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If anyone can help or give insight it would be much appreciated!

180sx with SR, PFC was fitted with everything factory, ran fine.

Now fitted with a Z32 (brand new) and injectors (have been set) amoung other mods i have this problem.

When you start the car on the map tracer the block hangs around the 2nd or 3rd load point and 1000-1500 revs (when cold)

after about 30secs of running the block drops to around load point 10, (afm voltage fluctuates between 1.1 and 1.3 without revs increasing) car tries to recover, block raises back to the top,then down again, top again, down, and eventually stalls, afm voltage always being 1.3-1.1. at idle 1.3v at the afm, when block drops, more typically 1.1v.

Voltage at afm is the same as voltage reading on the pfc, manually probing the afm wires.

Wiring is as per Paulr33's website. If the afm flow is pointing to the rear of the car, upright, plug ontop, wires are (from front to back) signal,ground, ground, 12v. Setting is on Vg30, all functions off except knock warning.

Have i missed something?




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I connect the stock afm only to find its doing the same thing...!

The other other things that have been changed are the injectors.

Now running Siemens VDO 780 LOW injectors. 370/780=47% Injector setting.

The stock injectors are HIGH, but I was supplied with resistors which were fitted inline in each power supply to the injectors so the LOWs could run.

This is now the problem but what is wrong?

What voltage should have have at the injectors?

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id say the injectors are causing the problem - its the only thing that make senses

the PFC and Z32 is bulletproof, and its a new afm as well

it sounds like the injector latency is bleeding off and trails off too much

so at the start its ok, but as time progresses (30 seconds) it out of scale

so it overfuels and stalls

the AFM is following the amount of air going into the system, so unless the afm is fault, it cant lie that more air is going in, if that makes sense

the afm is reactive circuit, it tells the ECU how much air is going in, it doesnt allow or deny more/less air to come in, only reports on it

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ok well i agress that the injectors are the cause.

The car is lean off its head running at 23-24:1, so think the PFC was trying to counteract by reading richer values?

Anyways, using inj/ign, inj adjustment to the max the car still runs 15-17:1 idle,

If the car is way lean which way to go with the lag times? (Lag time of newinjectors is unknown)


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