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Hoodie Orders!


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Uhh Adrien I used Netbank to transfer the $50 immediately after I posted. I took a screen shot of the receipt page just in case, do you need me to send it to you? It may not go through immediately though, but I definitely paid.

If there's any issues please let me know, Tom.

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Net bank is pritty much an instant tranfer i beleve so it should have gone in just after you completed the online form...atleast mine did any way and has every other time when using it.

yaaayy for hoodies haha cant wait :cool:

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Net bank is pritty much an instant tranfer i beleve so it should have gone in just after you completed the online form...atleast mine did any way and has every other time when using it.

yaaayy for hoodies haha cant wait :cool:

It is instant transfer from commonwealth bank to other commonwealth bank account... commonwealth bank to non-commonwealth bank takes 1-3 days to show up on the other account depending on the other bank.

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wait till the whole transaction is over with then do ratings :cool: yours will sky rocket GB ftw on trade rating

ps... im not gonna go chasing up who havent paid!!

if i dont have cash u miss out! bad luck! u have had 2 weeks!

any problems let me know!


now to trader rate everyone hahahahah

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It is instant transfer from commonwealth bank to other commonwealth bank account... commonwealth bank to non-commonwealth bank takes 1-3 days to show up on the other account depending on the other bank.

well there ya go ya learn something new every day :cool:

hmm im wondering if i should have botherd with postage now lol,it would prob be better if i picked it up so i could meet everyone one who i havnt already met.

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Sorry dude, just got back from 3 months in the middle east and only saw the post yesterday. Just return the money then if that's ok.

ps... im not gonna go chasing up who havent paid!!

if i dont have cash u miss out! bad luck! u have had 2 weeks!

any problems let me know!


now to trader rate everyone hahahahah

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if anyone paid last night via internet banking i will honor it ONLY if u show me a copy of the transaction! ie scan it and send it to me!!

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mm didnt get on in this one, might try for the next one. was thinking i might just be able to go to t-shirt city and get the design done myself, was thinking id just reduce the size of the SAU on the front, instead of the S on top and the AU on the bottom, just a smaller SAU in line, roughly the same size as the name next to it.

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Will probably be stupidly expensive for the shop to set it all up for one shirt nisskid, but if you do, let us know what the price was.

Guys, don't forget to trader rate me to :cool:

Thanks alot to everyone who paid cash last night with their exact (or very close to) change, makes it 100x easier to manage.

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Yes well we can only trader rating both of uze when we get the goods that how the deal goes! LOL does that mean u have to trader rating us aswel as RAD coz we went through the both of u????

YAY were gunna look bitchen together

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you want a top looking T-shirt you will have to ask Jess aka >>Sinful<< about this


mm didnt get on in this one, might try for the next one. was thinking i might just be able to go to t-shirt city and get the design done myself, was thinking id just reduce the size of the SAU on the front, instead of the S on top and the AU on the bottom, just a smaller SAU in line, roughly the same size as the name next to it.
Will probably be stupidly expensive for the shop to set it all up for one shirt nisskid, but if you do, let us know what the price was.

Guys, don't forget to trader rate me to :cool:

Thanks alot to everyone who paid cash last night with their exact (or very close to) change, makes it 100x easier to manage.

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