security than that!

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aww mona! that is such shit news dude!!! :D:(

I'm surprised that star city casino car park doesn't have better security than that!

Why would they? They only want you for your money!

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casinos = high security areas.

seems like a fairly obvious assumption to me.

Yea in the casino where the money is.. not where everyone else car is.. It's just the same as shopping centres.

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well what happens to the poor guys that wins 20k and take the money down to his car to drive away and is mugged.. no security there? its a disgrace!

and the police are useless! i called yesterday to get some info on the stolen car and the guy hasn't even called me back... they don't give a shit.. unless someone dies or it'll put them in the news, why would they care?

i'm moving on.. these guys will never be caught.. it just makes me more conscious of driving habits and of where i park... huge lifestyle change for me, but those bastards will never get a shot at my car again

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well what happens to the poor guys that wins 20k and take the money down to his car to drive away and is mugged.. no security there? its a disgrace!

yep, they don't care about him either. in fact they hate him! they would be quite pleased i'm sure if he gets mugged in the carpark as the lowlife that robs him will likely feed half of that money back into the pokies for them.

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Anyone wanna buy a set of XD9's??? got some i just found :bunny:

Yeah suxors...worst bit was trying to get 4 wheels back on the bastard thing without toppling it off the dodgy jack and space saver and destroying brake and things. Looked pretty sad perched up there without any shoes.

Security was suspect as, wouldn't trust them as far as i could kick them, and the cops took nearly 2 hours to get there, me and a workmate of monas were joking that if we had have started doing burnouts in the car park they would have been there straight away. Luckily engine is safe, and there is only minor body damage.

Pretty much hardened my resolve to sell and buy a nice normal car.

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OMG, it's Caine!

Yeah, it sucks that we'd even have to think about changing to a "normal" car due to the total lack of respect of a bunch of f*ckwits who can't keep their hands to themselves...

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Really sorry to hear this happened to your car Moanie. I still remember my first cruise and admiring your car.

I'm always so worried this sort of thing will happen with my car, even if it's rough around the edges after all these years of tough love I've given it. I'd be wrecked if something like this happened so I totally empathise with you.

I've parked a couple of times at Star City but never expected it to be this bad. I can echo the sentiments another post mentioned re Hornsby car park. I would also like to add I had my car badly vandalised on the Chatswood Westfield car park roof one night while I was at the movies.

Someone had run up the bonnet, stomped up and down on the roof of the car, smashed one of my mirrors off and let all the air out of one of my tyres and they tried kicking a GT badge off the side of the car (evident from slight dent and scuff marks).

Guess it means our car's aren't really safe anywhere except under lock and key at home which is a shame.

Best of luck in getting your situation sorted!

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just got my gtt recently and have already spent way too much money on mods, wheels etc and to hear stories like this sends chills down my spine. I've parked at SC a few times and noticed the lack of cameras and security and always wondered what I might find when I come back..

If you work there and have to park frequently I'd get some mates to distribute letters for a few days to drivers as they come in to the car park, warning them that the carpark is completely insecure and that break-ins occur frequently. That might spring SC into action as I'm sure they'd get tired of concerned customers hassling them and asking questions about the carpark security.. A hundred HD cameras and a few dedicated carpark patrols would cover it nicely and casino could easily absorb those costs plus get the extra benefit of bragging rights for running a secure carpark which could only encourage more punters and give them good publicity (for a change).

For a casino to not have a 100% secure carpark is an absolute joke. They have a million cameras covering the gaming floors - a few more to look after their customers expensive cars is not much of an ask.

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^ dont think they care.

We are a minority (imports) compared to the rest.

Heres another story about how much they dont give a shit.

I rememeber a few years ago me and few friends went to star city (parked inside), and on the way to lifts we walked past this ute.

Had a lot junk/maccas bags in the back. Had dust all over it. Seemed like it was stolen and dumped and been there for few weeks..

Didnt pay much attention to it..

Anyways, most likley a month later i was at star city again and i actually ended up parking near the ute!!

YUP thats right.. a month after it was still there..

As long as star city makes money of people who waste $$ on pokies etc they wouldnt care :(

WHEN people actually stop parking in the place they will realise they should have done something!

TILL Then i honestly dont think they give a crap!!

Same as westfields..

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