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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I have been working hard on the car, and wanted to give you some teaser picture of the car. I have a lot of pictures on my gallery: http://gallery.mac.com/mortenkf#100064&amp...k&view=grid

But the update is as following:

Car has been painted in twotone PPG paint, Special Silver Aluminium Metallic on top and a Mixture of Silver Aluminium Metallic and a Special Blue metallic paint on the bottom...

The new undercarrige is compleatly mounted and brakes and brakelines is mounted. And a lot more...




This is my painter... In our "new" paint booth in our work shop.




























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  • 2 weeks later...
coming along nicely!

I like the skulls mixed in.


I love it when every thing is comming together... I Loved the skulls, and they looks even nicer in real life, because they are in different "depths", and just looks awsome!

Just had a read through the whole thread mate, absolutely awesome work, well done and can't wait to see the finished result!

Thank you!

I has been a hell of a lot of work... Lots of metal fabrication and so on...

I also have a update:

I have recieved my radiator and it is huge! ;)

It messures a core thickness of 11.5cm (4.52inces) and nearly to high...


I also modified the LS slave clutch with AN-3 connectors and steel braided hose and so on:


I also recieved headers from Sikky MFG, which fitted perfect on Right side, but needed some massaging on the left side, since I have mounted the engine lower and further back than the Sikky MFG Swap Kit does... :P

The wiring of the car is a pain in the butt... :kiss:

The engine harness was Ideal, fitted perfectly, only connecting 3 wires or so into the car it self, but the car wire harness is build from scratch, and is taking more time than I had planned...

And a lot of pictures:
















  • 1 month later...


A late but long awaited update...

The car is almost finished, I have been working my ass of on the car, but did not make my deadline which was 3.July...

I was beaten by a half finished exhaust, witch was to noysy, Seatbelts was not mounted and a lot of other small important things...

But I managed to get it to the wheel alignment on the 1. July and decoration on the 30. June.

The engine runs, Almost... I have a couple of tubes I dont know where they should go, and awaiting answer... :P

But I have it started, and Watercooling and Oil Cooling looks great, Clutch works Great, Hydraulic handbrake worked Exelent, but the pedal box was more trouble than I bargened for...

With the 1" master Cilynder, I could not lock the wheels. (See earlier in the thread for why using 1" master Cilynder).

I borrowed some 0.875" and I could lock the wheels, but I cant say if they are good enauch until I test the car on the track. But I have ordered some 0.750" that would give me more power if the one I have install don't work.

The radiator and fan needed some modification to fit in front of the engine, but I managed to pull it off, and is sitting perfectly.

An now, a bunch of pictures: (Sorry for them beeing so large)















What an effort, very ncie work...

Thank you wery much!

That looks great.

Can't remember you mentioning that you were putting an R34 front on but it looks tops.

Thank you!

I did mention it earlier, when I bought the body kit, and when I was looking for the headlights... They where a nightmare to locate...

New aftermarket headlight was between 2000 and 3000 USD. These used one I paid around 800 USD, and where the cheepest one I could locate...

Fantastic stuff mate, well done. Love the dash.

Upload some video when you can, I'd love to hear it!

Thank you!

When I get it to run propaly, I will upload a video.

hey mate, very close now. Looks brilliant. love the dash and nice steering wheel lol.

post some vids when you get it running....

Thank you!

Only small things left, like Battery Mount, Rear Axel cooling, Tow Hook in the rear. And getting the engine to run properly...

I'm in contact with some people in the US, on the HP Tuner Web site, who is helping me getting the engine running like it should. While I'm trying to track down a tuner in Norway, who has the knolege too tune the engine.

Hopefully I will get in contact with him during this week...

let me know if you get stuck, i might be able to get a tune emailed to you or sent on disk. just one to have it run so you can move it around.

Thank you wery much!

Thank you!

I did mention it earlier, when I bought the body kit, and when I was looking for the headlights... They where a nightmare to locate...

New aftermarket headlight was between 2000 and 3000 USD. These used one I paid around 800 USD, and where the cheepest one I could locate...

Thank you!

When I get it to run propaly, I will upload a video.

Thank you!

Only small things left, like Battery Mount, Rear Axel cooling, Tow Hook in the rear. And getting the engine to run properly...

I'm in contact with some people in the US, on the HP Tuner Web site, who is helping me getting the engine running like it should. While I'm trying to track down a tuner in Norway, who has the knolege too tune the engine.

Hopefully I will get in contact with him during this week...

This thing is off the planet !!!

The amount of effort alone is worth an applause.

Good luck in your drifting comp and with a car which has had soo much time and effort put into it, u deserve to win.

I you can get some vids and pics from when your competing in the competition we will love to see it :):stupid:

A small update!

I have been working like hell trying to get the engine to run properly, and with exelent help from RWTD on HPTuners Forum for base tuning and Idle Dial In, I got it to run! It sound mean and angry! :)

I also finished some small things that needed to be finished, like battery box, tow hooks and some other small things...

I will try the car on the road this saturday and sunday, and If I remember to take video, I will post them.

My first race is on 29.august, but hopefully I will get some training before that.

Thanks for all the good comments!

Hi everyone!

I wanted to update everyone of my progress...

This saturday me and my brother Cato was out testing the car, and it runs awsome!

Even whithout a proper tune, it goes like hell!!! :P:D

When I was in one of our many long tunnels here on the West Coast of Norway, laying around 70-80km/h, in fourth gear (1700-2000rpm), I flored the throtle to see how much power I had in the car...

When it hit aproximly 4000rpm, it started to spin, and I almost shit my pants, since I wasn't prepared... :blush::blink:

And I thought something wasn't right, so I tried it again, and every time I did this, it started to spin at 3500-4000rpm... in 4th gear... :laugh:

The tires I'm running is 235/40-18 Road Slick (Race Tires)...

after some driving, the car completly died... Noting worked, no lights, fans, starter or engine...

And after some help with towing out of the tunnel, and borowing of a flashlight, I managed to narow the fault down to a faulty fuse, but the fuse looked like it was in a good condition. So I tooked the fuse from the cooling fans, and got the engine and lights back on...

then I got a horrific houling noice from the rear axel/differential... And found out after I got the car back in the garage, that the fault was two parts, one was a oil leak, that drained the oil from the differential... Than the differential was spaced wrong, and did not compensate for the ring gears to get hot, and was jamming...

We may have a training day in a week, and then I will get some video and pictures, but this time, we where driving at night, and therefore did not take any photos or videos.

Hi everyone!

I have been testing the car on the track yesterday (Rented the track for me and my brother for testing that the cars actually works), and the car is just awsome to drive!

It feels like it has unlimited power, and is relatively easy to drive. But I managed to damage the rear right fiberglass panel and the rear bumper and exhaust... When I managed to loose control and slide backwards into a pile of dirt... :D

All the damage is easy to fix, and the exhaust is allready straightend out, just need to weld a hole in the pipe...

The temperature never went over 96*C on the water and 85-90 on the oil., But I discovered that I need to change the spark plugs and cluch, because it is allready strugling with the engine...

I do not have too much pictures, and no video or audio, but next thursday, we have a full training day, and I will get some video and audio from that, and I have a race the 29th, here where I live...




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!

Time for a update!

I have now completed the first contest, and the car barely survived...

On the thursday, we had a training, but, the clutch gave away completly after two laps on the small track, so I did not drive much...

It turns out that the origional clutch that was in the engine (Corvette Clutch) was pulverized.. I will try and get some pictures of it... I then I got a clutch that I needed to modify to fit, but it worked...

On the race day, there where some heavy rain... and a couple of adjustment failures and a edgy throttle, made the car impossible to drive... And the damage result is:

Left and Right rear fenders

Left and Right side skirts

Rear bumper

parts of exhaust was damaged, but no big things...

I have borrowed some pictures from a local photographer calling him self HHENR. ( all pictures can bee seen here: http://www.hhenr.com/powerdrift09/

Pictures of my car:









And the driver of this car is a friend of mine, and the car is a 180SX Sileighty, with a LS1 Cammed engine...


I will fix a ned ZOOM D2 Twin plate clutch, better throttle and patch up the sides, and go racing next weekend, hopefully on a dry track. At least the track is large that this one...

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