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Yeh prob could set ur your boost controller to do what i posted above...but its pretty rough on the car, not advisable at all

One of the biggest killers of engine components it rappid changes in operating conditions, like bouncing of a limiter, full power then no power.

So no boost to full boost isnt as kind as smooth delivery on components

Oh and Bumblebee, the mines car looks like its going faster than other cars, when really its just revving faster, higher diff ratios, so the engine revs faster than most, but the 2530's are still probably the pick for turbos, or just as good garrett 2860r-5.

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ok thanks for your help guys iv got a few thing to think bout,

btw atm moment iv got r34n1s

so i dont see the problem with R34 N1'S , Im sure they dont reach the power you want but ive got them in my car , very responsive im my eyes compared to different turbos, but depends what you want i guess.

little confused here, the gt35 will go 400rwkw... t04z is 450rwkw+ territory

way I see it is the 2530's sit somewhere in between the gt35 and t04z, either way its going to make stomping power and be making boost (ie making power) somewhere between 4300 and 5000 depending on your setup

2530's can match a GT35 basically, they are rated without a few hp of each other.

2530's have rolled off 380rwkw without much of a drama.

GT2530s dont kick hard??? how many of u guys have seen the Mines GTR in action??

as far as i could see.. .having the think rev from 4k to 9k in like a split second is pretty fkn hard...

the dude is like into 5th gear screamin towards the redline in no time!

responsiveness and power.. id got 2530.. but im after a lil more power so im going gt2876r x2 :laugh:

*sigh* another mines example, which is bad.

MINES = a very close ratio gearbox, lighted driveshaft (i believe carbon, mass weight reduction for rotational mass), and i believe the diff's have also been toyed with. Add on anything else that adds up to a silly amount of money too. Its gearbox/drivetrain related over any above the turbos and anything else on the car.

Yes its responsive and rips through the revs, but its whats underneath the car, not in the engine bay thats doing it.

im talking bout 400awkw not rear wheel would that make near on 450 at the rear treads

No its not. Its basically the same for most intents and purposes.

Paul ran similar numbers, leewah was virtually the same too, back to back, only a few KW's difference - far from 50rwkw or anything massive. These are cars above 400rwkw/awkw/whateverkw here, not some 200kw example.

N1's dont have that "kick" because they make power everywhere. All your after here is a laggy/poor transient setup. Get a old t04 bush bearing jobbie from the 1970's, will do everything you want for a few hundred off a VL forum.

T04Z is 440rwkw+. It'll kick nice, but without a serious motor behind it your going to bust shit and probably gearboxes too as the power smashes in :D

ok thx R31Nismoid

cleared heaps up for me, im still undecided, i really had my heart set one a single conversion, 1 being external waste (wank factor i known please dont need your comments bout this) and a single simplify things, easier to work on and looks neater,

thx for your help everyone appreciate :sick:

just one more quick question if i were to go a t04z is there much difference between the garrett unit and the hks, besides the housings?

just one more quick question if i were to go a t04z is there much difference between the garrett unit and the hks, besides the housings?

me personally i would just buy a garret version

i bought one from http://www.atpturbo.com/ and they offered both anti surge compressor housing and non anti surge compressor housing

they also have more exhaust housing options then HKS have to offer

Garrett T04Z Ball Bearing Turbo

Code: GRT-TBO-055

Turbine Housing options

T4_Divided .70

T4_Divided .84

T4_Divided 1.00

T4_Divided 1.15

T4_Divided 1.32

T4_Divided 1.59

T4_Undivided .61

T4_Undivided .70




-Wheel: 74.2mm w/ 76 trim

-Divided Housing A/R: .70, .84, 1.00, 1.15, 1.32, 1.59

-Undivided Housing A/R: .61 and .70


-Wheel: 84.0mm exd./66.7mm ind w/ 63 trim

-Housing: 0.70 A/R

Dual Ball Bearing Garrett T04Z . 700-750HP flow potential. Compressor wheel diameter is 84mm exd. / 66.7mm ind. (63trim) Compressor housing is .70 A/R has a 4" inlet and 2.5" outlet slip on connection. Flexible range of T4 Turbine housings available in divided and undivided entry, all with standard 3" V-band discharge. Available Divided Housing A/R, .70, .84, 1.00, 1.15, 1.32, 1.59, Undivided .61 and .70 A/R available.


with that many housing options to pick from im sure there is one there to suit ur needs perfect




Edited by STR8E180

ive been in a gtr with 2860s and it felt abit boring (around 435hp at wheels on 24psi) and i have a hks t04z, its making 560rwhp on 18psi (motor is full house build) and the difference is night and day. I think the 2860s are good for track and for a stock gearbox car, they just dont give me the kick that the t04z does personally, i know its the transition from lag to power but it just doesnt feel as good, i know they are not making same power either but the 2860 car i couldnt even tell when it was coming on boost it was so linear. If u wanna get smashed back in the seat its t04z and track its 2860s or gt3040r single. I agree with nismoid here the t04z is not ideal for a stock gearbox as it will smash it if u plan on using the power at all, i lunched one on my first ever pass down the strip.

so if i had my time again i would not go so full on on engine parts and use a gt3040r or 2860 -7s and stock gearbox, this will save u alot of money in the long run and be suitable for all uses. The t04z on small motorkana tracks is useless, boring as hell, but it will be better on larger tracks as its making good power from 4000-8500rpm.

remind yourself again and again what u want to use the car for exactly rather than aiming for power figures, its easy to say u want 600hp but then realise a 600hp is pretty useless besides taking mates for spins and making them shit themselves and dyno comps. Drags its ok, but for any track work dont bother unless u got a stroker kit and a dogbox :whistling:

bit of babbling on i know but im just speaking from personal experience :D

Edited by unique1
*sigh* another mines example, which is bad.

MINES = a very close ratio gearbox, lighted driveshaft (i believe carbon, mass weight reduction for rotational mass), and i believe the diff's have also been toyed with. Add on anything else that adds up to a silly amount of money too. Its gearbox/drivetrain related over any above the turbos and anything else on the car.

Yes its responsive and rips through the revs, but its whats underneath the car, not in the engine bay thats doing it.

i agree with what your saying but i also think the engine helps a lot as well...

figure on that car running high octane petrol and shit loads of timing for very good response and top end power

remind yourself again and again what u want to use the car for exactly rather than aiming for power figures, its easy to say u want 600hp but then realise a 600hp is pretty useless besides taking mates for spins and making them shit themselves and dyno comps. Drags its ok, but for any track work dont bother unless u got a stroker kit and a dogbox :D

quoted for truth!!!

in all seriousness aim for 500rwhp with the best response you can get... i'd personally go for a gt3076R with 0.8 bum but others would go low mounts.

if u drive a 600rwhp on the street, u are in lag city in 2nd till 70-80km/hr and then be breaking every speed law in the land less than a second later

500rwhp is still bullshit quick, you will scare the shit outta all your mates and itll still be good for a high ten if u can get off the line and good response for the track

i agree with what your saying but i also think the engine helps a lot as well...

figure on that car running high octane petrol and shit loads of timing for very good response and top end power

Yeah that too, another thing i wasnt thinking. Who knows what fuel and crazy timing might be in there :rofl:

quoted for truth!!!

in all seriousness aim for 500rwhp with the best response you can get... i'd personally go for a gt3076R with 0.8 bum but others would go low mounts.

if u drive a 600rwhp on the street, u are in lag city in 2nd till 70-80km/hr and then be breaking every speed law in the land less than a second later

500rwhp is still bullshit quick, you will scare the shit outta all your mates and itll still be good for a high ten if u can get off the line and good response for the track

Hey Simon sounds like we have the same ideas, i am so used to the power of the t04z ill be disapointed to go back, but having that extra response for small track work would be bloody awesome. The best bit with staying with max 500hp means the motor only really needs a set of forgies and a stock box will be perfect, saves alot of cash in the long run. I think if alot of the guys on these forums went to car cruises etc theres probably 1 or 2 cars max with 500hp at wheels out in a night, these forums make people think 600hp gtr's are on every second corner street waiting lol :D

Don't compare where peak boost is made it really is misleading as to how the car drives on the street in lower loading gears or rolling in second gear out of a corner and then nailing the throttle.

Twin 2530's > GT35 IMO.

Better boost response.. e.g rolling in second gear at 60km/h. Pin the throttle and watch the twins sit up and disappear in to the distance where as the GT35 feels like boost is trying to catch the rev's.

Nissan went with twins on their track warrior for a very good reason. :D

dont worry about what nissan used...

just look @ the ultimate street gtr in the WORLD.. the mines GTR.. nothing else comes close to its ability to destroy everything in its path with ultimate response and massive power...

n that just runs a pair of gt2530's with lots of boost with stock air box lol

n that thing makes what... like close to 400kw??? its an absolute beast of a car.

its kinda hard to knock the king off its post.. u might make more power, but can u lap the tsukuba in less than a min???

Mines got it perfect with the R34 GTR.. and theres not much anyone can say about it :stupid: 2530s for the win when it comes to responsive AND power :D

Well I have 35r and a mate has 2530's, I can promise you my 35r (.82) comes on earlier and harder. It also went 400rwkw with afr's at 10.9 running 24psi.

These last few posts have missed what cerbera and nismoid were saying about all the mega bucks parts around the 2530's on the mines car which make the turbo's look so good. Not saying there a bad thing but dont expect the same performance from your stock 26 with 2530's on the side as the mines guys are extracting...

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