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Hey guys, where can you find places where they sell the RB25DET engines....or RB26DETT's?

Want to chuck in something into my car thats got more power since im getting about 122rwkw out of my N/A powahhh RB25DE in my 34, 25GT.

I reasearched the facts of redoing an N/A and for the amount of money you spend i might aswell dump a nice fat RB25DET or 26DETT in there to muck around with.

Although thered be alot less work throwing in a 25DET i'd assume (ecu's, clutch, trans, brakes etc etc) and the 26DETT might be a bit overkill specially since i don't have the nice program that allows the traction to be diverted to the front when needed : haha...damn gtr's!!! :D

Also the part im specifically searching for is that they are under 70 thous K's or lower if possible, want the cleanest engine i can get my hands on. i know the 26's will be much better in condition (for the price jump you'd expect it) but yeh..thats the basics of it.

My current RB25DE has run a nice low 35 thousand legit k's so i wouldnt mind even selling that, what do you think i could get for that as a side question?

Anyhow, probs been posted somewhere but i can't find it cause im noobish, can anyone help me??

thanks in advance.

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there is a quick list all though it could do with an update.

Don't base your idea that because 26's are worth more that they will be in better condition :)

Yeh man, 32's clearly gonna be wasted and 33's not gonna be the greatest, ifi need an engineer's report im gonna have to get it done for a new model meaning 34 model RB26...so i'd assume they have alot less issues in terms of reliability and they would be in a better condition than most since not everyone can afford the R :D

Thing is id have to get a custom sump n stuff to get it to work rear wheel yeh? thats gonna be a lot of work if a buy a full package engine...gah...probs not worth it.

Thanks for the link bud, appreciated!

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