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Super Smash Bros. Brawl!


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Have had it since US release. Great game, even better with friends. Only problem is the main story gets stretched about halfway, but the story itself is cool, something SSB hasnt had before...

I might jump online tonight, will probably be able to get a few more battles now its released in AUS.

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yeah will probably be busy over the next few weeks.. only other SSB I have played is Mele on the game cube.. been looking forward to this one for a while though

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yeah ive been a fan since the 1st one on N64, jeez its come a long way... (although sometimes Brawl seems a bit like Melee 1.5...)

The new characters are a great addition. Characters i use most are:




Toon Link


I used to love Cpt. Falcon in the older games, but hes been toned down a bunch and just doesnt cut it with the newcomers...

P.S. just a quick heads up if we wanna get some Wii/Brawl Friend codes up (wrote this up on another forum):

For People who dont know their Wii Friend Code, or forgot to write down their Brawl code when connecting to WFC (like myself), and are unsure where to find it now, follow these steps:

Wii Friend Code:

- On the Wii Main Screen, Go into "Wii Message Board" (Bottom right hand corner)

- Click on "Create Message" (Bottom left hand corner, rightmost icon)

- Click on "Address Book"

- On the main page it will say "This Consoles Wii Number:"

And theres your Wii Friend Code, which will be 16 digits.

(example: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)

Brawl Code:

- On the Main Selection Screen, click on "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection"

- It will ask to connect, click "Yes"

- Once connected, click on "With Friends"

- Click on "Friend Roster"

In the top Right-Hand corner is your Brawl Code, which will be 12 digits.

(example: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx)

FYI: Only the Brawl Code is required when wanting to play SSBB with friends.

Edited by SKYLVIA
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I also have had the NTSC version for quite awhile and only just finished the subsapce emissary today. Online prior to today sucked as it was lag central but I jumped on before for a random match and played 3 straight matches lag free.

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I also have had the NTSC version for quite awhile and only just finished the subsapce emissary today. Online prior to today sucked as it was lag central but I jumped on before for a random match and played 3 straight matches lag free.

ooooh! sounds good! i havent tried online for a while...

Good to see we dont have to install the latest update to play online either...

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I picked it up yesterday, I'm new to the series and was wondering what the hell was going on after playing it for 5 minutes but I've settled into it pretty quickly. Just getting used to everyone's attacks and weapon usage. I don't mind the SSE so far, sure the 'story' is just window dressing but it's an OK diversion so far.

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Any case, my code is 2664-3649-5981,

I think the lag is mainly due to the fight anyone mode, where some guys on it probably using a capped 64k connection & slowing everyone down, since MK works fine for me.

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I got the game on Thursday arvo, after a mate brought his around on Wednesday and we nearly played that instead of watching state of origin :D

I can't really bring myself to play it alone... The story line gets kind of boring and doesn't really relate to anything...

I really can't bring myself to play any wii game alone... but i spose thats pretty much the point :)

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I have it at home but can't play it as it dislikes my wiikey. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The thing is if they didn't make us wait an extra 6 months for most games then charge us extra for the privelage i probably wouldn't have the key. grrrrrrrr

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I have it at home but can't play it as it dislikes my wiikey. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The thing is if they didn't make us wait an extra 6 months for most games then charge us extra for the privelage i probably wouldn't have the key. grrrrrrrr

Yep. Nintendo are c*nts.

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I just bought this game on wednesday, and its pretty damn good. Much better than the game-cube version.

I think its a great sequel to the original N64 one.

Online play does lag a little, and it would have been nice to have more options to customise online battles.

I cant seem to host 4 players but 2 players works fine.

Although the original N64 controller was much easier to use.

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