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It came to my attention that there are a great deal of unclosed posts in the WA for sale section.

Many of these have been requested to be closed by the memeber whom created them.

When I asked Dan the Man he told me to use the "report" function, which I have never used before to send notes to the moderators of the specified area about the topic in question.

I was then suspended for using the "report" function too much.

I therefore have two questions;

- what is the policy that the WA mods in the for sale section use?

- how many report's may one make before being suspended?

I would like to make a suggestion that the mods of the for sale section do a regular check (monthly?) on the recent items that have sold and close the topics.

I would say that the for sale section gets used a great deal on the WA forum and it would benefit the users if it was cleared.

When I was browsing I noted a possible 10 or more threads that I myself would deem closed, this was within the space of 10 minutes or less.

I am aware that the mods are voluntary and therefore do not always have the time available to do this, however I would like to note that the vast majority of them are on sauwa for at least 2 hours or more a day and would deffinately have the capacity in this time to do so.

1. There is no need to lock For Sale thread, in time due to forum setup that will disappear off the general bar.

2. Closing each and every thread is (simply put) a waste of Mod/Admin's time.

So in short, if someone wants thier thread locked, they can use the report button, otherwise just leave them and ignore them.

so in answering the questions presented;

the current system in place is if the creator of a topic reports their own post and asks for it to be closed

is there anywhere that tells users this?

most people i know just put a new post in the thread 'mods pls delete'

no, the current system is there is no need for the threads to be locked/closed/deleted/whatever. the thread creator simply makes a post stating :"items sold" or similar and then it's all taken care of :D

I wouldn't let it worry you too much. :(

so what is the point in a moderator closing their own for sale thread.

why can they not just do the same as everyone else and go - "item sold"?

also, can someone tell me how many reports im allowed to make before i am suspended?

Back to my point - do not report threads that are not yours.

Its pretty simple, and pretty basic. If you keep spamming the report button, expect to be suspended so that you cannot do so anymore.

Reporting posts is there for a constructive reason to the board, not because you think a thread should be closed (thats not yours)

In all honesty, i feel your questions are almost irrelevant based on the explanation of how this board runs, hence i didn't answer them and informed you of how the board works.

Threads will NOT be closed unless the THREAD STARTER reports them and asks for closer for a specific reason.

If a mod/admin wants to close their thread, they can. Its no different to them hitting "report post" and "notifying" themselves... which would kinda be a bit stupid...

Does any of that make sense?

it does make sense

now this leads me to another questions..

in what other circumstances may i use the report post function?

say someone was being agressive and demonstrating behaviour inappropriate on sau.. am i able to report their post?

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