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Enthusiast Vs Hoon

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Here's a Chance to SAY YOUR PIECE: I've organised a GT-R/GTT Drive Day before, with my son.

No probs from onlookers at stops or on the road (even from a Falcon parade at K Valley). None whatsoever!

But what does the average guy on the street think about Skylines in your opinion?

Is he influenced by the age of the driver?

Does he form an opinion from the sound generated from the exhaust + planting the right pedal?

Do the wheels give off any messages?

What %age of us give off an ENTHUSIAST IMAGE Vs a HOON IMAGE ???

Edited by Terry_GT-R34
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I doubt the average man on the street would care, the media does the labelling.

Average Joe hears a loud car...see the shiny thing making the noise, mutters dickheads then wanders off.

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I doubt the average man on the street would care, the media does the labelling.

Average Joe hears a loud car...see the shiny thing making the noise, mutters dickheads then wanders off.

There is the answer I as going to say as well.

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I think the average person would'nt know a Skyline from a blinged up Magna but would view any car especially a modified and/or unique looking loud car as Hoon material and this impression would increase depending on how the car was driven. Age of the driver would matter to some people but I think they would form their opinions more from the car, the drivers actions and the media stereotyping.

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Terry I think it's more the way person drives their car that gives off a particular perception to bystanders.

Does the Average Joe Blow know the difference? Not a chance... both the Hoon and the Enthusiast have an exhaust - whats the difference. Well a lot, but how can you tell from the side of the road?

I think it comes back to why the bloke has bought a Skyline (in this example) in the first place. I personally know a couple of guys that have bought these sport car's to fill a void that they feel they have. They don't tell me this, although its more than obvious. This is where you'll get the guy cruising up and down a south bank strip at a ridiculous speed over and over and over again.. I know this dude that has a red skyline 350gt, he uses that as his point of pulling Women..I can tell you now a lot of girls I know will laugh/shake their head if a dude screams past in a Skyline, Silvia or has loud music on etc.

To the more trained eye, you can tell whether these modifications are of any benefit or to a particular style.

3 Main factors - Age of Driver, Sorts of Modifications & additions, Driving style.

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I think from the general public, a "riced" car - be it excel, lancer, civic and our cars (what do you call "non-riced" cars?) skyline, supra, RX-7 look all the same to them. I don't feel like they really give a crap unless you come blairing past them with the loud note...then as someone mentioned before they just shake their heads and mutter "bloody hoons" under their breath.

I beleive that age makes a big difference also, if the general public care to take notice of the driver in the first place before passing judgement.

I've never exerienced this myself, but a read a lot of people who drive their skylines around and are being "harrassed" by the other drivers out there, yelling at them thru the windows and abusing them just coz they drive a skyline...or any other import/rice car for that matter...and they all seem to be the younger ones complaining of the abuse. Apparently the young drivers driving the imports did nothing to provoke or piss off the other drivers, but oh well...who really knows for sure?

Like I said, I myself have never experienced anything like that before...even 5 or 6 years ago when I was still 20. So it makes me wonder about those complaints as i find it hard to beleive that many of the general public would go out of their way to start abusing the import/rice drivers...

but like I said...who really knows for sure? One person's word against another's... :)


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I had a guy just stick his finger out at me the other day for no particular reason when driving my GTR. I found it amusing.

At the end of the day, these cars are designed to make a statement. If you don't feel comfortable about the statement the car is supposedly making about you, then don't drive it. I can understand that people will either think i'm a hoon or fUllY h3Kt!K, but I don't really give a shit.

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People in general are idiots, if they meida tells them that skyline owners are hoons, they will believe the media.

And we get things happening like what happened to bigjimmystyle.

Its a sad world we live in where people believe things they hear on A Current Affair and Today Tonight.......maybe its time for an idiot cull :) it'll solve alot of problems....

Little do people realise that most people on this forum dont hoon their cars because they actually like them in good condition. Therefore we are enthusiasts.

Hoons dont drive nice cars, (or should i say well maintained cars), all the hoons i see are driving shit boxes.

People should be giving the finger to the shit box laser infront of them bellowing blue smoke, with no brake lights and bald tires, not to a nicely modified car with a slightly loud exhaust.

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I've had a few dickheads in my time purposely cut me off and give me looks etc.. ESPECIALLY MAGNA DRIVERS!! dunno why hey.. The worst I've had was a pack Bogens tailgating me the trick is just to box them in and SSSLoooowwww right down :)

If I saw a skyline driver being a wanker I'd more than likely let him know what I think of him.

But if you've got people giving you shit for the car you're sitting in, well makes you question who's in the wrong there?

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Id say average people make their minds up depending on driving style and type of modifications

if its a plain looking skyline slightly lowerd,exhaust maybe some 17's or 18's i dont think people

would class that as a hoon,but if you have big a$$ stickers allover your car,20" wheels exhaust scraping along the kerb always in 2nd gear psssshing allover the place, YES id say the average person would call you a hoon.

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It comes down to this

Anyone going faster than you has to be a hoon, anyone who is slower is an idiot.. You cant win either your a hoon or an idiot. Depends who you drive past.

I often think the same thing when people drive past me in there x5 or volvo at 70km.h in a 40 zone thinking if that was me i'd have abuse hurled at me yet sitting on my ass when im traveling the speed limit is totally fine to them.

To the public anyone who doesnt drive a BMW, Merc, shitbox or como is a hoon. Your an Enthusiast if you drive a classic..

Edited by DECIM8
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It's a very interesting point.

I reckon the main factors would be:


Driving style.

External/cosmetic mods/stickers/decals.

Engine/exhaust note.

Car type.

The last point about car type... I think generally people are going to see Japanese coupes and associate them more with speed/drift/volume than some shit box VP commo.

Nice topic, should provoke some debate ey.

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i find its only the younger generation that actually know what a skyline is, to the oldies its just another car.

so if your car is loud or your driving attracts attention then more then likely your going to be labeled a hoon.

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i find its only the younger generation that actually know what a skyline is, to the oldies its just another car.

so if your car is loud or your driving attracts attention then more then likely your going to be labeled a hoon.

Dunno about that. I've had a couple of middle aged guys stop me randomly on two different occasions when I was parking to have a chat about 'Godzillas'. They appreciated what the R32 GTR had done at bathurst and what the GTR heritage stood for. I think the 'enthusiasts' know and appreciate sports cars for different reasons; such as motorsport success and history, innovations introduced by the car, etc.

Edited by ras1983
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I say a lot of people dont know the difference, maybe not most but a lot. If they notice your car on the road many will think of you as a hoon. Especially if you are passing them or your car is loud.

Personally I dont give a crap about what the general public thinks. There has always been an overall negative image associated with our types of cars and im sure there always will be due to media, and hooning activity by some of us.

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