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Mod Chip For Ps3


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Not at this stage.. hopefully in the end it wont need a chip and it will only need a firmware upgrade to hack it like the PSP... that would be nice...

But short answer is no, not yet..

($100 games are killing me aswell, im up to 9 games.. :) ) lol

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You can check the latest progress of mod chips from http://www.ozmodchips.com/, but as nitestalkr said b4, there are no mods for the PS3 yet, mainly due to the fact that BR have several different copy protection mechanisms.

& since PS3 have no game region, its gonna hard for mod makers to find a "reason" to get them to be legal, as for other consoles the main "reason" was to play game from another region.

But we all know, what the true use of a mod is :)

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Wondering if the PS3 has a mod-chip available. As the $100+ games are killing me.

use ebay and i am sure you can half it,

Would be cool if they were able to hack it like the original xbox could. I had a massive hardrive and the right software so i could juts put a game into the xbox and copy it to hardrive and then walla i had it stored there for good and it played so much quicker then disk. Video ezy was my best friend back then.

Now a days i dont mind spending the money on a game and i think you appreciate them alot more.

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Yeah thanks for the feedback guys. We'll guess i just have to pay full price for games then :O

I guess from now on i'm buying games from EB, coz they have a 7 day return policy if you don't like the game, beats buying a crap game and being stuck with it...then again EB games is very expensive :P

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I just want someone to hack the linux to allow full use of the processor and the graphics card on the non-PS3 OS... so much more potential with linux/other OS once that is achieved!

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apparently my brothers friend has his ps3 modded. I reckon he is talking shit though. He says he cannot access the playstation network at all with it. Thats enough for me to not want one.

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apparently my brothers friend has his ps3 modded. I reckon he is talking shit though. He says he cannot access the playstation network at all with it. Thats enough for me to not want one.

Thats BS

PS3 has not been "hacked" as yet. Full stop.

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Heres my 2cents :(

Its not gonna happen anytime soon my friend. Ive got a feeling they will find an exploit with a PSP with a Sony f*kk up on a future PS3 or PSP update. Allowing the PSP to hack the PS3 maybe?!?( just an idea :P ) Even if it were a simple .ISO loader to the PS3 HDD id prolly go out and buy a PS3 2moro.

But heres the reality, 1st thing to remember is that a 25GB blank blueray disc(Ritek) goes for around the $15-20AUD mark, so copies wont be cheap.

What about the games larger than 25GB(MGS4 for example is alot bigger than 25GB), anyone got prices on 50GB blanks? Best ive found were Panasonics which were $30-40(USD?), but would u really want to use cheap media and make $30+ coasters?

I could be wrong, but from memory the PS3 can(will be able to) handle 100GB discs, if the PS3 gets modded and Sony start to lose software sales, they could force the developers to uncompress all the data and put all games onto 100GB discs and just let the consumer wear the costs, which id imagine may only be a hike of $5-10 on a stupidly priced $120 game.

But the costs of the blanks would render piracy useless, well for awhile untill prices of blanks drop.

Lets say I am wrong though, do u still wanna pay(lets say someone else) $50-70 for a copy of MGS4???

I think an .ISO loader to the HDD would be the way to go, hard drives are cheaper than blanks!

Shoulda bought a 360 or a Wii :)

LOL with the way Nintendo are acting, they support piracy!!

(what a joke the 3.3 update was)

Heres another LINK stating that Kojima had to compress MGS4 to fit the 50GB disc!!

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Shoulda bought a 360 or a Wii :(

Or a computer + net connection = all your games could be free... :P

This comb is severing me well atm XD

Just for the records, out of all the PC games I've bought (only ~ 5) I regret buying 4...

The other reason why PS3 is hard to mod is purely due to the # of copy protections put into the Blue Ray format, if I remeber correctly theres atleast 4 main types of protections in BR (as oppsed to the now deceased HD DVD format which only had 1).

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Had another sniff around looks like Dark Alex(The master responsible for your M33 Custom Firmware on your PSP's) is starting to work on the PS3, this is awesome news and CFW may be here sooner than I thought. Looks like homebrew is 1st priority, but "homebrew" basically = everything IMO anyways.

LOL any1 wanna buy a 1TB HDD full of PS3 games PM me (JK :/ )

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Had another sniff around looks like Dark Alex(The master responsible for your M33 Custom Firmware on your PSP's) is starting to work on the PS3, this is awesome news and CFW may be here sooner than I thought. Looks like homebrew is 1st priority, but "homebrew" basically = everything IMO anyways.

LOL any1 wanna buy a 1TB HDD full of PS3 games PM me (JK :) )

Thats awesome news.. Dark_Alex is a 1337 kent..

and yeah homebrew was where the PSP firmware started aswell.. :worship:

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