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I dont wanna sound dumb.................... But if you hit a pedestrian what more damage can the wing do... 14000kg of metal hitting a human another 20kg aint do much more

It's not the weight issue, it's more about turning your car in to a cheese grater.... for people. Sharp edges and what not, if someone got flicked over the roof. or tossed to one side and the wing cut their arm off, they probably wouldn't be terribly impressed.

Although in reality, most of those $2 GT wings would sooner fall apart before cutting someone, but something so cheap that could fall apart at any time is pretty defectable too..

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Last Saturday, saw the Police block in George St. They were defecting people left right and centre, pulling them over everything. My mate got done, S15 front and 180 rear, sil80.

He got done for ride height and pod not being enclosed.

Nearly got done for the gauges inside and rims, but let him off.

My car was in the area aswell, just before turning left onto George street, i saw the red and blue lights, so i kept going straight to elizabeth street, had the walkie talkie, but by the time i got to it they were already caught -.-

The cop apparently was a prick, full dissin the import cars saying oh yeah commy's would munch these lil toys blah blah blah, i heard him on the walkie talkie -.- god damn man, cops like that really p*ss me off.

Ignorant and on a god damn power trip..


I bet he was saying that just to see how they reacted..as it's been said 100 times before on this forum, when you get pulled over one of the first things they are going to do is an attitude test.. I'd say 99.9% of these george st cruisers would fail as soon as they opened their mouth or before..

I honestly don't get why people want to cruise around george st or any other similar street in these types of cars..

I absolutely love going for a drive, but you won't see me sitting in traffic on a friday or saturday night in the city... I would rather be out enjoying my car on a windy road..

And everyone knows that police target these areas, so if you go and get defected in the city, or at the rocks then it's really your own fault. You know things on your car are illegal and you know the likelihood of getting defected in these places are higher so you are really bringing it on yourselves.

they keep talking about bringing in a city tax like they have in London, you have to pay some stupid amount of money to even drive in to the city, what's going to happen then? you going to be willing to pay $30 a night just to drive in to george street and do happy laps? Or is paramatta going to become the new george st and the new defect zone?

you know what, there will be people willing to pay $30 to sit in a traffic jam on a Friday night. Sitting there in their pink S2000s, Civic, mirages with 22" mirrors hoping that $30 will get them some classy ladies.

Thats true aswell.

But i go there just for the fun of it, like a strip. Just take the car down check out the night life.

I dont go there full blaring my system and shouting outta mah window at all the girls and all.

Yeah one car out of our 5 car convey might, but they're always idiots, and then the girls like the attention and then fuel it even more -.- ( oh god dont get me started on this )

buh yeah anyways, seems like that city tax thing is gonna' cause parramatta to be the new hot spot.

But i like my Saturday night cruise TO the city, not IN the city.

I usually take the car with my mates and just parking under the bridge and walking around.

One thing i dont get, i get disqualified for 3 years from driving, while assaulting someone and actually causing bodily harm gets 12 months good behaviour and a 600 dollar fine.

Why are the cops suddenly so "zero tolerance" on driving / traffic offences ?

Why get so serious now? People are just becoming more rebellious and having the wrong idea of the law and the law enforcer's.

When i went to court aswell, the judge was being a smart ass aswell " your foolish, shouldnt be allowed to drive at all, your too young "

Im standing there pleading my case saying i need it for work etc, just disregards everything.

What are your opinions?

Sorry to hi jack the thread but its gotta stop somewhere.


Thats true aswell.

But i go there just for the fun of it, like a strip. Just take the car down check out the night life.

I dont go there full blaring my system and shouting outta mah window at all the girls and all.

Yeah one car out of our 5 car convey might, but they're always idiots, and then the girls like the attention and then fuel it even more -.- ( oh god dont get me started on this )

buh yeah anyways, seems like that city tax thing is gonna' cause parramatta to be the new hot spot.

But i like my Saturday night cruise TO the city, not IN the city.

I usually take the car with my mates and just parking under the bridge and walking around.

One thing i dont get, i get disqualified for 3 years from driving, while assaulting someone and actually causing bodily harm gets 12 months good behaviour and a 600 dollar fine.

Why are the cops suddenly so "zero tolerance" on driving / traffic offences ?

Why get so serious now? People are just becoming more rebellious and having the wrong idea of the law and the law enforcer's.

When i went to court aswell, the judge was being a smart ass aswell " your foolish, shouldnt be allowed to drive at all, your too young "

Im standing there pleading my case saying i need it for work etc, just disregards everything.

What are your opinions?

Sorry to hi jack the thread but its gotta stop somewhere.


I would love to meet one these girls who likes idiots yelling at them from outside the car. Every female I have ever known has not liked this.

Why are they suddenly zero-tolerance with traffic offences? have you not watched the news once in the last 3 years or more? there are always deaths, and 'Hoon' related offenses. As much as I hate that word there are people out there that created this image for other enthusiasts.

I can't really comment on your court case as I know neither side of the story.

Yeah well haha, the chicks.. walk down George Street someday.

And scream something stupid lol.

U'll see what i mean.

Not all of them are like that .

Well anyways, yeah i have been watching the news, but i thought atleast the judicial system would know enough to sift through the true hoons and the actual enthusiasts themselves. ok im gonna' admit i havent had the cleanest record driving. But i enjoy myself more now then before, lookign after the car and stuff.

I wasnt a hoon, lets say a young idiotic driver. Ive grown out of that, and i think the cops should actually take that into account because the whole hooning thing is dying out, and people in the young community look down upon it. yet the cops keep raising the bar.


Anyways, i could start with petrol aswell >.<

haha :D


My car is 100% a target. Bright green, mismatched rims atm (need spacers hehe) T wing, runs rich / backfires - the works.

Yet after being pulled over twice in one day (on my way TO a cruise funnily enough) not once did my bonnet go up. Since then I have been pulled over 3 or 4 times - I could set a record here... but not once have I been defected.

I attribute this to 3 possible factors:

1) being female - that initial look of surprise is precious. they always have to look twice to see if someone else is in the car. Then the first words out of their mouth --> "Do you own this vehicle?". I never used to think it made much of a difference but when you are in a pig like mine, they always have to ask...

2) I am polite, and not looking shit scared/suspicious when pulled over. I know I've done nothing wrong, and that its just a random check. And despite them thinking I might have illegal parts / devices in my car, if I dont make them suspicious, they wont take it further. I suppose the fact that I dont speed etc makes a difference. If people are caught 10 - 15km over then they would have more reason to search your car.

3) Sheer dumb LUCK - I lived in Mandurah and recently moved to perth. Never been pulled over before until I moved to the city. Cant explain that other than that there would be more police up here :D

I don't understand why so many people think that if you're poliete, you won't be touched.

From experience it's not the case. With me anyways. I'm not scared, I'm poliete. I got pulled over, i stepped out of the car, got told to get back in the car even though it was a quiet residential area... I'd done nothing wrong, they just saw my front mount and wanted to defect me. When they found out it was engineered, they went through the car so they could find something else. I was courteous, and poliete - even though they decided it was ok by them to make me late for work, wouldn't let me leave, etc. and were being absolute pricks about it. End of the day: if they decide to be arse clowns, the hell can you do about it? Manipulation of power.

The only decent experiences I've had with poliece has been when they've legitimately RBT'd me, and that was in a stock car; in which case they're nice, do their jobs, and let me go, no hassels.

Thats true, seems pretty good for you.

But god, if you check out what happens down here in NSW, i dunno how it is everywhere else but they are damn harsh down here.

My mate lost her licence because one of her P Plates wasnt on, it fell off during a cruise.

Lost her licence in the first week.

They dont believe people steal p plates even though they are cable tied. . like me. Got suspended for it !

Dunno whats going on.

How is everyone else feeling ?


Maybe I've been lucky or maybe it does come down to attitude. I work nights so due to driving around mostly at around 4am in an import I've been pulled over A LOT. On average about 3-4 times a week for a year. My car sounds angry, has gauges on the dash and not much else to give it away. So far, I haven't been defected once, I'm now on a first name basis with the local police and they still pull me over for rbts and that's about it.

I've always been polite to them and they've caught me doing the wrong thing twice now(nothing crazy though) and still just wagged a finger at me. The car was black with a very modest, streamlined look to it so maybe this helped not looking like a ricer. Only once have they checked under the bonnet and poked around and they didn't hassle me over it even with the Garret turbo staring back at them.

Be polite and don't give them a reason to get into you, that's my 2 cents.

Been there done that man.

They still act like total pricks.

Maybe its cause im only 18 and rolling around in a R34. But truly i dont know why they have to go beyond what they need to, to pin something on me. Maybe because they have an ego?

Human nature maybe?

Ive been thinking about it alot. Crime still rises, yet they still have their radars on full alert on traffic offences.


P.S 18, Bankstown, Sydney.. Instant suspect -.- .. Friggin' stereotypes!

Edited by MR_XTC

Heres a tip if a officer pulls you over greet them with hey SIR/OFFICER hows your night. Instantly this removes the "great another import owner fear" Ive driven in alot of peoples car and been pulled over and the police get the responce of roll eyes, unpolite etc.

A general amount of chit chat is good, mainly because it will make the experence alot better. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting booked if your polite you'll come out of it 70/30. either way thinking wow that officer was nice, hope he gets some baddies tonight. The officer will think wow this bloke is alright wish all import drivers were as good as him. Heres a tip SMILE!

In all honestly, your suburb spells it to the officer. Your tone of voice prepairs him for whats ahead. Your body language implies if your hiding something or are particularly suss. Disabling your engine once they pull you over is a No-no once again something to hide. They learn how to read a person, why act like you have something to hide if you dont?

Lastly a Atmo is like screaming book me, and a number plate like ONBAIL is just a target.

This is my thoughts, If I was a police officer this would make my shit night good and i'd leave you alone. Dont forget they pull you over they have a diary and write down anything suss, I believe it is there next time too.

Edited by DECIM8
Heres a tip if a officer pulls you over greet them with hey SIR/OFFICER hows your night. Instantly this removes the "great another import owner fear" Ive driven in alot of peoples car and been pulled over and the police get the responce of roll eyes, unpolite etc.

A general amount of chit chat is good, mainly because it will make the experence alot better. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting booked if your polite you'll come out of it 70/30. either way thinking wow that officer was nice, hope he gets some baddies tonight. The officer will think wow this bloke is alright wish all import drivers were as good as him. Heres a tip SMILE!

In all honestly, your suburb spells it to the officer. Your tone of voice prepairs him for whats ahead. Your body language implies if your hiding something or are particularly suss. Disabling your engine once they pull you over is a No-no once again something to hide. They learn how to read a person, why act like you have something to hide if you dont?

Lastly a Atmo is like screaming book me, and a number plate like ONBAIL is just a target.

This is my thoughts, If I was a police officer this would make my shit night good and i'd leave you alone. Dont forget they pull you over they have a diary and write down anything suss, I believe it is there next time too.

+1 with u mate

The thing is Police see people with SAU stick as enthusiasts not hoons

Sorry to saya that 99.9% wouldnt even know. .9% would recognise it and still give you a ticket and .1% may be sympathetic. Car club stickers mean very little

The laws on that are VERY clear. I have them in the car now. The plate can be wherever it wants to be on the front of the car, but it has to be viewable from a 45 degree angle from the center of the car and 10m back (i think).

You are right. 45 degrees in all directions at a distance of 20 metres and the plate must be gernerally parrallel to the axle

Why are the cops suddenly so "zero tolerance" on driving / traffic offences ?

Why get so serious now? People are just becoming more rebellious and having the wrong idea of the law and the law enforcer's.


Sorry to burst your bubble but traffic enforcement is not new. It has been happening for yonks. You may have just noticed it because you have come under notice.

Sorry to saya that 99.9% wouldnt even know. .9% would recognise it and still give you a ticket and .1% may be sympathetic. Car club stickers mean very little

You are right. 45 degrees in all directions at a distance of 20 metres and the plate must be gernerally parrallel to the axle

Sorry to burst your bubble but traffic enforcement is not new. It has been happening for yonks. You may have just noticed it because you have come under notice.

100% correct.

I think there are too many day dreaming P-platers on here believing their own rhetoric.

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