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the stereo in my stag when i got it was no good. it asked for pin code that i didnt have and no remote even if i had the code. anyhow i put the cd player from my 1600 in the stag and the speakers n splits are clear as anything at low volume. but when you turn it up its still clear and loud for about 10 15 seconds and then all speakers at once just distort badly untill you turn it right down then you can turn it up itl be clear and then distort and so on and yeah.

the head unit was fine last time i used the datto and ive pulled the trims off and speakers look fine, connections look fine. anyone got any ideas?

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What's the wiring like?? The Japanese have a sad devotion to scotch(?) clips/joiners in almost every car they touch: maybe the wiring can't handle the load because of this? Have you checked ALL wiring between the head unit and the speakers?

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ive lookt over most the wiring i can see, when i pulled the old head unit out there was just a huge bundle of wires there dodgy as shit. i rekon il just rewire it all. or test another speaker. and wire?

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Start simple: if you have another speaker, fade all sound to it, and see if it does the same thing. If it does, then consider changing speakers. In what way did it look dodgy? Were there heaps of joiners, spliced wires, etc?? I generally make it a rule to rewire all stereo in a car as soon as I change the head unit: it gets rid of any crappy joins, and decent wiring almost always improves sound: factory wiring is barely adequate due to cost, and by putting decent gear in, you at least know it's been done right. :D

Use a logical process of elimination to ascertain what the issue is, starting with the easiest things tocheck, and going from there: it's the only way to make sure...

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i dont have another headunit round and when i go out buyn stuff for the stag i always enden spending a shit load. i might have a look on the net to see if i can reset this deck that came out of it. looks like a good one. it had lcd video playn of rally cars n that, but thats all it was good for.

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