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Damaged Sills/rails/jacking points.


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strange question here.

I was about to jack my car up the other day and noticed the jacking points along the rails of the car have been damaged by a previous owner jacking the car incorrectly and basically popping the jeneral area there in. I was thinking of just folding the rail bit back out but does anyone know how much a beater would approx charge to fix it? Just worried about rust although not alot of paint is gone.

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Car could have been moved around at the auctions/docks/wherever it has been with a fork-lift. Wouldn't be too worried if it is just the lip that has been bent, but if the chassis rail is crushed (it is that fat box section about 1/2 a foot under the car) might pay to get it looked at. I have a slight crush on the left chassis rail, but it is structurally sound. Just get it touched up if there is a bit of rust.

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Guest RedLineGTR

sometimes they use different jacks that dont have the proper supports and it crushes it alittle. I straightened mine out and went over it with some paint good new.

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This is a very common problem, usually caused by idiot forklift drivers on the docks. My panelbeater patched mine up when I got the respray done, he welded some new metal in there. It's not very pretty, but it's straight again and sealed and painted so it's not going to rust anytime soon.

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i dont let anyone jack my car up from the rails or sill panels . when i buy tyres i tell them the only place to jack it up from is the diff from rear and the crossmember under the engine from the front . i also tell them they cant use a rattle gun to undo or do up the wheel nuts , if they dont want to do it i do it myself . u'll find that rattle guns mark the chrome nuts and some idiots do them to tight and snap the studs . or they are done very tight the studs are stressed and they break next time u undo them .

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