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I think it's more so your "Holier than thou" attitude that you have been displaying around the place lately.

Everyone else who attended the cruise knew that it was a big turnout.

sorry wat????

holier then thou? i dont get it

maybe its just me, wen i saw east meets west i guess i automatically thought 50+. the east meets i go to are around the size of this meet.

AS I SAID IM NOT COMPLAINING, i had heaps of fun. im just simply saying wat i thought

You certainly tend to have that "flaming" kind of effect shot at you, whether you like it or not, hey R34NRG? :D

yeh i dunno

i think ppl just gotta meet me, cuz im just that sorta outspoken type of guy who jokes alot. its i shame i didnt meet ash. i really wanted to shake the mans hand, and show him i dont mean any harm. afterall.....80% of my warns are from him lol

im sure if u ask the guys that have met me, theyll know wat i mean

Edited by R34NRG
all i said was i expected more cars.......maybe expected is the wrong word? i assumed?

i just thought it be bigger thats all. im not crying that it wasnt or anything.

i think everyone just needs to stop being girls and not take everything i say so seriously......damn......

since wen did anyone care wat i said anyway lol

ill say it again though, awsome meet cant wait for the next one.

btw karla maybe next time u can keep your toilet demands to yourself instead of reporting it to the public hahahhaha, you crack me up

well maybe next time you should not listen to every little thing that i say :D

well the east meet i went to, which afaik was the biggest one in the last year or two, had HEAPS of cars and people which was awesome.

This meet was even bigger again, GREAT turnout & heaps of fun.

I don't care where everyone is from, maybe 70% or more of the club are from the Eastside, that's just how it is.

I've got no complaints and this crap is bringing it down. There's no point to negative comments about numbers, I think the guys did great and there's heaps of new members in the club, which makes me super happy.

Let's just all move on from here and discuss what's happening next... keep them on their toes! :D

yeh the east pre meet was huge, to abd not everyone went to AP.

sighs guess ill be paying 70 for membership instead of the 50 i missed out on -___-"

i totally forgot everyone i met on the nite, so if we had a chat and i promised to give u something, shoot us a PM.....lol

and who ever bought the rims off me (sorry man forgot your name) sorry i didnt tag to the kabab, i full got lost following someone going home.

Edited by R34NRG
well the east meet i went to, which afaik was the biggest one in the last year or two, had HEAPS of cars and people which was awesome.

This meet was even bigger again, GREAT turnout & heaps of fun.

I don't care where everyone is from, maybe 70% or more of the club are from the Eastside, that's just how it is.

I've got no complaints and this crap is bringing it down. There's no point to negative comments about numbers, I think the guys did great and there's heaps of new members in the club, which makes me super happy.

Let's just all move on from here and discuss what's happening next... keep them on their toes! :rofl:

Now i'm likin' the sound of that!!! Can't wait! I was takin a look at my new SAU calander which I got thanks to my cheap membership fee :D and noticed the photos of the cars being taken at (which i assume were) track days...they look like awesome fun!

sighs guess ill be paying 70 for membership instead of the 50 i missed out on -___-"

you missed out? but you were there?

yeh i dunno how, i had the paper on the dash, in a evolop raped in a 50 note. and before i knew it we were all off for kababs.

its cuz i was talkn to much and it slipped my mind.


for the record, the kebabs at 'Kebabs R Yummy' (yes that is the name of the place) are possibly some of the best 'babs you'll ever have (they close at 9pm though)


Dezz and AP well done. And 19 new members :laugh: thats tops....... :laugh:

Would have been more Wayne...but AP was too busy trying to organise dinner at Rock Kung for his usual Duck and Bukkit of Rice......shame on you AP :laugh:

Thanks to Bec who signed me up at the east meet :laugh:

No worries :laugh:

Was an awesome turnout especially considering the weather was so crappy.

Was ace to meet so many new people, hopefully I remember your names the next time I run into you all.

Cheers all for a good night.

Would have been more Wayne...but AP was too busy trying to organise dinner at Rock Kung for his usual Duck and Bukkit of Rice......shame on you AP :laugh:

hahahahahah i love it

once again.... thanks for a great night out people. catch up an see some new an old faces

it was a shame about the weather, but it was a good turn out. DEZZ, WAYNE, an MYSELF (ap) have more events later on in the year, so ALL YOU NON-MEMBERS you better jump on board


Leaaaannbac :)

I said my n***** don't dance,

See we just pull up our pants and,

Do the Roc-away. (CAN YOU HEAR ME!)



BTW Is that 2Pac or eMsta in that pic?


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