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A stupid question I know but how exactly do you get to the oil filter on an R33 GTR?

I've got some extras in the engine bay that are certainly getting in the way and making it harder than usual, but even after we moved them last time I couldn't get the filter out from the top even with an oil wrench.

There seemed to be something behind the oil filter, there's some aftermarket lines running to it but it seems to be in the stock position or slightly lower on the car.

Is there any way to get to the oil filter from underneath?

Or is there an easy way to get it from on top?

What do I need to take off to get access to it more easily?

Compliance didn't even try to change the oil as it was too hard...



The thing behind the oil filter more then likely would be a sandwhich plate... and those wires are would be connected to gauges you have in your car... im guessing oil temp and oil pressure?

Pics would be good... that way we could see and tell you possible solutions...

yeah its very hard to get ya oil filter of. On my r32 Gts4 was hard to, cause of the 4wd system in the way and some other crap. A 5min job took me like all day to get it of in the end, what i did in the end was get a long flat head screw driver and hammer and punch a hole in the oil filter and use it as a lever to make it lose, then ya can undo it with ya hand. I had to drop my oil filter onto the ground cause it was to tight to get it through the top with everything in the way. I reckon thats why alot of people with gtrs go and do the oil relocate kit makes it alot easier :)

The thing behind the oil filter more then likely would be a sandwhich plate... and those wires are would be connected to gauges you have in your car... im guessing oil temp and oil pressure?

Pics would be good... that way we could see and tell you possible solutions...

Yes I have a temperature gauge in the car for the oil, that could be why its there.

I tried to take pictures but I can't get anywhere near the oil filter until I take some things out, and even then its extremely difficult to see the filter....

madevo3, I'm a little worried about punching a hole through it in case I can't get one back on there.

And relocation kits are expensive, I'd rather get a full oil cooler kit but the Japanese ones are very expensive and the Chinese ones have issues with leaking occasionally.

I've seen a couple on this forum I might check out...



They are a right royal PITA. You might have to move the aftermarket stuff to get access; what looks to be a Greddy boost sensor, solenoid, grounding cables, and coolant thingo. Maybe the injector resistor ballast too.

I find the tools cumbersome. When you can reach it, clean it with some throttlebody / brake cleaner for a good grip. Loud swearing helps too :)

Edited by GeeTR
They are a right royal PITA. You might have to move the aftermarket stuff to get access; what looks to be a Greddy boost sensor, solenoid, grounding cables, and coolant thingo. Maybe the injector resistor ballast too.

I find the tools cumbersome. When you can reach it, clean it with some throttlebody / brake cleaner for a good grip. Loud swearing helps too :D

Yes, we managed to move most of that out of the way last time and tried the swearing trick but wasted about 40mins trying to get a oil filter wrench around it to get it out.

I think the only way is to move some of the things out of the way and then try and reach the filter by hand :)

I have the same proplem its like a nightmare i get lot's of cuts up and down my hands and arms. Some times it get stuck on, Thats even more of a nightmare to get off so i need call some one who is very very strong to turn it for me.

Hi there, to keep skin on I use riggers gloves, $10 from safety gear stockist (Alsafe etc)

To get oil filter off, once you access it, people have used those cloths you get from Woolies to grab onto tight jamjar lids etc. Dunno what they're called but.

I relocated mine in the Stag 'cos it was a pain to get at but compared to mine your's looks like a freakin nightmare, take the weekend off from chasin the fairer sex :) bite the bullet & fit an oil filter relocator.

Cheers & good luck.


I relocated mine in the Stag 'cos it was a pain to get at but compared to mine your's looks like a freakin nightmare, take the weekend off from chasin the fairer sex :D bite the bullet & fit an oil filter relocator.

Haha, I think the fact that I'm pretty short is making it harder, the filter is out of my reach :)

Anyway, if I do oil-filter relocation I might as well do oil cooler as well, I'm considering paying someone to install it as I'm not too good mechanically...

  • 2 weeks later...
Haha, I think the fact that I'm pretty short is making it harder, the filter is out of my reach :)

Anyway, if I do oil-filter relocation I might as well do oil cooler as well, I'm considering paying someone to install it as I'm not too good mechanically...

Hi there. Hope you got it sorted, btw those plastic crates that deliver milk (maybe) & are often orphans were made for short people. I have a pair somewhere. ;) Just make sure shirt/hoodie is overlaying belt buckle. F%#ks paintjob quicksmart.

Cheers GW

Hi there. Hope you got it sorted, btw those plastic crates that deliver milk (maybe) & are often orphans were made for short people. I have a pair somewhere. ;) Just make sure shirt/hoodie is overlaying belt buckle. F%#ks paintjob quicksmart.

Haha, not sorted yet, I think there's something custom down there, I know there's oil restriction lines but I *think* the oil filter is standard, haven't been able to get it off yet.

I made some inquiries about getting an oil cooler installed but I'm looking at around $400 :)

No issues with changing the filter once I had a relocator fitted.


Nice, but my current filter is about half or a quarter the size of a Z145A and I can't seem to remove it, its some weird black filter.

Once I finally get the damn thing off I'll start looking at relocation and cooler kits, current install price is looking like $400 unless I do it myself or find a cheaper mechanic :cool:

I had a tiny assed black filter on my R33 GTSt when I first bought it, quickly replaced it with a Ryco Z145A :blink:

Good luck on getting the dammed thing off. Mine is easy to get to, but I'm still considering getting it relocated just for simplicity. :)

I'm 6'3", although getting to the filter is fecking hard, its surly not impossible, specially for someone a tad smaller.

Have you got a neighbors 10y you can bribe with candy... seriously lol :D

Hey, I can get to the filter, but I can't turn it, no one who has tried so far can :P

I need a tool to get it off, so need to find something small enough to fit into the tiny space there and still be able to turn it...I've gotten 2 oil filter removal tools in there can't turn either once it's in.

Oh cool, you (or someone) can get there hands onto it now - can you get both hands on it? Are they slipping off, or can you just not get enough torque on it? Rem to clean with brake cleaner to get some friction. Sounds like its getting seriousally not fun ;)

Oh cool, you (or someone) can get there hands onto it now - can you get both hands on it? Are they slipping off, or can you just not get enough torque on it? Rem to clean with brake cleaner to get some friction. Sounds like its getting seriousally not fun :D

One hand at a time on it, can't get both in there :D

Its not lightly done up as my hands aren't that weak, and a few people have tried.

Not enough torque on it, a few of the things on the car have been done up super-tight, looks like the oil filter is one of them :D

I'm considering sticking a screw drier through it but I'm nervous about doing that :ermm:

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