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Manual conversion wiring

Series 2

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Can anyone who has had an auto to manual conversion on a R33 (mine's a Series 2 if that helps) have a look at the connector in the engine bay (next to the windscreen bottle) and tell me which two pins are the reverse lights.

Mine have come off and I can't tell where they go. There is a multi connector (3 empty plug sockets). You should have a bridge across what was the starter lockout, and the other two should be for reverse lights.

Any help appreciated

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I don't know if this helps but with converting my s13 to a rb20 box, I disassembled the bit on the side of the old auto box where the stick comes down and triggers circuits and figured out what it did when you put it in reverse and then followed the appropriate wires and worked out which two were needed to complete the reverse light circuit (only two are connected when you put the stick in reverse)

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Yeah, I have the two wires from the gearbox sorted out, I just need to know what colour wires in the connector under the hood are for the reverse lights. Someone with a full wiring diagram should be able to tell me.

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