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apart from the stereo that's missing ( :D ), I need help identifying what shit is missing so I know what to actually buy.

Pic 1 is the mess that my car has been ever since I bought it (2001!) and was too lazy to do anything about it

Pic 2 is how it currently sits. Ignore the boost gauge, once I get an ashtray, I'm cutting a whole in it to fit it n nice and snug like. The plastic has been painted while I was bored at work and clear coated so it's all shiney and sparkly.

Pic 3 explinationg

1 = Clip from plastic having nothing to clip into :thumbsup: What's missing?

2 = Holes to screw something into which I don't have, or know what I am missing, what could it be?

Pic 4 explination

1 = Holes to secure plastic cover around stereo/vents/etc

2 = Holes to secure plastic cover around gear stick/ashtray

3 = wtf? same holes as in Pic 3 which I don't have anything to go into it.

Giant Circle ? = area for clip from plastic in Pic 3, something cut out? not too much of a problem, still all secure anyways.

Pic 5 = Sparkly.

I am going to be putting some sort of double-din screen doohicky in the gaping hole there, and just want to know if I need to have some standard parts (like the stereo brackets that screw under the aircon controls), it's just those other parts I'm not sure if I need or not.

The SAFC has been thrown into the glove box until I can work out a way to secure it properly somewhere.

Any help at all would be very much appreciated :cheers:






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ok in picture 3. 1 i belve clips into the factory bracket that the head unit screws into. 2 are the screw holes where the factory bracket for the head unit screws into.

in picture 4. 1 are the holes that the bottom half of the plastic surround that goes around the head unit and under the gauge cluster screw into.

2 are the screw holes for the the gear surround.

3 are the head unit bracket holes again.

and in the part that you circled it apears that someone has cut off the top part where the head unit bracket is soposed to mount onto and screw into.that im afraide is apart of the dash and cant be replaced unless you replace the whole dash that is.

you will need the oridginal head unit bracket to even try to attempt to mount anything back in there,but as i said before there is nothing for the top half of the bracket to screw into any more so the top half will probly just pivot on the bottom mounting and fall through.but get the bracket anyway and give it ago,it may just stay in there well enough.

Edited by Jack88

Thought as much. So I need the head unit brackets at the very least so as to have a nice clean fit of a new double-din screen. I may need to knock up something under the heater to screw it all into as well.

Thanks for the help :thumbsup:

by the by, you wouldn't happen to have any pics of the complete head unit bracket? all I've seen so far are the top part of the bracket that screw into either side of the unit. nothing for a double-din application though.

not a problem mate.yea you will more then likly have to make up an extra bracket for the top to secure into other wise it might move around abit.

the bracket that you use for the single din unit and double din unit are the same thing.its just in cars with the single din unit fitted (like mine) you fit a pocket underneath it to fill in the gap.but seems you want to fit a double din unit you would just remove the pocket.

if i have time ill take a few pictures of mine tomoz so you can get a better idea of where things go and such.

here is where i mounted my avcr, dosnt block much of the gauges and can be seen with a quick glance.


did you use the stock bracket with your avcr? if so, how'd you stick the avcr on the bracket?

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