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Hi all,

I know Canberra is a very small place and hoping someone may know who did it and can help me out. I had my set of stock 2007 Subaru Forester XT rims stolen on Monday night/tuesday morning from my lock up at an apartment in the inner south.

If anyone has any information or knows who did it can they please let me know. I will ensure the privacy of anyone who contacts me. If the people who took them read this all I want is them back no questions will be asked if they are returned.

I have attached a photo of what they look like.

Thanks again,



sorry to hear mate. you may want to get in touch with your insurance.

some info for you,

Part Number - SU28111SA290

Reatail Price - $782.12 ea inc GST (not including tyres.)

there is plenty of stock in sydney, so you shouldnt have to wait long.

just let the insurance company handle it.


Thanks matty. called insurance supposedly my policy only covers me for $500 for car related parts that are on my premises but not on the car eg this was the stock set that I was going to put on when I sold my aftermarket rims ... add to that a $300 excess + loosing some ncb I think I would come out $30 - $50 better off when I put the claim in :)

cheers for the reply snooze not sure how they got in but they disabled the door leaving supposedly

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