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Well I'm still on my 1st P, only did my licensing after year 1 Uni. & on my 10month on my P I got no fines, & the main car I drove was the R33.

So I think I can handle the R33 fine.

So anyone know, when these power bans will come into affect (some guys at uni were saying that its planned for the end of the year)? or is it still in the "planning" stages, as I can't find any info on the WA licensing website.

Hope it only affects the drivers who got their Ps after the effective date, otherwise I got no car to drive ;) ... just like now...

Lol, no...

These changes won't be made for another 2 years or so... Thats how long laws take to change. Even for something more important than "p-plater laws" take ages and ages to come into effect. It's just the system.

EDIT: also has the premier or the opposition said anythinh about it yet??? cause you don't have to worry about what the police and cannel 7 think, at the end of the day its in the hands of alan carpenter and troy chairsniffer

Edited by -Dukes-

Oh thats good news, :cool:, I'll be off my Ps by then.

& considering I just got my car back from the panel shop after 2 month, don't want be that I just got it back & then get told that I can't drive it anymore.

I am almost sertain that if u were on your P plates and u own a performance car they could not tell u cant drive it. I think it will be that your not allowed to buy a high performance car until u of P. So if u already had one u should be fine. They cant make u sell something if u already own it or am I wrong??????

I am almost sertain that if u were on your P plates and u own a performance car they could not tell u cant drive it. I think it will be that your not allowed to buy a high performance car until u of P. So if u already had one u should be fine. They cant make u sell something if u already own it or am I wrong??????

Assuming they do it like the other states, you would be correct. If you already had it in your name, you can get an exemption. And you will no doubt be stopped by every second cop asking to see the exemption lol.

Assuming they do it like the other states, you would be correct. If you already had it in your name, you can get an exemption. And you will no doubt be stopped by every second cop asking to see the exemption lol.

They'll pull you over with p plates anyway, lol...

Lol true.

Anyway, since this is somewhat related.. Since when is cutting a corner something they can take your licence for? A mate just got done for it tonight in his $400 excel (his zed is off the road). Since he's on P's, he will have to do his L's again in 6 months when the suspension is over. Unless he contests it, which I'm trying to get him to do.

Also, seeing as I'm in a ranting mood, there's no f**king "end roadworks" sign on the bit of Tonkin where roadworks are. I was doing 40, passed them, still no sign to say I could speed up, kept doing 40.. Eventually sped up to the non-roadworks limit while being paranoid about being hoon-lawed for doing 100 in a 40 zone. Damn laws are making me more paranoid and focusing on being legal more than being safe lol..

Edited by s2k12

Same here, I'm always on the look out for speed cams & every time I pass by one, I get paranoid that my speedo is not working right & I might be doing 61km/h instead of 60km/h as show on the speedo.

So far so good...

Don't get me started on sticking to the speed limits and being safe! I have had the belief for a long time that if you're constantly looking at your speedo to make sure you don't get flashed then you're not looking at the road enough!

Don't get me started on sticking to the speed limits and being safe! I have had the belief for a long time that if you're constantly looking at your speedo to make sure you don't get flashed then you're not looking at the road enough!

Replace "your speedo" with "the side of road" in my case, lol

Don't get me started on sticking to the speed limits and being safe! I have had the belief for a long time that if you're constantly looking at your speedo to make sure you don't get flashed then you're not looking at the road enough!

Haha I agree. I almost hit a pole on L's for that exact reason LOL.

But I'm willing to sacrifice safety for a clean licence, especially knowing how f**ked I would be if I ever wanted to get a job that involves driving. My mate with the excel that lost his licence will now be jobless too, unless he contests it and manages to keep his licence.

Haven't they brought in a thing where you can opt for a 12month double or nothing good behaviour bond or something instead of losing your license? i.e. you land a 6month suspension, you can opt for a 12month good behaviour bond where if you get caught for anything you get double the original suspension?

I heard they were doing this and getting rid of Extraordinary licenses..

Replace "your speedo" with "the side of road" in my case, lol

With every minute of driving I'm doing...

65% looking at the road (proper driving)

20% looking at the side of the road for speed cam/cop with speed gun/cop in general

15% checking speedo so I don't get done for speeding.

Exhausting... :P

Haven't they brought in a thing where you can opt for a 12month double or nothing good behaviour bond or something instead of losing your license? i.e. you land a 6month suspension, you can opt for a 12month good behaviour bond where if you get caught for anything you get double the original suspension?

I heard they were doing this and getting rid of Extraordinary licenses..

Only for if you lose your licence from collecting demerit points. And only if you aren't a P-plater.

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