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Final Fantasy Xiii For 360? Believe It...


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HD E3 announcement here: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36267.html

Quote from Kotaku AU

"Breaking news from the Microsoft E3 2008 press conference. Square Enix head honcho Yoichi Wada took the stage to announce Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360.

Yes, just take a moment to soak that up. Final Fantasy XIII coming to the Xbox 360. Holy f**king shit. Simultaneous release in Europe and North America with PS3. Wow."

My response:

This news knocked me off my chair...

Not exactly happy with it though... whats the point of owning a console if the only decent exclusive is MGS4? (i dont really care for Resistance 2/Killzone 2) This wouldve been a major seller for the PS3, boosting sales of the console... Looks like Sony shouldve thrown more money at S-E...

It seems everything is going multiplatform... due to the amount it costs for games to be made, they need to re-coup that... but it then leaves no competition between consoles... (although M$ seem to hold on to their exclusives better/longer than Sony holds theirs, if at all...)

But i guess its good for FF fans who own a 360 to get it on the action... Lets see S-E try and release it on the Wii...

I wonder if Versus will still be an exclusive?

Ill still be grabbing FFXIII on PS3.

A comment made on Kotaku that i agree with:

"by Amazon_Chris at 10:11 AM 15/7/08

@GTA4er: The one thing I really feel kicked in the balls about right now isn't that it's multiplatform. I feel upset that they led us on for two years saying wasn't, and then they pulled the rug out from under us. Hell, I'll still play it on my Playstation. It's not like it magically ISN'T on the Playstation any more. It isn't like Square came in and said," 360 Exclusive. **** the rest of you."

If there's one thing that it reinforces, it's the notion that, other than a few exceptions, third party exclusives are dead. Do I think money changed hands on this? Yeah, I do. Not because it's such a big title, but because the announcement came so late in development.Hell, I think they aid above (correct me if I am wrong, please) that they haven't actually started the Xbox version of it. So, I guess that means it's a port then? Either way, other than stuff like Metal Gear Solid and Gears of War (PS3 and 360 respectively), third party exclusives are dead, and it's a company's first party exclusives that will, ultimately, make or break the console."

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I can imagine many game forums self-imploding haha I'll grab it for the PS3 too - since I pissed off the Xbox 360 awhile ago but it would feel more right at home on the PS3.

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Sony have dropped the ball

Killzone 2 and resistance 2 are the only two decent exclusives left in the arsenal, who knows how they will turn out either.

Sony will be holding on to mgs4 for dear life.

Personally i dont care thats the beauty of owning both systems

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Ehh i'm not really worried, exclusive games from 3rd party developers are becoming a thing of a past.

As long as sony, microsoft, and nintendo continue to make great first party games there is always going to be a reason to buy each console.

For example i'll have a ps3 for GT5, i'll have my xbox for Halo, and i personally wouldn't touch a nintendo console nowadays but where else can i play mario?

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So I wonder how long it will be before MGS4 comes out on 360? :ermm: I'm still looking forward to God of War 3 on the PS3, even though all they had showing of it at E3 this year was a CGI trailer.

Edited by MacGuyver
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