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yer Rann and Rudd both gone next time around...

Only problem is, bring martin hamilton-smith in and whats he going to do or not for the state???? Their all theifs anyways!

ha ha, +1.....but I think you mean Brendan Nelson.

Its not a matter of voting for the best guy but trying to work out who's the worst unfortunately

EDIT: I just realized you're talking State & not Federal

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hahaha, on the news just now (Ten), theyre talking about something to do with vehicle defects.

Did you catch what they were saying? Apparently quotas have increased for booking cars which are unroadworthy.. so watch out fellas we're easy pickings.

ha ha, +1.....but I think you mean Brendan Nelson.

Its not a matter of voting for the best guy but trying to work out who's the worst unfortunately

EDIT: I just realized you're talking State & not Federal

Yer mate state...

But in federal news i don't rekon that Mr Nelson's going to be leader for the next election, that big man in the the back ground Mr Hockey i rekon will be into it sooner rather then later....

But yersh i agree with you!! Better the devil you know????

Yer mate state...

But in federal news i don't rekon that Mr Nelson's going to be leader for the next election, that big man in the the back ground Mr Hockey i rekon will be into it sooner rather then later....

But yersh i agree with you!! Better the devil you know????

Hockey won't get it. Turnbull will, easily. Nelson may as well just give up, his approval rating is nearly single digits ;P


Hockey won't get it. Turnbull will, easily. Nelson may as well just give up, his approval rating is nearly single digits ;P


Only cause Turnbull is the only one putting his hand up for the position and like you said Ben, its not a matter of 'if' but 'when'......I actually don't mind Hockey though. He and Rudd used to be mates and did the Kokoda Trail together.

Only cause Turnbull is the only one putting his hand up for the position and like you said Ben, its not a matter of 'if' but 'when'......I actually don't mind Hockey though. He and Rudd used to be mates and did the Kokoda Trail together.

I reckon Hockey would be a great dude to drink beers with but I just can't agree with the policies he championed before the last election.... I have a hate on for the centrelink changes the libs did cause most of it was statistical number fudging to make the unemployment rate seem a lot less than what it actually was... (Ie underemployed, volunteer workers and those doing work for the dole were not on the unemployment percentage because they were 'working'... matter of fact, work for the dole pays an extra $22 on top of the standard new-start allowance, so to the pollies thats 'working' as opposed to being unemployed. Not to mention the fact that $22 doesn't even get you a multitrip these days...)


Don't get me started on bs Labor governments and the tools that voted them in .... how are your lower grocery and petrol prices that Rudd promised pre-election going? I couldn't count the number of morons telling me how much they were looking forward to cheaper petrol and groceries once they voted Rudd in .... ZOMG

Good news at least is that their opinion polls have plummeted, and if a Federal election were held today the Libs would get back in with a landslide. I think people realise that most of the Labor polices were just copying Liberal policies, and that Rudd is way too busy getting his mane in the papers about saying Sorry (which the rest of Australia aren't), and protesting about whaling and nuclear programs. How about paying attention to what is happening IN Australia?

Regarding your comments Dohmar I agree they did fudge figures a bit, but fact is we have been in the strongest EVER growth in economy and all things related for nearly 10 years now. It is currently so easy to get a job that anyone without a job is just a lazy sob and won't put in the effort to study/apprentice/be trained, or there are other extenuating circmstances.

Anyhoo, my real point is that this dickhead Rudd, who in today's paper and recent media has been saying we basically have to suck it up when it comes to imminent massive rises in the cost of food, goods and fuel in order to fulfil his slightly crazy carbon trading scheme (the Libs had been looking into it, but analysed it to be commercial suicide for Australia, so never implemented it), yet he has slashed the government subsidy on solar panels for homes to generate their own electricity (and instead continue relying on grid power, which is fossil-fuel made). Insane Mr. Rudd. The week the new govt announced the retraction of subsidies for people installing solar panels on their homes, the solar shops had more than 50% of the current orders cancelled and have had a subsequent 70% fall in sales. Surely if Labor were THAT interested in the environment and future sustainability, they would massively be encouraging people to set up solar arrays - instead of wiping out the whole market.

Wow, couldn't have put the thoughts in my head to words as well as you just did there Andrew. Agree with you totally 100%! A lot of my friends I know voted for Labor and like you, all I heard was "yay, cheaper fuel, cheaper living expenses, etc" So far, what have we seen? 9/10th's of didly squat and I'm not holding my breath.

Sadly with the state the Liberals are in at the moment I don't know if they could do much better. We were on a good thing and we had to go f**k it up.

Gee Andrew you're game revealing your hand in favourite party on here......why don't you just put a big target on your back for all the Rudd lovers?! :dry:

Having said that, I've had similar arguements with my Dad and it's like talking to a brick wall.....I try to give him logic & I get back "but what ifs"!!! :P

I don't mind revealing my hand either to remind some of the older ones on here (the younger ones would have to ask their parents) what it was like trying to get ahead in life 20 years ago under the ALP when we had record high unemployment, interest rates, inflation rates, the floating of the $, regular striking (because the PM was the prez of the ACTU), a moron treasurer who was only in it for his pig farm & for the $$ he could gain, the same moron treasurer who insisted we had to have a recession & the PM who allowed unions to barge into workplaces then in a dictatorship manner enforce themselves on us or threaten to make small businesses almost non existent.

This ridiculous theory that the ALP is for the worker and the Coalition is for the rich bosses is a Labour Party lie! The majority of the workforce is employed by small business......give small businesses a hard time and you put yourselves in the dole cue!

lol dont think you'll find any Labour advocates here to e-bash Andrew

+1 we were better off before

+2. I haven't seen a +2 on SAU for a while, but Andrews statement definately deserves one. We should have an SAU poll, if there was an election today, who would you vote for? My money is on a change of government.

Don't get me started on bs Labor governments and the tools that voted them in .... how are your lower grocery and petrol prices that Rudd promised pre-election going? I couldn't count the number of morons telling me how much they were looking forward to cheaper petrol and groceries once they voted Rudd in .... ZOMG

I dont think that was the reason at all. Governments dont have any power over the price a barrel of oil costs, as much as they'd like to think otherwise. I'd say it had more things to do with Howard being out of touch... that and MV Tampa, Iraq, Baxter detention centre, the Hicks saga, etc.

Good news at least is that their opinion polls have plummeted, and if a Federal election were held today the Libs would get back in with a landslide. I think people realise that most of the Labor polices were just copying Liberal policies, and that Rudd is way too busy getting his mane in the papers about saying Sorry (which the rest of Australia aren't), and protesting about whaling and nuclear programs. How about paying attention to what is happening IN Australia?

Landslide is pushing it in a big way. I agree that the Rudd govt has become more and more unpopular with every day, and there are reasons for it, but they still lead most opinion polls. This will stay the same until nelson quits and either Turbull or Costello get into opposition leader.

Regarding your comments Dohmar I agree they did fudge figures a bit, but fact is we have been in the strongest EVER growth in economy and all things related for nearly 10 years now. It is currently so easy to get a job that anyone without a job is just a lazy sob and won't put in the effort to study/apprentice/be trained, or there are other extenuating circmstances.

If you look at the world markets, theres a reason that things are changing right now. Oil is a factor, but you also have to counter the incoming US recession and the slumping of stockmarkets in asia. Japan isnt doing too well right now, as a matter of fact Nissan are experiencing financial difficulties (again) due to the petrol issue. I can't agree that work is easy to find; at least not for me, and most times people don't want to pay what their workers are worth.

Anyhoo, my real point is that this dickhead Rudd, who in today's paper and recent media has been saying we basically have to suck it up when it comes to imminent massive rises in the cost of food, goods and fuel in order to fulfil his slightly crazy carbon trading scheme (the Libs had been looking into it, but analysed it to be commercial suicide for Australia, so never implemented it), yet he has slashed the government subsidy on solar panels for homes to generate their own electricity (and instead continue relying on grid power, which is fossil-fuel made). Insane Mr. Rudd. The week the new govt announced the retraction of subsidies for people installing solar panels on their homes, the solar shops had more than 50% of the current orders cancelled and have had a subsequent 70% fall in sales. Surely if Labor were THAT interested in the environment and future sustainability, they would massively be encouraging people to set up solar arrays - instead of wiping out the whole market.

Now I really agree with u here, on the solar issue. Theyre utter morons for getting rid of the rebate.... I've been pushing my parents to get solar for a while now and with the loss of the rebate, theyre not sure. They earn much less than $100k a year (which is where the rebate threshold stops) so poorer houses can still get the solar rebate... point being people shouldnt be discriminated against when theyre buying something that offsets carbon emissions.

The libs didn't want to have the carbon trading scheme because it would have required a huge change (as Rudd is saying). Carbon emissions trading is going to be part of the future here, regardless of whether we like it or not. Rudds unpopularity on this issue is twofold; lack of PR experience and the fact the public is very resistant to change, especially when it comes to their leisure/lifestyle.

So, if we can agree that petrol is a major factor in transport (which it is) which then trickles down the cost of production for all business (which it does) then its no wonder that business are finding it harder (which they are) and subsequently the consumer (us) is feeling it too, because the cost is passed onto us at the end of the day. Businesses are getting less profit margins, and its a fail/fail situation for everyone.

Now, if Ruddy had a pair of balls, he'd make some nuclear reactors. We have some of the best uranium reserves in the world, and we're not bloody using it. Clean coal is a joke of a thing from the coal industry. Just how clean do you think burning carbon can get? And don't anyone out there give me this 'oh nuclear power is dangerous and screws the environment' because thats a load of shiznit. France and the US have been running nuclear reactors, as have the Japanese and British for decades now. They've never had any issues in the last 20 years using third generation reactors. And now the 4th generation reactors are coming online now and theyre even safer. The first and second gen reactors were rather unsafe by design and thats why america and britain both had issues with safety (Long Island incident & the SL-1 reactor particularly). The russians were still using 2nd generation reactors on all but the most recent power stations and subs, which is why they've had such an abysmal safety record.

So, Ruddy hasn't done everything right, tbh its still too early to judge imho. I wouldn't start lionizing the libs just because theyre out of power now, but so far I'm not too impressed with Rudd either. Rann is a fool who has held premier for so long he's just lost touch and has a bit of the power hungry mojo going on (bikie laws, workcover anyone?).

And while I agree that the liberals generally have a better sense of finance and economics, and Peter Costello was a very good treasurer, one can hardly forget the Fraser Govt (and lil johnny as treasurer) left the incoming Hawke government to deal with a 9.6 billion dollar account deficit.

I wouldn't say im for Labour or Libs (I'd rather have Bob Brown as PM anyday, commence your flames :D) but you gotta look at world circumstances. Both sides of the government have been dragging their feet for years on petrol (especially when we have some of the biggest reserves of natural gas/LPG) as well as solar and wind power (we have the best conditions for both, yet the last 2 governments haven't made it financially viable to produce solar panels here). We used to be the worlds top manufacturer of photovoltaics, but now China and Taiwan are and we pretty much have to import their panels to Australia. We should be making them ourselves, especially if theres going to be any kind of government rebate...

I'm still waiting to see if he's full of Hot Air or if he's a realist ©. I don't think any government is perfect and theres a very good reason that we did have a change of government. Can't just ignore those reasons and blame the petrol crisis on Ruddy, same way you couldn't blame Howard for the interest rate rises. They kept inflation in check for the most part. *shrug*



I don't mind revealing my hand either to remind some of the older ones on here (the younger ones would have to ask their parents) what it was like trying to get ahead in life 20 years ago under the ALP when we had record high unemployment, interest rates, inflation rates, the floating of the $

You just made the same point I was about to make; the Dollar was floated. There was bound to be issues with that, and its only due to the dollar being floated that we've been able to enjoy the last 12 years of growth. I bet most people who play the sharemarket are greatful for that fact. That, and the account deficit were killers for the ALP, and so we did in fact need that recession (it wasn't popular but it levelled australia's gross national value vs the rest of the world.

...Regular striking (because the PM was the prez of the ACTU), a moron treasurer who was only in it for his pig farm & for the $ he could gain, the same moron treasurer who insisted we had to have a recession & the PM who allowed unions to barge into workplaces then in a dictatorship manner enforce themselves on us or threaten to make small businesses almost non existent.

This ridiculous theory that the ALP is for the worker and the Coalition is for the rich bosses is a Labour Party lie! The majority of the workforce is employed by small business......give small businesses a hard time and you put yourselves in the dole cue!

Yeah the strikes/labor movement has been attached to the ALP for far too long now. Its about time they moved to the centre a bit more and stopped listening to the ACTU. The small business argument is twofold; you force them have too many restrictions and the worker suffers (liability, tax, workcover, anything that eats the profit margins). You let the small business have a free hand, the worker suffers (low pages, poor working conditions, no sickleave/insurance/indemnity. Its a balancing act, something the senate is supposed to be checking and balancing but with the demise of the democrats, its a bit of a toothless tiger.

For all the credit that Howard took on the economy, the conditions that enabled this to happen were ALP policies, sad to say. And regarding social security/work for dole/mutual obligation, I find it ironic that the very people pushing these policies were the people who got a free education.

All politicians are bastards. Its a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. Rudd's probably gonna be a single term PM unless he pulls his socks up quick smart tho. (PM Turnbull would probably be pretty decent; he has the financial brain as well as a nice socialist streak (for a lib) lol).


It's funny that as recent as Friday night I told Ruby that this forum diverts alot of my attention from work these days....this thread is one of those reasons.

Ben, you made alot of good points there, even if I don't agree with everything, but in most parts you made good sense.

You touched briefly on the Carbon Trading scheme and that Howard didn't want it after much investigation.

I too have a beef with the Kyoto Protocol because the biggest polluters in the world are exempt of it!!

It's funny how you can fudge figures & stats to make them say what you want (alot of talk about fudging lately). Australia was labelled as one of the biggest polluters of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, "huh".........easily done if you base your figures on per head of capita rather than total volume emitted from 1 country!! In 2004 China produced 1/2 the emissions of USA, in 4 very short years they have overtaken them....what will it be like in the next 4, 10 or 20 years? China & India are amongst the worst offenders in the world and will only get worse now that China is building 1 coal fired plant per week to keep up with there ever increasing demand. And get this, even though they have ratified the agreement, they are only obliged to report their useage & emissions and not take any measures in reducing it other than population control, unlike Australia that has to reduce 8% by 2012.

Howard said after much investigation that ratifying the Kyoto Protocol would result in higher fuel prices and that it would harm industry & the economy big time.....he'll be reminding us of those words to his grave. Now we all understand that Mitsubishi had its back up against the wall and that the 380 was like a last nail in the company's coffin but it's also interesting that for the last 10 years Howard would beg & plead with the Japs to stay here, even shelling out $600 mill for the 380 just to keep peeps in work. As soon as Howard's gone, so is Mitsubishi (I hear the cynics saying coincidence), you can't tell me Rudd didn't say to his cabinet that losing Mitsubishi won't help in achieving his 8 % quota by 2012.......so he just let it go..........1000 peeps out of work.........another 1000 out of work from small business that made parts for them. I now am responsible for the 2000 employees & their families until they find work.....stacks will have to move interstate to QLD etc.

It's only been 6 months and we've had a teacher's strike (last similar strike 12 years ago) & nearly lost 1/2 our top Doctors; we've lost Mitsubishi; Holden Elizabeth plant dropped their 3rd shift; ask any pensioner if they are better off after the recent Budget; 2 of the recent inerest rate rises were by greedy banks that were concerned about making their shareholders even richer..........the RBA didn't lift rates so why did they?

The worst is yet to come I'm afraid............oh and Ben, Bobby Brown for PM?! He needs to focus more on his music and Whitney IMO, lol :P

The worst is yet to come

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