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lol serves your right for trying to be a good samaritan...

what do you think would of happend if you ran out of petrol?? let me tell you, nothing, not 1 person would of given a shit bout your car with its hazards on on the side of the freeway.....

the only time i would pull over for some1 is, when i see old people with shopping bags walking in the rain, and old people stranded in there car, or have been in a accident...

and the only time i would dob some 1 in, si if they hit and run some old person or child..

how do you no for sure she was drunk?? she could of had a shot of gear and it made her drive the way she was, same effect..

not having a go rick, but in the end it pays to mind your own business..

I farken hate drunk drivers.

A couple of years ago my parents were going to pick up my brother when they were hit head on by some clown pissed and stoned driving his girl friends magna, turns out the little prick was only 16 and got away with a suspended licence till he was 18 and a half, while my step father was left with two smashed ankles a broken cheek bone and a couple of broken ribs, my mum smashed her head on the dash and has chronic back pain.

Good on you for trying to do the right thing, to bad some cops are more interested in making money off bullshit things then doing the right thing.

And im not having a go at all cops, my uncle is a cop and I have a lot of respect for them.

lol had to vent, this just hit a nerve lol.

cupple of things.

1. its pretty un australian to dob people in, sure I know drunk people on the road is pretty much unnaceptable but reporting the plates and keeping out of it is realistically as far as I would go.. if that. I mean think of it this way, your going up a side street and an aged pensioner gets an earfull of your blow off valve, your not hooning, but they report you and you get pinched.. shitty way to enforce the law imo but its getting like that more and more, do you realy want to contribute to us turning into that kind of society?

2. vic coppers only want to fine you or find somthing to arrest you for, and there is sweet fa presence unless they are pinching you for some minor offence all in the name of the road toll.

meanwhile ice junkies do what the want when they want without much of a worry about getting nailed by the jacks.

Vic police are a joke

Sorry but this would have to be the biggest Crock of Shit I have ever read on here

UnAustralian for what he did ? That is just farken stupid..! The Drunken junkie Ho could have killed people. At least the guy did his best to try and get her caught.

So what he would have been a Good Aussie if he just let her go ......

Really its that Stupid...please define being unaustralian to us all.....

Sorry but this would have to be the biggest Crock of Shit I have ever read on here

UnAustralian for what he did ? That is just farken stupid..! The Drunken junkie Ho could have killed people. At least the guy did his best to try and get her caught.

So what he would have been a Good Aussie if he just let her go ......

Really its that Stupid...please define being unaustralian to us all.....

did he end up stopping her?? no, he only advised cops that didnt no she was driving the way she was on the road..

if he seen her about to go head on with a car, you think he would of flew out of his car, and phisically stopped the accident??

pull the other one man, like i said, in some situations yer f**k the people who have no respect for other people on the road, but other situations, just keep driving..

Sorry but this would have to be the biggest Crock of Shit I have ever read on here

UnAustralian for what he did ? That is just farken stupid..! The Drunken junkie Ho could have killed people. At least the guy did his best to try and get her caught.

So what he would have been a Good Aussie if he just let her go ......

Really its that Stupid...please define being unaustralian to us all.....

following an effected person around in a car is more likely to have a negitive effect.

what qualification is there that this person was drunk or drug effected? none thats how much.

following an effected person around in a car is more likely to have a negitive effect.

what qualification is there that this person was drunk or drug effected? none thats how much.

Quote : Dobbing her in is UnAustralian....This is my only gripe here..As for following her well maybe thats asking for trouble on the drivers behalf as she may have caught onto what he was doing....But to say dobbing her in being Unaustralian...?

did he end up stopping her?? no, he only advised cops that didnt no she was driving the way she was on the road..

if he seen her about to go head on with a car, you think he would of flew out of his car, and phisically stopped the accident??

pull the other one man, like i said, in some situations yer f**k the people who have no respect for other people on the road, but other situations, just keep driving..

You obviously just dont get it do you.....? Of course he wouldnt fly out of his car and stop it from happening...However he would have been an eyewitness to the event, my have been abto to call ambulance etc if required... Now personally I wouldnt go right out of my way to follow... However if I was travelling in that general direction then yeah I may tag along for a bit to report to police...

Johny, its fiarly common knowlegde that australians dont dob ppl in and the term often gets the media spin treatment when a polly or high profile australian uses it try googling.., altho generally the term refers to dobbing in your mates/workmates/neighbor, are you a new arrival mate? :P

do you have any illeagal mods I can report you as having? I mean.. you could start a fire with that gutted cat, and your destroying the enviroment by not meeting EPA. If you dont understand or agree where I am comming from thats fine, atleast respect my opinion. You make out that it was his civic duty to do what he did which imo and to Quote you is 'a crock of shit.'


Edited by Betz
cupple of things.

1. its pretty un australian to dob people in, sure I know drunk people on the road is pretty much unnaceptable but reporting the plates and keeping out of it is realistically as far as I would go.. if that. I mean think of it this way, your going up a side street and an aged pensioner gets an earfull of your blow off valve, your not hooning, but they report you and you get pinched.. shitty way to enforce the law imo but its getting like that more and more, do you realy want to contribute to us turning into that kind of society?

WTF!? Thats the most stupidest thing i've ever heard! Reporting a blow-off valve and reporting an intoxicated driver behind the wheel are two different things. There is obviously an imminent threat to the public had she smashed into someone.

...by your logic, if im walking down the street and a lil old lady is about to get bashed for her money i shouldnt call the cops or do anything myself because "its pretty un australian to dob people in"

following an effected person around in a car is more likely to have a negitive effect.

what qualification is there that this person was drunk or drug effected? none thats how much.

Whether or not the driver was drunk, high, had a disability, or was simply doing it for entertainment value -the fact of the matter is that she was driving in a manner where you can reasonably foresee the probability of harm to the public/herself was present. Fortunately, nothing happened.

Furthermore, if something did happen (lets say the driver ran over an elderly pedestrian) then he would've been there to call an ambulance straight away and provide some sort of first aid.

Now lets imagine that elderly pedestrian was your mother. ....still wanna discuss the "negative effect" of following the person around in a car, or how "un-Australian" he was for calling the cops on the driver????


we honestly followedjust in case of an accident.. and followed at safe distance.... especially after passing through tyre smoke on more then one occation due to people emergency breaking. i have zero tollerance for drunk drivers... or anyone DUI'ing.... (family reasons). and honestly thought something would of been done concidering how much ground we covered during the convo with police.... and the fact they asked us to follow safely doing what we were doing....

were im from cops go out of there way to catch someone drink driving...

i dont just dob anyone in... hell the guys around the corner were having burnout comps in there corollas the other day in the middle of the road... just passed as far as possible.

im the type of person who will pull over and help someone push there car.... even if its up hill..... hey i even gave this guys kids 5 bucks to get some chips after his car was involved in a small accident near 7/ll on williams town rd while i assisted with the situation....

where im from... people do those things... and yes i know i more then likely wouldnt get it in return.... and those people are thankful....

i just remember'd...... i payed for that entire phone call up till he said he'd ring us back.............

Johny, its fiarly common knowlegde that australians dont dob ppl in and the term often gets the media spin treatment when a polly or high profile australian uses it try googling.., altho generally the term refers to dobbing in your mates/workmates/neighbor, are you a new arrival mate? :P

do you have any illeagal mods I can report you as having? I mean.. you could start a fire with that gutted cat, and your destroying the enviroment by not meeting EPA. If you dont understand or agree where I am comming from thats fine, atleast respect my opinion. You make out that it was his civic duty to do what he did which imo and to Quote you is 'a crock of shit.'


I understand just fine what you are saying, And no I am not a new arrival. However this isnt a case of dobbing in a workmate/collegue etc. This is a person who can potentially kill ! Very big difference now. Just a little judgement on the situation is required. Obviously if it was something petty like burnouts, illegal mods then fair enough you would be right in what you are saying. This woman is a timebomb on wheels ready to blow..I credit the guy for at least attempting to do something about it

we honestly followedjust in case of an accident.. and followed at safe distance.... especially after passing through tyre smoke on more then one occation due to people emergency breaking. i have zero tollerance for drunk drivers... or anyone DUI'ing.... (family reasons). and honestly thought something would of been done concidering how much ground we covered during the convo with police.... and the fact they asked us to follow safely doing what we were doing....

were im from cops go out of there way to catch someone drink driving...

i dont just dob anyone in... hell the guys around the corner were having burnout comps in there corollas the other day in the middle of the road... just passed as far as possible.

im the type of person who will pull over and help someone push there car.... even if its up hill..... hey i even gave this guys kids 5 bucks to get some chips after his car was involved in a small accident near 7/ll on williams town rd while i assisted with the situation....

where im from... people do those things... and yes i know i more then likely wouldnt get it in return.... and those people are thankful....

i just remember'd...... i payed for that entire phone call up till he said he'd ring us back.............

Mate seriously....You are legend.. Australia needs more people like you.Well done for at least having a go

Boo to the convict mentality, that's history, unless you're a member of some outlaw hillbilly sect....there's no us and them it's all us baby!!! working towards a better tomorrow, together. :P

F@rkin BullS*t!

That's annoying as hell. I dont know how they didnt think it was worthy! You can get her for DUI, him for most likely the same and also physical abuse.

I can understand flashing for a speed camera, that's not dobbing in, but i will NEVER flash for a booze bus. If you are stupid enough to DUI, then you deserve to be punished.

Kudos for your efforts. Shame that the Police Fail at their job to "protect and serve" when we tip them off. If others were calling and there was enough fuss made by others then they might have done more. But you'd think a phone call would be enough.

cant beleive some of you are saying why bother. what if she killed your missus, mum, dad duaghter or son, then you'd say "why didn't anyone do anything about it"!!

measage for the cops.... you guys are pricks, i have NEVER had aN accident in my life, but yet im always getting pulled over and hastled, but when someone is out there that is genuinly dangerous you dont give a f**k!! do your job you lazzy bastards!

Sorry to say but it's not about police been lazy it's the lack of resorces we have to attend the amount of jobs been given out and how often we are tied up. We can only do one job at a time and I will give you some time frames on how long a job will take us. JUst a couple of regular small offences.

Child shoplifter for $2 chocolate: Police tied up for up to 2-3 hours

Car accident with drink driver no injuries to anyone: Ties up for 2-3 hours

Domestic assault very minor injury: Could take 4-5 hours

It's a regular thing that I will get one if not 2 of the above or similiar things most shifts I work meaning no police to attend jobs in my area my whole shift and police from another area will have to be called across to cover if they are not tied up also. I can not explain enough the LACK of police resources it's at a point where we are becoming reactive and not proactive as we are almost never free to patrol and check people.

u know your actually lucky no one got sent out there cause they would have asked you to pull over then slapped a nice big yellow sticker on your car and then you would have had to pay $100 for a taxi ride home or walked! :P

If they were too tied up to do anything about it, it would be courteous to at least explain that to the person trying to help them out by engaging in a long phone call and following a potential drink driving fatality. Then at least you're not wasting the good samaritan's time, money or fuel. Not having a go, I just think that's pretty disrespectful.

Good on the OP for his efforts. I nearly got killed the other night by a drunk driver on the way home from work.

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