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6 Get out of my f**king way!


And when two lanes have to merge into 1 lane,Just because you think and probly could squeeze

up the inside of me, Does Not mean im going to let you.

Get back and stay in your spot.

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Dont pull out in front of me, if i have to brake im entitled to use the horn and i will.

Especially pisses me off when there is no one behind me

oh and i know, stop at stop signs id say atleast 7/10 regular drivers rims never stop turnning.

The thing that really annoys me is when people want to travel at 90 km/h in a 100 zone.... then as you approach an 80 zone near a town etc they continue to do 90!!!!!! Its like their mentality tells them the -10km/h earlier negates the +10km/h they are exceding the speed limit by now....

And people wonder why there is so much road rage .... honestly

People like this remind me where the missing link between monkey and human resides.

Tip 7 -

When a roadworks sign say "lane ends" it does actually mean just that! Don't go for gold hoping you can push in just as you're about to hit witches hats and make the flow of traffic stop as you've cut across the lane! Do what the other 60% have done and just merge into the open lane a few hundred meters back!!!!

Also another canny trick is to drive accross both the open and closed lane, stops those tools trying to sneek up ahead where they'll just pull in front of you then go slow.

The thing that really annoys me is when people want to travel at 90 km/h in a 100 zone.... then as you approach an 80 zone near a town etc they continue to do 90!!!!!! Its like their mentality tells them the -10km/h earlier negates the +10km/h they are exceding the speed limit by now....

And people wonder why there is so much road rage .... honestly

People like this remind me where the missing link between monkey and human resides.

That's funny as I have little nicknames for certain driver types...they're quite simply 'A 90's driver' no matter what the limit, 90 seems to be all the rage!

There's also the 'gravity rider' up hill they just can't seem to fathom a gear change is in order or to put their foot down, yet down a hill whoah nelly!!! Off they go at super sonic speeds!

I commonly call other well-known heavy vehicles Bus(luts) and Truck(unts) fell free to yell that when they do something dick-like

The thing that really annoys me is when people want to travel at 90 km/h in a 100 zone.... then as you approach an 80 zone near a town etc they continue to do 90!!!!!! Its like their mentality tells them the -10km/h earlier negates the +10km/h they are exceding the speed limit by now....

Lol. It always makes me feel stupid when I'll pass people doing 100 while they do 90. Meanwhile it drops to 80 which I do, they don't and I'm being passed by people in the left lane speeding :)

Yep there sure is alot of retards driving cars in our sunny state.

so we must be up to at least tip 35 by now.. So,

36 That funny stalky thing is NOT an extra. Its called an indicator! Use it!

37 Turn ur mobile fone off! I have lost count of how many cars i've seen change lane while on their fone!

38 Natural Lore states, Get away from bigger things.. they WILL hurt u!

39 You want to drive at 90, or even 80kp/h FINE! But so help me if you speed up at a passing lane I'm gonna give u a luv nudge! OK!

40 If i don't give you a luv nudge.. Lucky u, I'm gonna get beside you and not let u in! Simple.. u A-hole!

41 Like said, 'Lane ends' means merge now, NOT in 650m! I move onto the line to push people out of this terrable habbit!

42 Road blocks suck, So don't think I'm gonna give u even 2cm to shove in if you just turned in from a side street, u can wait like EVERYBODY else, If you've been there awhile, I 'mite' let u in. Otherwise.. sod off! (as the poms say!)

43 If you drive a winnabeigo, I'm gonna hit pot-holes on purpose and shower u in stones! if you havn't jacked me off yet, your mates did!

44 If the council have a 40 sign up, do it! if they are not there (like nearly always) dob the lazy buggers in!

45 Smile and wave when u screw up! others usually get a good laugh! if they laugh, they wont throw stones at you!

46 Right lane is fast lane.. OK! if i hi beam u, brace your self, I'm coming through!

U dont like my rules? STAY AWAY! urr, I mean STAY AWAKE!

1 Use f**king indicators, it lets everyone else know what you may be thinking

2 don't swap lanes on roundabouts

3 don't indicate right if you're going straight ahead on a roundabout

4 KEEP LEFT (It's the new black!)

5 Try merging at the stated highway speed, it stops a wagon-train of cars clogging the left hand lane and makes life easier for the car you "were" going to cut off while you're doing 70 and not looking

6 Get out of my f**king way!

haha this is what my fav !! younger women fail to do all the above and think their echo / camry a tank !

42 Road blocks suck, So don't think I'm gonna give u even 2cm to shove in if you just turned in from a side street, u can wait like EVERYBODY else, If you've been there awhile, I 'mite' let u in. Otherwise.. sod off! (as the poms say!)

Funny thing is that in the UK, if you need to change lanes, or pull out of a side street, someone will ALWAYS make room for you.

Put your indicator on and a gap opens for you to pull in to. Everyone does it without thinking about it.

Not like Aus. Put your indicator on, the gap you were looking at closes. Pull out of a side street into traffic? Usually 15-50 cars before someone lets you in. Room to overtake? Not if they speed up to stop you getting past.

It's not just some bad drivers.. All aussies are sh*t because they think they've got more right to be on the road than everyone else.

Learn some courtesy and commonsense, or get off my planet.


ooh ooh and cars that do u-turns and think they're driving a semi-trailer, so pull out left to do a right hand u-turn FFS the car isn't that big that you need to drive into my lane to turn around!!!

yeah dan.. i f**king hate that.. shit all this post is sooo true.. makes me angry remembering all that shit happening...


ooh ooh and cars that do u-turns and think they're driving a semi-trailer, so pull out left to do a right hand u-turn FFS the car isn't that big that you need to drive into my lane to turn around!!!


Even when small hatches are turning right at the next intersection, the stick WAY left before hooking right, Making it impossible to get past them.

Also, It is possible to go around a corner doing >2kph.

People who brake to almost a complete stop when turning left, slowing down the main flow. GRRRRR

How about when (mainly chicks) go down a narrow street in their echo or festies and move about 3M to the right of a parked car to avoid hitting it.. man, I can and do drive heavy vehicles though gaps that big.. Use your damn mirrors!

The smaller the car, the bigger the gap they use. ever noticed a truck or bus will give you.. maybe 5cm of clearance, but a snot box will take the width of that truck/bus and then add 1m! Then they glare at you for making them use some of that massive gap.. what the?

or 4wd owners (like prado's) that have never ever seen any kinda dirt, but are fitted with bull bars, spot lights and winches and tow bars and mud flaps and.. and.. and.. and none of them have ANY paint missing. Then they try and force you out of a lane cos they think that their over budget family mover has right of way.. and just because.. no reasons.. just because!

Get a small car moron! You dont need it, I bet you cant even use it! Do u even know how to put it into 4wd?

Think i should change this threads name!

narr.. even better, print it out and tape it to the windscreen of idiots who 'think' they can drive..

then they can tick off all of the crap we have mentioned that they do.. But, I guess they would be tooooooo stupid to get it!

Insted of a parking meter man.. We will have a driving man, goes round with the list of crap not to do and book their sorry buts!

And I dont care if they book me for not letting people into a traffic jam. They can still get stuffed, If I have to wait 30min, they dont get a free pass infront of me cos they just turned into the mess...

Lets Face it .. Chicks with Festiva's Echos, and all the other tiny lil buzz cars cant really drive these are the 18-22 yr old age bracket) , older chicks are far better drivers hell some of them even have a chat with ya at set of lights :D ... my Audi was side swiped by a lil tiny 18 yr old uni student as she was busy putting lip gloss on forgot it was red light she crossed.. how silly is that !!!.. boy did i scream every name you could imagine under the sun to her hehe Rage it does get to you ..

Next one to watch out for is the New P Platers with med sized cars they think the freeway is their racetrack.. tsk tsk tsk

Edited by 53XYN

Friggen 4wd's that pull up next to you so that you can't see past them, really shits me to tears.

It happens just about every afternoon as i'm leaving work. It's a small street with one lane each way. I pull up at the stop sign to turn left, and there will be about 5 cars behind doing the same, yet a 4wd knob, majority of the time will drive on the opposite side of the road and try to squish in next to me at the stop sign to turn right. And given that the road we're turning onto is always busy, i sit there for ages waiting for the damn 4wd to move so i can see.

Oh and just generally 4wd drivers, you know, the soccer mum's who think they own the road and got their licences from a cornflakes packet.

Although my biggest pet hate is people sitting in the right hand lane NOT overtaking. I drive the M1 every day to and from work and you will always get morons sitting in the right hand lane doing under the speed limit not overtaking anyone. I don't know what the problem is with the other 3 lanes to the left???

/end rant

Oh the big ones for me is STAYING THE SPEED LIMIT...including freeway onramps and just general driving...

If it says 60 - go 60. if it says 100 - go 100.

...Man I'm getting angry just thinking about it....

I have to go on the garden city(klump road inbound) every night, it goes from two lanes and a t3, to one lane, and everyone slows down to let people merge...which is fine but by the time that the everyone hits the freeway everyone is doing +_50kph... I know its the bottleneck effect but come on, nobody else even tries to get to the speed limit. If the police wanted to target people going well under the speed limit - they would make a killing right there.

O.K. I've had my whinge...and i feel a little better

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