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Princess Kellie Cruise Round 5


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My 2c worth.

I haven't been on a ns cruz but from a close friend who attended a big 1 last year i dont think i will be any time soon, yes agree its not every1 in the club but the fact a few ppl from the club can yes tarnish the reputation for every1. Kellie has done the right thing and has so far not had any trouble.

Not having a go at ya at all kahlia thats just what i've heard.

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Oh okay fair enough guys.. cheers for the support i think... lol

Yeah thats okay i know Kellie is tryin her best but you cant control what other people do at their own risk.

My cruises before Kellie were puttin hers up, i had over 50 cars in most of them and have had no trouble so not 100% sure how Kellie is feeling. Mind you a have mates that are cops that go to my cruises to keep everything safe but their just in their own imports.

Edited by Lil Miss 33
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Not trying to be rude here Nightcrawler but i have very close friends of mine from NissanSilvia and none of them are hoons or for that matter be stupid on the road so i dont really think you should be criticising people like that about ns because its not everyone on there. You could have hoons from SAU that you wouldnt know about.. but do you get what i mean? not tryin to have a go at you or anything. :)

yeah I agree with you to some point Kahli, but facts are:

1) the majority of ns.com ppl are P platers or quite young. Fact: young people are more likely to be stupid and/or have an accident. I know I was a testosterone-filled idiot every time I got behind the wheel of a car when I was young.

2) unlike Kellie's (and the majority of SAU cruises - of which I have organised many) cruises, the groups are often massive and disorganised. This too can lead to major problems.

3) there is no control over what type of cars go on ns.com cruises, and fact is crappy old corollas, lasers, falcodores etc should not be on a cruise with high performance Skylines - as you get slow people holding up the fast people and causing major problems, and increasing the likelyhood of the high performance drive doing something dangerous in a passing manouvre out of frustration. I have had this happen to me on EVERY ns.com cruise I have been on.

4) there is no control over who goes on ns.com cruises - one I went to many of the Adelaide commondore club rocked up and proceed to go on the cruise and cause havoc. They had been invited by a random ns.com member. Another cruise some toolbag in a PT cruiser with some insane stereo in it proceeded to pump the stereo up to 10 in the Newton Shopping Centre carpark at 10pm - subesquently the cops showed up, blocked off all entrances and proceeded to defect many of the cars in the carpark and some ppl had to wait up to 4 hours in line to leave. Not cool.

4) plain and simple, there is some form of accident on pretty much every ns.com cruise. I have been on many, and seen many accidents - including cars rolled, t-boned and signs taken out.

Yes, all of these things can happen on any cruise, but it seems to happen on ns.com cruises a lot.

This is why I choose to associate with SAU these days (and even rarely cruise anyhow). Ns.com can be fun, and it is a cool group for younger people who want to let their hair down, but most of the SAU community are a lot older (and wiser), so our cruises tend to be much safer - and the fact there have been almost no accidents or incidents is testament to that.

I am far from perfect, and have even misbehaved on ns.com and SAU cruises before, but there is a time and place for everything. The past is very different from our reputations today with the police and the general public. Misbehaving on a cruise these days is a big no-no. I haven't been on an ns.com cruise for over 2 years now, so maybe it has changed. Somehow I don't think so.

/end rant

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I might get in on the tail end of this too....

At the end of the day Tangles & mlc you're both right as far as not being able to enforce a Ban but in the case of Kellie's Cruises where she has pre warned everyone of certain rules (not just for her sake but everyones) then they've got 2 choices only, abide & join in or don't......if they choose the 3rd option to join in and break the set rules then they have to expect a consequence (just like my kids when they step out of line).

If they serve out the ban without being vocal, they can join in again at a later date and most people will be none the wiser.....alternatively if they decide to tag along whilst being banned and the rest of the crew know of their ban.....won't they feel like an unwelcomed dick?!

As far as being banned from SAU, it's probably a good thing I'm not a Mods cause I'd be wielding the stick around for alot less aggravation.

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I might get in on the tail end of this too....

At the end of the day Tangles & mlc you're both right as far as not being able to enforce a Ban but in the case of Kellie's Cruises where she has pre warned everyone of certain rules (not just for her sake but everyones) then they've got 2 choices only, abide & join in or don't......if they choose the 3rd option to join in and break the set rules then they have to expect a consequence (just like my kids when they step out of line).

If they serve out the ban without being vocal, they can join in again at a later date and most people will be none the wiser.....alternatively if they decide to tag along whilst being banned and the rest of the crew know of their ban.....won't they feel like an unwelcomed dick?!

As far as being banned from SAU, it's probably a good thing I'm not a Mods cause I'd be wielding the stick around for alot less aggravation.



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its probably a good thing I'm not a Mods cause I'd be wielding the stick around for alot less aggravation.

thats cause sled be like waving the stick

post-31501-1214828929.jpg ban ban ban

good point well made unlike this stupid joke :laugh: but what else you expect from an accountant 4 eyes nerd

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yeah I agree with you to some point Kahli, but facts are:

1) the majority of ns.com ppl are P platers or quite young. Fact: young people are more likely to be stupid and/or have an accident. I know I was a testosterone-filled idiot every time I got behind the wheel of a car when I was young.

2) unlike Kellie's (and the majority of SAU cruises - of which I have organised many) cruises, the groups are often massive and disorganised. This too can lead to major problems.

3) there is no control over what type of cars go on ns.com cruises, and fact is crappy old corollas, lasers, falcodores etc should not be on a cruise with high performance Skylines - as you get slow people holding up the fast people and causing major problems, and increasing the likelyhood of the high performance drive doing something dangerous in a passing manouvre out of frustration. I have had this happen to me on EVERY ns.com cruise I have been on.

4) there is no control over who goes on ns.com cruises - one I went to many of the Adelaide commondore club rocked up and proceed to go on the cruise and cause havoc. They had been invited by a random ns.com member. Another cruise some toolbag in a PT cruiser with some insane stereo in it proceeded to pump the stereo up to 10 in the Newton Shopping Centre carpark at 10pm - subesquently the cops showed up, blocked off all entrances and proceeded to defect many of the cars in the carpark and some ppl had to wait up to 4 hours in line to leave. Not cool.

4) plain and simple, there is some form of accident on pretty much every ns.com cruise. I have been on many, and seen many accidents - including cars rolled, t-boned and signs taken out.

Yes, all of these things can happen on any cruise, but it seems to happen on ns.com cruises a lot.

This is why I choose to associate with SAU these days (and even rarely cruise anyhow). Ns.com can be fun, and it is a cool group for younger people who want to let their hair down, but most of the SAU community are a lot older (and wiser), so our cruises tend to be much safer - and the fact there have been almost no accidents or incidents is testament to that.

I am far from perfect, and have even misbehaved on ns.com and SAU cruises before, but there is a time and place for everything. The past is very different from our reputations today with the police and the general public. Misbehaving on a cruise these days is a big no-no. I haven't been on an ns.com cruise for over 2 years now, so maybe it has changed. Somehow I don't think so.

/end rant

yeah and not to mention the hills runs! people with their non performance cars like corollas and lasers try to prove themselves by going up your ass! ns.com did have some good memories though, it was quite exciting going crazy and infact it's their cruises i learnt how to go sideways! but then reality strikes and then you gotta bare the consequences!

this is the reason why i like SAU cruises! in particular the one Madaz organised to Manum! that was great just cruising along slowly enjoying your car and feeling the breeze!

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yeah and not to mention the hills runs! people with their non performance cars like corollas and lasers try to prove themselves by going up your ass! ns.com

yeah i did 1 ns cruise was a bit dangerous with ppl up each others asses and then sudden stops (cows were on the road to blame for 1) but still dangerous sh*t

i swear ppl seen the gtr badge n felt a need to show there greatness against me while i was jus trying to do a fun pace.

i dont want to encourage racing but i dont understand peoples logic of following as close behind as possible to show how much faster they are.

if you start here (front bumper) l --- l (rear bumper) no matter how much you beat the guy infront youll never know because if you beat them youll hit them and if the person infront brakes early or has better brakes you gonna hit em or if they f up your going down with em. chances are if they have any sense theyll ease up to avoid you ramming them.

why not start here l ------------------------------------------------------------l then when you close this gap youll see your faster and can back it off before you reach a stupidly unsafe distance.

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i been on all the big ns.com cruises since i had my first import bout a year ago (been about 3)

and i have never seen a major crash, i seen a slight bump but that was from some idiot cutting everyone off after we did a hills run.

and they seem to leave plenty of gap if your in the group with the nicer cars.

so ns.com is no where near as bad as ppl think, just a few keyboard warriors that like to talk shit but have no car to back it up

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sorry to say this buddy, but there was a crash on one a few weeks back.
It wasn't an official NS cruise, but it was posted on there. and i think one of the cars might of been a right off.

Will you guy's listen to yourselves;

That cruise was posted up on SAU as well so by your thought process it must have been an SAU cruise as well.

The actual fact about that cruise was that is was a cruise for the opening of a new workshop, and it was one of their customers cars that caused the accident......and it was a riced up R34 SKYLINE.....

So it probably is more associated with SAU than NS because it was posted on both sites but was caused by a skyline.

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hhahaha thanks Nos Man

i have been meaning to organise another sunday stroll it is on the cards just not sure when :laugh:

well hell yeah ;)

that was like the first civilised cruise i went on and it was the best! still have fond memories :)

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hey dstroy i kno the guys that were actually involvoed in that crash and there was no ns.com members involved they were from a complete different club.

but it was a NS advertised cruise, thats all im getting at. I am also a member on NS but dont go on there anymore as i am sick of the wanna be tossers on there.

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i think all the threads that have todays lively discussions in them should be closed and deleted.

its done and dusted.

we all get along, lets not f**k it up for the sake of one ban.

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but it was a NS advertised cruise, thats all im getting at. I am also a member on NS but dont go on there anymore as i am sick of the wanna be tossers on there.

as d_stirls said

it was posted on here as well.

both cars written off due to a 3rd party causing it

NONE were from SAU or NS.com

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