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The Argue About Nathans Ban Thread

craig R33

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to keep our threads on topic, this can be where everyone can have a sook about there point on banning from cruises.

keep the threads on topic FFS!

my 2c is, if you go, behave like you're supposed to behave aka not like a twit. That said, if you do want to drive like an assclown after the cruise, thats your business, just don't go doing it around the rest of the pack. If people start acting like immature little runts then the meets become invite only, which stuffs it cause a) get less people and b) its not as spontaneous or fun. Re police, we want people to be acting within the law so the police DONT bother us, and so far everyones been ok with the exception of 1 or 2 boy racers who couldn't keep their dicks off the accelerator. Considering they know that its being organized by someone who actually cares about these things, it makes them less likely to pull people over and defecting.

I wasnt there so I cant comment on specifics but I'm wondering, if nathan wasn't doing his exhaust tricks near the cruise, then how come people who were on the cruise know about it? It hasn't been the first time either, so a little respect is required here. Don't screw with people, they won't screw with you. If everyone plays nice, we can have cupcakes and lemonade, hold hands and sing kumbaya. Wouldn't that be something now? :blush:


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i wasn ton the cruise, i had left the route of the cruise, so therefore i drive how i wanna drive

u should be glad coz if there were cops it would got the attention AWAY from you and they woulda got me.

i honestly dont give a shit, coz u cant stop ppl from driving where they want to

i just keep writing back coz i know it pisses kellie off.

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I was in the first row the lights on ANZAC's and all he did was rev it about in first and then hit the limiter in second. I think i'll be giving the cruises a miss if that's what gets you banned. There was no drifting or burn-outs committed at that intersection so if that's what this is all about then is a bit stupid.

I didn't fully read the cruise sheet until I got home (lost the clutch at windies and drove back to Campbelltown through the hills), but if I had've know that the cruise was going back through the city after just getting to the hills I would have left the cruise and gone through the hills anyway. I see cruises that cruise around the city and spend most of their time in 60km/h zones as a bit "poseresk". After all, we all spend larger amounts of money on making our cars more powerful and handle better so we can do what; cruise around at 60 on straight flat roads.

If I didn't work in hospitality and work most Friday and Saturday nights then I would run semi regular cruises through the hills, after living in Campbelltown for 2 years I know some ripper roads that I have never seen on any cruises and would love to show people, but at a moderate pace.

Edited by D_Stirls
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none of my business but i think you might be going at the wrong angle mate


1 side has a chance the other not very likely

i dont know the details of what you did but if your near our cruise on the same rd or 1k up the road and drifting like a crazy fool on anzac a cop that see's your skyline and then a whole bunch of em down the road is likely to treat us all as 1

wether you agree with her or not you gota respect its kellies cruise and i think you should really just be taking it on the chin. and remember she did save your ass when you pulled up to the cruise with a shot gun blast and the cops come to say hello(note thats when she had to give her mobile number)

she's bound to forgive you sooner or later but not if you go off at her

if this is the most unfair treatment you get in your life consider yourself lucky

thus concludes my 2cents

^^^ he was on good behaviour bond id say it was the last straw

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If I didn't work in hospitality and work most Friday and Saturday nights then I would run semi regular cruises through the hills, after living in Campbelltown for 2 years I know some ripper roads that I have never seen on any cruises and would love to show people, but at a moderate pace.

we're the lucky ones :blush: im in highbury... we have gorge, ansties hill, montacute, chain of ponds and so on at our fingertips. be sure to let me know about these cruises and ill do the same! been thinking bout organising one for a while... just alot that can go hidiously wrong

in before the lock.

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hey all,

i was there on the cruise i tagged along in a 180 and left half way up brighton road

i seen this person go around the corner and he didnt drift it but there was a loud backfire.

and i have only been on one and if there is so much talk of ban i am with D_Stirls

wat did he do that was so bad though?

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we're the lucky ones :blush: im in highbury... we have gorge, ansties hill, montacute, chain of ponds and so on at our fingertips. be sure to let me know about these cruises and ill do the same! been thinking bout organising one for a while... just alot that can go hidiously wrong

in before the lock.

I had written a sentence about how on hills cruises the people who can drive have to take it easy because the inexperienced drivers try to keep up and get themselves in trouble, but I deleted it as it's a topic for another discussion not this one.

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keeping in mind those back fires are like shot guns loud enough to kill any old person with a heart condition. all fine n good in the hills and in the tunnel was gold but in the city and bay and near peoples houses they could be sleeping in not so good

from what ive seen of his driving he dont seem so bad, and he's a nice enough guy in person but the reaction to the ban coulda been taken a lil better

anyways thats enough 3rd party commentery by me

Edited by Inline 6
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absolute wanker.

... wait, whos nathan?

anyways, wasnt there, didnt see what happened, have read all his boasting of smashing limiter, and all of his 'promises' to not do it in built up areas (as per kellies requests). so hey, hes had enough warnings, hes bragged enough, and taking a temporary (im assuming) ban in such a childish manner isnt the way to go about things.

man the f**k up, apologize to kellie, take the ban like a good little boy, and when youre invited on the next cruise, keep your dick and the limiter in your pants.

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i wasnt on the cruise but im on nathans side lol he seems to be right. if he had left the cruise route than he has every right to do what ever he wants to do! bee-R limiter for the win!

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said this in another thread but i thought id post it up here too

kell handles and organises her cruises quite professionally and bit by bit we are building a better reputation amongs the ""import hoon haters""(society) she has personally spoken to police on 4 occasions to help us out and clear our name and keep the defects away. she does it very proffessionally. with the photo shoot we had familys and young children lining up for photos infront of the cars... THINK ABOUT WHAT THIS WILL DO FOR US! they will tell their friends and so on in turn repairing the damage the media, today tongiht and a currant affair has done to tarnish most import drivers. IF we were doing dorifto sushi in the car park like some other clubs it would do the opposite... kel has done us all a very big favour so far by going out of her way to really get sau adelaide cranking recently.

i dont want to ruffle anyones fur here so please take that into consideration im just giving my point of view.

kell doesnt mind if we let our hair down a little once were out of the cbd(city/suburbs) BUT if one person starts f**king around others are likely to follow if there are no repercussions.

ive spoken to nathan on a few occasions hes friendly, funny just has a very happy right foot with loud gizmos to accompanie it. if he did what he did another 400m down anzaks when it was no way involved with the rest of us im sure it would have been 100% fine but kellie did have a talk and leaving the cruise with a very heavy foot and bap bap bap!.... well i can see how it could ahve been a bit of a slap in the face for kel and the other cruise participants.

does the bee R have an off switch?? cant hurt to turn it off for one night a week?

thankyou for listening and please take some of what ive said into consideration.

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funny thing is, i was at the intersection aswell, and i heard wheelspin and rev limiter and also exsesive speed, and i heard the whole conversation between him and Kellie. The little boy needs to grow up.

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I was in the first row the lights on ANZAC's and all he did was rev it about in first and then hit the limiter in second. I think i'll be giving the cruises a miss if that's what gets you banned. There was no drifting or burn-outs committed at that intersection so if that's what this is all about then is a bit stupid.

I didn't fully read the cruise sheet until I got home (lost the clutch at windies and drove back to Campbelltown through the hills), but if I had've know that the cruise was going back through the city after just getting to the hills I would have left the cruise and gone through the hills anyway. I see cruises that cruise around the city and spend most of their time in 60km/h zones as a bit "poseresk". After all, we all spend larger amounts of money on making our cars more powerful and handle better so we can do what; cruise around at 60 on straight flat roads.

If I didn't work in hospitality and work most Friday and Saturday nights then I would run semi regular cruises through the hills, after living in Campbelltown for 2 years I know some ripper roads that I have never seen on any cruises and would love to show people, but at a moderate pace.

couldn't agree more mate,

If your interested in a small meet up for hills runs, i hit the south side most nights of the week and am keen to venture more north. Pm me if you want a chase car.

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