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Should have put this up earlier I suppose. Just doing a copy and paste from the thread on SecretDrift.com.au. The only change is that the gates will be open at 9 and there will be a practise session from 10.


EVENT DATE: 15th June 2008

COMPETITION TRACK: Turn 2 – dipper – turn 4 – turn 5


ENTRIES: Entry forms will be available on various forums and via QR's website (www.queenslandraceway.com.au) in the next few days. Competition entry will be $150 is payment and form are completed by the 1st of June, after this date and on the day entry will be $195. We strongly encourage pre-entry which also will reserve you a pitbay.

PIT BAYS: The first 39 paid entrants will be guaranteed pit bays. This will be assigned as payments are received with your pre-entry, so don't wait till the last minute or else you WILL miss out.

PRACTICE/QUALIFYING: The entrants will be broken into groups of 15 (A, B, C & D(if req'd)). Each group will be given 30 minutes in order to practice and qualify ie there will only be 15 cars on the competition track at any one time. This will ensure each driver gets plenty of practice and can get in a good rythym. 2 runs will be judged (line up in the righthand lane to qualify) and the best run out of the 2 will count.

COMPETITION: The competition is a standard 32 car battle tree, down to the winner. Every car in the 32 entrants can will the event on the day. Trophies will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd.


Vehicle Safety Check 12:00 – 1pm (If you miss this, you will be excluded)

Drivers Breifing: 12:15-12:30 (If you miss this, you will be excluded)


Group A (cars 1-15) 1:00pm – 1:30pm

Group B (cars 16-30) 1:30pm – 2:00pm

Group C (cars 31-45+) 2:00pm – 2:30pm

BREAK 2:30~2:45pm

Competition: 2:45~4:45pm

Expression Session: 4:45 ~ Close

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