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I let my gf take my car all the time...not just in emergency's...she just likes driving my car better than hers...so if i dont need it...why not?

how will they ever learn to drive confidently in high powered cars if you don't let them practice?

and not just females...even I had to start somewhere!

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This post is too similar to the question that's often asked, "If you had to let go of your car or your wife, which one would you choose?"

Naughty Naughty !!

Let her drive it? After it last got back from Racepace with 290 odd rwkw her and her friend stole it while i was out on a bender - apparently tormented a couple of guys in a rexxie feathering the throttle... makes me quite proud!

Father is a well known russian race driver though so its in her blood.

My mate let his gf drive his 240rwkw R33 recently and she scraped the wheels on the gutter. He just had them painted white. lol.

I let my mates gf drive my old R33 (non-turbo) just after she got her P's because she didnt have a car yet and her bf had a wrx (not allowed to drive a turbo).

Depends how much you trust the person I guess.

I'll even let a friend slide it if I trust them enough (and i'm in the car to enjoy it lol).

I let my misses drive my old skyline, she loved it, although a bit afraid about bringing it on boost, she learnt how to pothole dodge, and she quicky learnt the height of it for speed bumps etc etc.. i LOLed at the looks she used to cop too

She drives S4, she loves this alot more.... Even she admits the speed it gains on the freeway is frightening... She has admitted that if it was HER car she would definately start loosing points on her licence...

Hell when i had a 350z for a month she was driving that too, on McCars Creek road, hitting corners at double the reccomended speed, i was the navigator and saying "ok now break hard, hard hard, 2nd gear, ease on the throttle... GO GO GO GO GO" i dont think she realised that she could, nor a car could go around corners that fast....

Yeah occasionally id be a bit nervy, but there is nothing better than a hot chick driving a hot car IMO

It is a car after all, and whats better than someone else enjoying what you normally enjoy

lol with my car bein a weekend only as i have a daily.. my misses would often drive my car.. nothin like hearin her boost away and givin it some when she leaves home.. makes me laugh and then hearing the stories of the head turns and comments she gets..

prob is now she wants me to turbo her lancer lol

you guys are funny.

I taught my then GF, now wife, how to drive manual in my R33.

We were down at Wakie for a track day and i was to stuffed to drive home, so it was either she learn't or we were sleeping in the car :-)

Crashed out at one stage, and when I woke up, looked over and she was cruising happily at 160k's.

BUT the most important thing is why have a GF/Wife if they're not able to drive you home after a night out getting smashed???

BUT the most important thing is why have a GF/Wife if they're not able to drive you home after a night out getting smashed???

Hand that man a new!!!!

Genuis. Pure genius.

I taught my missus to drive manual in my 33 as well. Had to drive home back from singleton to the gong and had no choice but to learn.

I'd have no issue my GF driving my car if it didn't stall when you put the clutch in too quickly. Sometime it's hard to realise and its stalled doing 80km/hr or so and I worry that she won't realise, hit the brakes and find out there's hardly anything there!

I'll let most people drive my car - dosn't really bother me and you never really get the chance to hear and see what your car goes like from the outside if you don't...

I'll particularly let any good looking female drive it (inluding my partner of course) - the site of a hot girl in a modified car is something to behold.



see thats not a hijack, what you have stated there just tells everyone here you havent got the brains, wit, good looks, or d*ck to do the job....the flash cars should be a bonus....for her anyway.

if it was anything like the first date i went on with my current g/f it was the holden rodeo 3 litre turbo diesil with all my tools in the back, paperwork all over the back seat and my german shepard gaurding the front seats.

I let my gf drive my old silvia all the time. She loved the power of it. Now when she has to drive her mum's lancer she hates not having the power there lol.

I'd let her drive my gtr if she could reach the pedals/push in the triple plate clutch haha.

Guys, if you don't want your gf to drive your car just get a triple plate clutch or get a bride rail and recaro seat!!!

i let my wife drive my Gtr all the time, but the problem is when she drive it,she feels a bit worry cuz she mite hit a guter. She said driving a gtr u feel that u have to make sure u drive it probaly cuz if u dont,and something goes wrong can be alot $$$$$.

i trust her alot and the same time im worried that someone mite hit my car.$$$

Hand that man a new!!!!

Genuis. Pure genius.

I taught my missus to drive manual in my 33 as well. Had to drive home back from singleton to the gong and had no choice but to learn.

hahahahaha better even if she gets up it with you and 3 mates in the back all hammered... whilst on the way to maccas of course!

IMO nothing better than you and 3 mates hammered, with your misses driving, chopping ricers and shitboxes making people upset.. whilst yelling out the window....

Mayuri Krab - shit dude, id never let my mum drive my car! Terrible driver!

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