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Tarmac Rallying Perpetual Thread

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So... the white dragon has officially gone to a new home.

Not afraid to admit it is now sitting in my hot little hands. Cheers Snowy!

Thanks for somehow bringing yourself to sell it - it will be well looked after and hopefully I can do it some justice!

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The BMW looks WAY too tail happy to be a contender for showroom...

What about the Renault Sport Megane 265 Trophy?


I am by no means a fan of Renault (I hate the french, must be ze German in me), but this ticks a lot of boxes!

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Yeah the idea of Showroom doesn't excite me though. Only because for me I like the challenge of the build and tinkering with stuff that might be too limited in Showroom.

And the reality is the main reason I sold the 34 was so I could have a crack at outright.

Not fully committed with exactly what car though yet as for me there are other considerations than just Targa for what I want to do in the car in the future. But will look at all the options. Am starting to think that an EMO X might even be one which has me seriously looking in the mirror!

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^^^^ EMO's are ghey Snowy. Dont do it. :) Although as you and I would freely admit, they save you getting found out as being a hack driver. :) Would probabaly have to leave fritz (BMW anti crash electronic talent) switched on in the 1M to maintain the illusion. Even with good setup, I imagine it would be quite a handful.

I definately prefer your idea of doing the 35 with your own twist on it.

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get a 370z and take on reeves in showroom

Friend of mine is going to sprint a 370Z, stock MoTec managed engine did 375hp on an engine dyno the other day.

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Yeah the idea of Showroom doesn't excite me though. Only because for me I like the challenge of the build and tinkering with stuff that might be too limited in Showroom.

And the reality is the main reason I sold the 34 was so I could have a crack at outright.

Not fully committed with exactly what car though yet as for me there are other considerations than just Targa for what I want to do in the car in the future. But will look at all the options. Am starting to think that an EMO X might even be one which has me seriously looking in the mirror!

Oh my, how times have changed... :ban:

Either way it must be an exciting tiome for you with so many options on the horizon. The thrill of the chase is almost the best part :thumbsup:

Friend of mine is going to sprint a 370Z, stock MoTec managed engine did 375hp on an engine dyno the other day.

That's very impressive. What kind of fuel?

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Heya all :)

Just thought I'd pop my head in and introduce myself as a tarmac newbie.

I've built a fast and fun RX3 sedan for street/circuit entirely on my own (hence GOD12A) and recently sold it off to buy a car I could thrash to hell and back. Namely a 32GTR.

I attended Targa Tassie last year as support for the purple Starlight Foundation RX7/Redback Racing MX5 and really enjoyed myself as Targa Tassie has been on my to-do list for MANY years.

The new toy has run T/Tassie a few years back and still in similar trim (less the 'old skool' bolt-in cage), registered in NSW and driving the streets.

I'm keen to hit as many track days and thrash events to learn how to drive this thing, wait till after rego next year, cage 'er up and get into this tarmac stuff with an eventual goal of T/Tassie after a few smaller (cheaper) tarmac events.

In the mean time, step down on the rotor bashing!! hahahaa My 12a had a limiter at 10500 and I bounced off it virtually every gear on the track. She's lasted over 3yrs worth of trackdays, burnouts and street thrashing with no signs of letting up. Not bad for a little 12a bridgeport with standard Mazda internals. If they're build right (read: non ethnic engine assembler. I'm wog so I can say it!) they'll last with a little mechanical sympathy.

On a side note, is there anyone in western Sydney that tarmacs a 32R? I'd be keen for a chat/beer about rules/regs and general setup ideas. I live in the lower blue mountains and never actuslly sat in a GTR till I drove 900kms and picked up my current rig, so I have no idea on these Nissan things and keen to get my nerd-on.

Thanks for reading my life story!

Mark :)

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That's very impressive. What kind of fuel?

Not sure but knowing the owner I'd say ordinary pump petrol. Current Nissan V6's are a good thing, a bit neglected in AU.

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Believe the rally skyline stronghold is in the shire.

On the other hand, if you're interested in getting out of that rubbish Datsun and into an older superior classic tarmac rotary, which will cost a shedload less than building and running a gtr, have I got a deal for you!:ban:

There is someone in the western 'burbs who ran a 32 and managed to fell timber on all occasions he competed, who I haven't spoken to for some time - if you're absolutely desperate - certainly wouldn't have any insight into current regs. His engine builder is in the foothills though, who's usually up for a chat.

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Thanks MARLIN :)

2PEE, the shire?! People actually live down there??

Thanks but no thanks on the rotor thing. I couldn't bring myself to wreck the RX3, that's the only reason I sold it after owning her for 13+yrs!

If I put the 32 on it's lid, I wont be happy but I wont cry either. The RX3 was my baby, the 32R is my skanky little track whore...

How far out west we talking? Like Parramatta or Orange? I'm always up for a chat with anyone who knows their shit :thumbsup:

Mark :)

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haha depends if you want good advice or not.

Steve at Just Jap has always been super helpful, and is across the regs as they keep changing. Pete (Fatz) is in the lower blue mountains as well, but his car hasn't turned a wheel yet. I can help where possible (although it's been a few years), and Kel does pretty much every rally (tarmac and gravel)

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Thanks DUNCAN!

Is Steve from JustJap friendly with people who don't spend $$$ with them? I just wanna learn shit, I'm not a fanboy of any workshop!!

Pete's a karndt, I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I could kick him...

Who's Kel? Good for nerdy car stuff?

Mark :)

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