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Awesome, FTG Nissan is a stones throw from my joint.. Im so gonna dress up in one of my nice suites, and pretend im gonna buy one, just to get a test drive. :D

you an 10,000 other people

Nissan Australia won't be delivering any R35's until at least 2010 - Straight from the horses mouth

That ridiculous considering it was released in Jp in 2007 and the USA in 2008! Fkn NissanAu!

Great news for importers, those 'who dwell on the fringe' and other certain Beer Barons.

If anyone does get one of those letter, feel free to PM and I can draft up a reply to go out on your company letterhead.

Yes I am qualified!

What? Qualified to write letters? :glare:

you an 10,000 other people

Ace! ;)

Fixed :(


hey Blitz does the horses mouth have a name and position title within Nissan?

so this means that the gamble has paid off those fringe dwellers? because 2010 puts it WAAAAY outside the 18month window yes?

wooooo, my gf is friends with the daughter of one of the managers for one of the shops, woooo, test drive baby, test drive, and if the dont come out to 2010 more time to possible get one, how long do you think they will stay in production 2015????

wooooo, my gf is friends with the daughter of one of the managers for one of the shops, woooo, test drive baby, test drive, and if the dont come out to 2010 more time to possible get one, how long do you think they will stay in production 2015????

If we go by past GTR Manufacturing dates, you would think the production life cycle of the 35 will be around 5 years.

So there is a problem for Nissan Aust that is all too familiar. Like the S15, they were too late to get on the bandwagon. They had a double whammy of production ceasing not that long after they started to sell them, and importers could (and did) bring in any pre-nissan Aust. s15's. IF they are to sell the 35 in 2010, it will already be around 60% of its production life cycle! No wonder they are allegedly threatening legal action....they have seen this all before.

However you could argue that the number of S15's bought into the country (by importers) compared to the number sold from Nissan Aust was insignificant. This would obviously be due to the fact there wasn't a 60k markup on them, and there was more people willing to pay 40k for an S15 than 160k for a GTR.

So getting back onto the production life cycle, does that mean Nissan Aust can only sell the GTR for 2-3 years before another model is introduced, in which case we have to wait another 3 years for that to be sold here?

To be honest, im not surprised that Ferntree Gully got the nod, a little surprised about werribee, but if you look at turnover of cars, they are both the major retailers here. What I am surprised is that Brighton didnt get the nod as I would have thought the demographic for the GTR would be perfect for that area.

ahh cool thanks for the info, do you think though, with the way things are moving, petrol etc they they will continue to invest down this path, by producing a new car that soon, does anyone see an alternative fuel skyline on the distant horizon, H2, gas, water/fuel, ethanol, or god forbid electric???? or do we think there will be one more petrol gtr before that happens. (yes yes how long is a piece of string)

personally i would milk the hype and love for this gtr 8 or so years,

Edited by INVRTD

Test Drive - I doubt they will exist.

I purchased a WRX at the height of their popularity in '99 and the dealer had no stock for test drives as they were all pre-sold. The only option they gave me was that when the one I ordered came in (in 3 months) I could take it for a test spin and if I didn't want it then I could walk away.

I am seriously considering purchasing an R35 but Nissan are likely to be wanting $5k+ in Oct and then to not deliver until 2010+ stinks, mid 2009 I could live with.

I'm in, just brought a lottery ticket - when it wins, I'll be buying one, maybe I should use my ticket as a deposit hahahaha.

At $160K it'll ONLY be lottery winners, IT guru's, lease deals, doctors, lawyers, accountants and rip off merchants [including nissan dealers] that will have one.

Well, If my investments work out how I plan, hopefully I will have my ass planted in a R35 at the latest 2013?!.. fingers crossed

lol! investments never turn out how "YOU" want them! You may have ya GTR by 2023!!! lol!

What I am surprised is that Brighton didnt get the nod as I would have thought the demographic for the GTR would be perfect for that area.

1) technically it's not "Brighton" it's on the wrong side of the tracks, ie... wrong side of Nepean hwy, it MIGHT be east brighton, but i think really it's another suburb altogether

2) Have you been there???? I get my fuel/oil filters from there and the parts/service desk has Nissan on the left and.... wait for it....... HYUNDAI on the right. Same desk, about 3-4 metres wide, 1 side Datsun, 1 side Hyundai. I don't think $150K+ GTR owners are going to line up and try and talk over the discussion a metre to their right about when Thelma should bring her excel in for the next service.

Nobody gives a shit there, showroom is shithouse, and the "service" desk it laughable, the workshop looks pretty agricultural as well. There is not a snowballs chance in hell you could sell/service a GTR there.

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